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Everything posted by c@raudi0

  1. c@raudi0

    Fi Q 12"

    I know the SQ of the Fi Q 12" is good. but will it still bump good in a 2^3 foot box off of 1200 rms???
  2. c@raudi0

    Fi Q 12"

    Right now i have a RE SE 12" running off of a hifonics 1206d at 2 ohms in a 2 cubic foot box ported at 32 hz. basically i was just thinking about swapping out the RE SE for the Q.... but running the Q at 1 ohm off my amp
  3. c@raudi0

    Fi BTL off of 1200rms???

    Better is subjective, louder is not. Even on 1watt the BTL will be the loudest sub that Fi makes. By a bunch. If that is what is better to you, by all means get it. On the same note if that is your goal, definitely not the Q. i think i'm gonna try'n save some money and go with a loaded SSD...... cuz i want to get some good component speakers too. thanks for all the help guys
  4. c@raudi0

    Fi BTL off of 1200rms???

    I have a 2 cubic foot box ported at 32 hz, and a hifonics amp that puts out "1200" rms at 1 ohm. Would a BTL run ok with this setup???
  5. c@raudi0

    Fi BTL off of 1200rms???

    More SQ with the Q that I know of, if your worried about output then Q is not for you. If SQ is your goal then the subwoofer should be the last thing your worried about. I cant really comment on which would have better output, but you should be comparing the SSD's and BL's in your case. Know if you want a good sounding woofer than anyone that FI makes will fit the bill, hope that helps. ok thanks. i'll probably go with the SSD with bp power option and flatwind coil. i just want a good daily subwoofer with good sq, but will still bump really good. thanks for all the help
  6. c@raudi0

    Fi BTL off of 1200rms???

    so what is better between a stock Q and a loaded SSD? SPL and SQ wise?
  7. c@raudi0

    Fi BTL off of 1200rms???

    hahaha ok thanks
  8. c@raudi0

    Fi BTL off of 1200rms???

    so will the ssd with the bp power and flatwind coil be able to handle running off of 1200 rms ok?
  9. c@raudi0

    Fi BTL off of 1200rms???

    well i dont think i'm gonna go with the BTL because of just th money issue..... so would a SSD with the BP power option and the flatwind coil option be a significant upgrade to what i have right now? which is a RE SE running off of my amp at 2 ohms. so i'd be running the SSD with the BP power option at 1 ohm. and what exactly does the flatwind coil option do?
  10. c@raudi0

    Fi BTL off of 1200rms???

    yeah it says march 1st, but that was 2 days ago and its not up lol
  11. c@raudi0

    Fi BTL off of 1200rms???

    lol nooooo. i just want to see what they updated about it lmao. don't woryyy
  12. c@raudi0

    Fi BTL off of 1200rms???

    ok thanks. Does anyone know when they will be putting the updated Q back into the lineup?
  13. c@raudi0

    Fi BTL off of 1200rms???

    so the BTL would be better than the Q or the BL? even though the power i am running would be more geared towards a Q or a BL? i was originally planning on getting a Q or a BL, but i want "the best" haha. but i dont want to have to upgrade my amp quite yet, so i was just wondering if this would be better than going with a Q or BL... thanks guys
  14. c@raudi0

    RE SE vs Fi Q

    I now have a re se 12" running off of a hifonics amp that is putting 900rms at 2 ohms to the sub, in a 2 cubic foot enclosure ported at 32hz. would it be a sufficient upgrade to get a Fi Q 12", and put it in the same box with the same amp? i would run the amp at 1 ohm. it's 1 ohm stable at 1200rms. and both subs are within the specifications of the box. ups and downs of this upgrade? very noticable difference because of xmax? (RE=18mm, Q=27mm)
  15. c@raudi0

    12" Fi ib3 question

    how would 1 12" ib3 sound running off of a kicker zx500.1 in a ported 2 cubic foot box at 32hz?
  16. c@raudi0

    Best amp for 12" Fi Q?

    What is the best amp i could get for the Fi Q at a 2ohm load for about 250 dollars?
  17. c@raudi0

    12" Fi Q BP power option?

    running 900rms to it, should i get the bp power option? should i get it just in case i ever run more power to it?
  18. c@raudi0

    Best amp for 12" Fi Q?

    ok....anything have anything helpful to say??? lol
  19. c@raudi0

    12" Fi Q BP power option?

    what do you think would be the best amp at a 2ohm load to power this sub for about 250 dollars?
  20. c@raudi0

    12" Fi Q BP power option?

    well i thought at first that if i got the BP option, then 900 would be underpowerring. but since its just cooling i should be fine
  21. c@raudi0

    12" Fi Q BP power option?

    ok i just didnt know. because i was thinking that since i was already underpowerring at 900rms, then i got the BP option then it would be even more underpowerring. but if it just keeps it cool then why not get it for free right? lol
  22. c@raudi0

    12" Fi Q BP power option?

    ok well for now im running 900rms to it, but eventually i want to upgrade to the Power Acoustik BAMF4000/1D, which puts out 1700rms at 2ohms. i dont know if it "actually" puts out 1700 at 2ohms, it might be more like 1400. but with that amp u think i will need it?
  23. c@raudi0

    12" Fi Q BP power option?

    lol its grey, why does that matter? i just want to know what the BP power option is, and if i need it running 900 rms to the Fi Q. just in case i ever put more power to it or whatever
  24. c@raudi0

    12" Fi Q vs BL

    Which is better? what are the good and bad points of each? can one handle more power? does one sound better? whats the deal? lol