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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    sundown lincoln

    Maan you change cars like I change speakers, I guess its gonna be another Lincoln huh?
  2. jcarter1885

    sundown lincoln

    How are you liking your front stage so far, even though vids cant tell much it sounds great so far. I cant wait to get my Neo-Pro 8"s in, got one pair now and will probably get another for the rear doors.
  3. jcarter1885

    Fun little "SQ" project I'm starting today

    If you make another one Ill take it of your hands Jacob, sounds more up my alley.
  4. Yes you have to call Navid @ Crescendo Audio, look on the contact page for his number to place an order. Leave a message if he doesnt answer, he will call back usually the same day depending if he is busy or not. I would go with Crescendo if you can, Audioque has products at good prices as well. I personally went with a Cadence amp . Since I knew I would upgrade in the future, they make good quality amps and wanted a temporary amp.
  5. Didnt know you can read tone or attitude in words on a keyboard, wow I must be getting old. Watch your mouth buddy but seriously re-read it and tell me where I personally attacked you. I answered your question and if money is a factor then you answered your own question before making this thread. What im saying so you wont think im attacking you is Sundown are not the only amps out there that are being used in installs, do research and search this forum before posting as well cause questions might already be answered.
  6. jcarter1885

    New ZED Product Photos

    You gotta let me know how the RA does, looking to replace my Epic-160.
  7. Here's an example: I ran a Sundown 125.2 on some Eminence Alpha 6a midrange drivers, played well and got warm when abused. I ran the same exact setup on an MB Quart 2150 I believe it was the model number (basically the amps had around the same specs power wise). In my car and my application both played well and sounded the exact same but my MB Quart got hotter than the Sundown far more hotter, all settings set the same (used DMM to set up). I was abusing full tilt everywhere I went all day even on long drives to neighboring cities. The only facts I have to justify why I should spend the extra $100 on my Sundown is because of where I live (Texas, hot climates) and my listening habits. If I played the amp barely and didnt go full tilt all day then the MB Quart would do fine in an average user's setup. So should I recommend the Sundown to the average user because he doesnt play his music like me or doesnt have the same listening habits, no but if price werent a factor I would. Overall it is too many factors to throw into play when doing a this vs that thread without hands on testing.
  8. Isnt this the point of a forum, so members can share their experience, ask questions and people can help decide on answers based on what the poster needs. Not trying being a dueche bag or anything. Yes and know but every system is different and you will get many different answers, so its vague/subjective and opinionated at times as well. Im pretty sure if Hifonics would be better for his system most on here would say Sundown cause its a Sundown based board. Plus this exact thread has been made numerous of times already. After a while it clutters up the forums with real questions and concerns, an amp thread that is this vs that brand doing around the same rms is mute. Both will perform well and its hard to say which is better for your system without installing both in your car in your application. I understand your point and your right but after a while it gets redundant pretty pointless when you do this vs. that.
  9. Please stop these type of threads, this vs that thread dont solve anything. Whats best for you system, well by both and test them out and see which one will give less voltage drop and help you achieve higher numbers. The question is do you have the money to buy a Sundown, and if so and price is not a factor than go for it. But if it is a factor then go with Hifonics, both amps will get your subs moving and if there is a 200 watts difference between the two you wont hear it and the meter probably wont read it neither.
  10. jcarter1885

    Any updates on Xcon's

    congrats on the perfect score dude, "he didnt have to do it"
  11. jcarter1885

    What's wrong with this website???

    Below the Incriminator Add, there is a drop down box that says Dark or whatever color you currently have as your background.
  12. jcarter1885

    What's wrong with this website???

    Tried it and it didnt work, thanks though. Like I said try ad block plus. When you install it you'll be asked to add a subscription. There's a few different ones available, they're basically just a list of what type of pop ups etc to block. Imo you should stick with firefox for awhile and get used to it. If you don't like it switch back. It can be a bit of a memory hog compared to other browsers though. I used FireFox before so Im used to it, thats not an case here. I just didnt want to download it to fix one issue with only one website Im having issues with and now this one is causing me issues as well. Its cool no biggie since im not on here much any more.
  13. jcarter1885

    What's wrong with this website???

    Now that I switched to Firefox I cant read my pm's, this is getting overwhelming now.
  14. jcarter1885

    New ZED Product Photos

    Looking good, finally some all around pictures .
  15. jcarter1885

    Ridin Clean Bradenton FL Demos Pt.3

    Thanks for the excellent footage, as far as subs and setups go which were you impressed with? Those Hertz subs get loud and sound great.
  16. jcarter1885

    What's wrong with this website???

    Downloading Firefox 5 definitely has helped me out so far, thanks for the heads up.
  17. jcarter1885

    lethal injection 12 vs vvx12 ?

    x2 and I would never run any Skar gear but thats just my personal preference. now what is your reason ? why don't u like there gear ? Nothing to do with the gear, I just dont support the owner of the company and his ways.
  18. jcarter1885

    lethal injection 12 vs vvx12 ?

    x2 and I would never run any Skar gear but thats just my personal preference.
  19. jcarter1885

    Upgrading Electrical

    Your making this more difficult then it has to be and guessing what electrical supply will be good enough for your system without installing it first is pointless. Install your system and monitor voltage drops, if you do plan on upgrading dont think just an H/O Alternator will be enough. You will probably also need another battery or two or three in the rear, who knows but start saving up.
  20. jcarter1885

    What's wrong with this website???

    Yeah I get the same crap as well and you have to refresh the page almost 10 times to get it to go away, for a minute I thought it was just me (kinda annoying).
  21. jcarter1885

    best amp choice

    Usually for personal reasons and it makes a setup more cosmetic appealing. I like matching amps and I personally would go with the DD if it was out the two your looking at, nothing wrong with Powerbass though. Its your money and your install, get what you and your wallet like.
  22. jcarter1885

    Reaction Vid with the Old Man

    Nice video, your pops looked like he wanted to kick your ass for that. But at least he was a good sport to even try it in the first place.
  23. jcarter1885

    Wiring amp to woofer

    Yeah you can wire it that way, it will just cause for more wire to be used but you will still be at a 1 ohm load. Basically you will be sending two 2ohm loads to the amp and the amp will drop them down to 1 ohm itself.
  24. Yes there will be a 4 channel amp in the new series but it will not come out till they are done with the selling the old 4 channels, it will have high/full/bandpass filters as well.
  25. jcarter1885

    Did i get ripped off?

    x2, you cant say you got ripped off if you dont know anything about car audio. He could of charged you more for the sub and box if he wanted to, a brick and mortar shop is always more expensive than online. Yeah you got ripped off but not by the owner of the shop, you got ripped off by yourself. Looking online and comparing prices to what you paid is ridiculous and wont get you anywhere.