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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    ShiZZZoN's Build #2 The Epicness of 2011-2024

    At this rate you minus well extend that to 2014
  2. jcarter1885

    2 AQ 2200's

    do the big 3, install your batteries you have sitting around first and then install alternator. Once you do all that and its stil not loud enough then add another sub and amplifier.
  3. jcarter1885

    Suprised the V2 hasn't been posted

    Don't really care for the look of it but it should be a beast.
  4. jcarter1885

    Which Amp??

    Better off how? Both amps put out power that will make your sub produce bass. Either amp will do the job and the power difference won't be heard. Just pick which ever amp you can afford, simple as that.
  5. is there a way to move the Facebook, Twitter, Google and Youtube tabs when mobile browsing. They are in the way 99% of the time

    1. DanP


      They don't show up if you goto the bottom of the page, select change theme and choose the mobile site

    2. jcarter1885


      Thanks DanP but mobile mode sucks, I just gotta live with it I guess.

    3. DanP
    4. Show next comments  378 more
  6. jcarter1885

    SAZ-1200D / 2500D v.2 / 3500D v.2 Pre-Order

    More than likely from an economical standpoint, a lot of people can't justify paying $500 or better for an amp. By having a cheaper model you can access that demand as well.
  7. jcarter1885

    05 Chevy Silverado door pod help

    Are you looking for a pair of pods already made or just need some help starting your own pods? What is stopping the components from fitting in stock locations?
  8. Agreed. I would look at the SSA ICON. I wouldn't put an Icon in this category, maybe power handling wise but that's it. Why not? If you have to ask then you shouldnt be telling people what subs to choose in a vs thread, do some research. I didnt tell him to use a Icon. I wanted to know why you dont approve of it? I know you didnt and im speaking in general. Look at the subs and review them and you should see. I didnt say I didnt approve of it just wouldnt put it in a category with a W7 or AA Havoc.
  9. Cheaper is not always better, but to each its own. Your right but in this situation, both are very high quality amps. You can't go wrong with either. I wouldnt say Crescendo is high quality but a nice built amp that does what its supposed to do, yes.
  10. Agreed. I would look at the SSA ICON. I wouldn't put an Icon in this category, maybe power handling wise but that's it. Why not? If you have to ask then you shouldnt be telling people what subs to choose in a vs thread, do some research.
  11. Cheaper is not always better, but to each its own.
  12. Agreed. I would look at the SSA ICON. I wouldn't put an Icon in this category, maybe power handling wise but that's it.
  13. Flip a coin if price is not an issue. You won't hear a difference between either one, just pick an amp.
  14. jcarter1885

    lets see the king cab builds ,

    Haha at the responses, why stoop to the OP's level. Hella of a thread, me likes it
  15. jcarter1885

    Sundown X-15 Video on SAZ-3500D

    When the pre-sale is announced then he will give an ETA like usual
  16. jcarter1885

    Sundown X-15 Video on SAZ-3500D

    Because there is no release date yet, read a few post above when he answered the question for you earlier in the thread. "Release date is pending...."
  17. Sounds like your friend/dealer is sketchy.
  18. jcarter1885

    What are some really good deep hitting 12s?

    who cares? Its for a sub if the distortion or power rating were off by even 20% you wouldn't audibly notice anyways.As for your CEA comment later that is useless as well. Stupid standard written to shut up uninformed buyers. Just by something reputable and be happy. I understand what your sayin,but I bought a boss r2400d riot series an I don't think it did anywhere close to rated power. Search the web, the answers to most of the questions your asking are available. A Rockford Fosgate will be more expensive than a Crescendo amp but Id rather have a Rockford Fosgate amp any day over the Crescendo.
  19. jcarter1885

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    There is only so many ways to make a 4inch coil subwoofer using the same basket let alone same buildhouse.
  20. When I was making this decision I choose the IA Lethal Injections, didnt really have a reason why just wanted to try something new considering I ran SSA in the past. I dont think you can go wrong either way, all companies make good subs.
  21. what ever happened to Juice Box batteries

    1. ricksi30


      That's what I figured.

    2. jcarter1885


      Thanks for the info liljestrand

    3. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      Another upstart hyped up company gone? NEVAR!!

    4. Show next comments  378 more
  22. jcarter1885

    Suprised the V2 hasn't been posted

    Even if that was the case, AA/Fi would never get put off this forum.
  23. jcarter1885

    Best 12in sub for 1.4cu sealed box in a trunk

    Best sub for what? This question can't be answered accurately unless someone had both subs in the same box, let alone same car. To many factors to entertain, just flip a coin.
  24. jcarter1885

    99' Chevy S10 Sundown Build :) IASCA CompS

    what components are you replacing the Focals with?
  25. jcarter1885

    sundown lincoln

    I guess his box liked 12s better because he gained by switching to smaller cone area. It would be a sight to see if the zcons can't do what the nightshades did? I'm tuned in