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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. It only has on 1/0 input so why would you need 2-1/0 wires. You cant guess what you will need voltage wise if you dont even know how your voltage is acting, all cars are different and the way people play there system are factors in determining if your electrical will hold up or not.
  2. It is but you gotta want to help your self first, people act like they cant research or use some common sense and come here for us to walk them hand in hand. There is more to learn than will this work or can I get this to do this, I mean come on really. x2 I agree with every word here
  3. Why would you need 2 incriminator amps? They are extremely underrated and there is no such thing as underpowering a subwoofer if the amps werent underrated. You wont hear the difference between an amp that puts out 500 watts compared to one that puts out 1000 watts.
  4. jcarter1885


    haha cool story bro
  5. Im not heavy so no point to lighten up, just passing along some valid info. You continue to make horrible threads that really dont contribute to this forum, instead of searching around for the same information that is readily available to your fingertips.
  6. 800 watts at 4 ohms wont really create any more stress on the alternator than 800 watts at 1 ohm. Try learning more about car audio and the equipment instead of just making purchases, but your money is yours and you can blow it how you want to.
  7. depending on the year and the model they could be simi decent. Not with him installing them and setting them up they wont be. gee thanks for your support lol Your welcome
  8. depending on the year and the model they could be simi decent. Not with him installing them and setting them up they wont be.
  9. Here you go http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/store/products/Incriminator-Audio-5.1-450-Watt-mono-Amplifier.html
  10. I dont care where you look but you will not find an amp that can do 800 watts at 4 ohms for $100.
  11. jcarter1885

    4" vc Fi BL 12

    Doesnt seem to be available anymore for the BL's.
  12. jcarter1885

    The foam surrounding on my dcon ripped

    400rms on 300rms isnt the problem, the problem is setting your amplifier correctly. You dont turn the gain up as high as it can go then crank your volume knob while listening to it. Your supposed to match your gain with your head-units pre-out voltage signal.
  13. jcarter1885

    Chevyboy95's DC AQ Build

    Nice mids, I enjoyed my Seleniums when I had them installed in my car.
  14. jcarter1885

    Gotta get that Boom Boom Boom.

    x2 nice looking h/u, I miss my old Kenwood radio.
  15. so I take it that your the new Maliboom?

    1. jcarter1885


      why are you sorry Ohjay?

    2. Ohjay


      sorry for Julian

    3. Julian


      Haha i'm nothing like him.. I've been on this forum long enough to know.

    4. Show next comments  471 more
  16. 2v vs 5v wont matter at all, it will be the setting you will match your gain with. So if you have a 2v unit then you will just have to set your gain higher then you would with a 5v unit, both set up properly will give out the same output.
  17. You can find multiple amplifiers to fit your needs, just did a search on woofersetc.com and sonicelectronix.com that will do. You can always find a 4 channel amp and bridge it to give your more power so you can have some headroom if need be. Here is an amp in your price and power range as well, this would be a steal:
  18. jcarter1885

    sundown lincoln

    Yeah he upgraded subs and amp, from the nightshade 15" v.1's to the v.2's.
  19. jcarter1885


    Take good care of her, that Sundown is my old boo right there
  20. jcarter1885

    Worst night ever!!

    Yeah I took the stickers off my car two years ago to keep thieves from thinking I got tunes in the trunk, plus the car looks way better without them.
  21. jcarter1885

    Visonik Audio?

    yeah i do know
  22. jcarter1885

    solo x 10 installed finally!

    you must be tuned pretty low or dont have a subsonic filter to play 20hz.
  23. jcarter1885

    Worst night ever!!

    Sorry to hear this happened to you man. If you didnt install an alram on your car then you should of known that it didnt have an alarm on it. Were you playing your system while pulling into walmart? I always back in to parking spaces and try to get as close to the car behind me. I also try to park by the poles that hold the lights and cameras to make getting behind my car or getting something out my trunk impossible. I always design my enclosures to be difficult or awkward to take out unless you put it in there and know how to remove it.
  24. jcarter1885

    Visonik Audio?

    u mad bro?