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Everything posted by jcarter1885

  1. jcarter1885

    HDC4 Break in Coil smell

    Don't use the DD-1 to set the gain, plain and simple.
  2. jcarter1885

    Bassink's 2014 Fusion

    Time for new profile pictures and updated signature :
  3. jcarter1885

    Lee's Avalanche Build

    I get earfuls of shit for talking about wanting to tune low. But I love me some lows, I'm excited to hear how it turns out! Tuning low for the hell of it vs getting a flat response are two different things. For the hell of it? That's an ignorant assumption No reason to aim for a goal, if there is no goal to begin with... That's completely stupid. It's only an ignorant statement if untrue and by your second statement, Im right so carry on.Op lets get this build log moving, these Ethos builds get me excited.
  4. jcarter1885

    Sa-15 motor getting hot and surround ripping

    Not a big difference between 29 and 30 hz, 30 should be fine.
  5. jcarter1885

    Sa-15 motor getting hot and surround ripping

  6. jcarter1885

    help with install of crescendo gear

    Yeah if your just upgrading your equipment then grab a set of components and bridge it on your 4 channel amplifier, it will be just fine. If you already have the ft-1s and pwxs then sell them and recoup some money.
  7. jcarter1885

    FS: DSS Magnetar

    That's the only way to get more cone area.
  8. Naw the build log is on floridaspl.com (TheJesus is his member name their), he has videos up on youtube just demoing and what not.
  9. jcarter1885

    Pictures of your new equipment

    Dude it says Zapco, obviously you are not familiar with their products or logo.
  10. ordered 10ft of speaker wire for KnuKonceptz and they sent me 17.5ft, im not complaining.

    1. garychurch84


      Damn good thing chickenwingz didn't order it!

    2. EPerez
  11. Yeah the Challenger has Wardens in a wall, with B&C 8''s in the front doors. Guys name is TheJesus on floridaspl.com if you want to check out more of his build.
  12. I know their amps are made overseas in a reputable build house and as far as their subs go Im not sure if all models are built in house but I know some are (due to the different options one can pick for each model).
  13. jcarter1885

    Worst shipping/customer service ever!

    Some customers aren't worth having at the end of the day. If not having your wire upset you then that's just petty. Tell them no thanks on the other wire and ask for a refund simple as that, no need to make a thread showing your ignorance.
  14. Did he sign just yours or does he sign all of his boxes? Nice enclosure by the way
  15. I didn't neg you and could care less about that rep system crap, but I clicked positive to even things out so you can feel better and enjoy your day. You got a simple answer to a simple question, so don't go crying about it. And I asked a simple question back, why does it matter where things are made? People all in their feeling these days, sheesh.
  16. Damn I wish this was posted earlier. I need to get in the loop of when & where shows are gonna be held in Texas.
  17. jcarter1885

    Xcon 15 18 vs Zcon 15

    If you read his post he is trying to decide what SSA sub to run between a Zcon 15" or Xcon 15" ported/Xcon 18" sealed.
  18. jcarter1885


    I use the torres box calculator
  19. jcarter1885


    Knowing the enclosure size would be great. 33hz tuning is cool and just depends what you prefer. No I wouldnt use the RE Audio Calculator.
  20. jcarter1885

    Few Snaps from Mark at SBN 2014

    Why so many punctuation marks?
  21. jcarter1885

    Xcon 15 18 vs Zcon 15

  22. No on amps and why does it matter? Why not email IA and get a direct answer from the source? Thats the wise thing to do.
  23. jcarter1885

    Bassink's 2014 Fusion

    15'' subwoofers 6" aero ports
  24. jcarter1885

    Casey (Frogcase2002)

    good to hear
  25. jcarter1885

    Few Snaps from Mark at SBN 2014

    That's whats up, glad you had fun man.