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Everything posted by nigel

  1. nigel

    Sub options for a 2014 2500 Ram

    That is either the oddest way to vent an enclosure I've ever seen, or you missed the meaning of sealed... For real though, nice looking work.
  2. nigel

    Sub options for a 2014 2500 Ram

    Could you do your console idea on the floor and possibly do an external vent that runs under the rear seat so as not to take up room in the enclosure? This way you can still have enough air space for the larger driver you're wanting. Just a thought.
  3. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Neurological disorders are a bitch. My dad has neurosarcoidosis. It took the doctors decades to figure that one out. It happens in less than 15% of all sorcoidosis patients. He would present symptoms for a short time and then stop showing symptoms so the doctors could never get a good test. Sorry to hear about your dad. I don't have any experience with hyperbaric chambers, hope things can get better though.
  4. nigel

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Nice. Sprints are super awesome. And hard. And exhausting. But the benefit from doing them is huge.
  5. nigel

    The all new SSAudio.com products page

    Navigates beautifully on my phone. Looks really spiffy. Well done.
  6. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Saw a ton of police cruisers on the freeway while driving yesterday. On expected heavy traffic days, they throw every extra officer onto road detail. Saw a couple people getting personal happy holidays notes from the 5-0.
  7. nigel

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Saturday did some pilates ball hip thrusters and cable face pulls. Was at my parents so didn't get much time around visiting. Sunday was climbing trees with the kiddos at my in-laws. Back at a good chest workout today. Incline bench barbell 15,15,10,9,8 with a drop then 6 more, 4 Flat bench dumbell 12, 10,10,10 Cable incline flys 4 x 12 Decline barbell 15, 10, 10, 10, 15 Pec deck flys 15, 12, 8, 8
  8. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Happy easter to all. Hope everyone is able to spend some quality time with loved ones today.
  9. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    There really must have been nothing to do where you grew up, to want to go to Winnipeg.
  10. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Take that quebecer talk elsewhere. In Canada it's Hockey.
  11. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Only a coward uses his hockey stick in a fight. Real men drop the gloves and square off toe to toe.
  12. nigel

    2015 Hyundai Sonata Sport/Limited

    Getting closer. Keep up the work.
  13. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Shot a 144/150 (96%) on my requalification today on our c8 carbine (colt canada canadian version of the us m4/ar15 style platform) Have done better in the past, but overall, satisfied with the score. Still maintained my marksman ranking within the service.
  14. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Takes time to heal. Emotional damage takes it's toll. Keep working through it and the diet/excercise will come back in due time. Right now focus on the healing, then build back the strength. You'll get there.
  15. nigel

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Today was back day. Did more of a classic style back workout. 13 min warmup on the treadclimber. Followed by theraband scapular engagement/stability work. Back workout: Seated parallel grip cable row 6 x 15 reps Cable rope lat pullover 6 x 15 reps Hammer strength front pull down 6 x 15 reps Hammer strength row 6 x 15 reps Standing cable rear delt fly 4 x 15 reps
  16. Have thought about maybe looking at some ported options for them?
  17. The savard website recommends ported or bandpass. I would go with ported over bandpass myself. They're site suggests 5 cubic feet ported tuned to 34 hz for 4 of those tens. Says if you purchased through an authorized dealer they come with enclosure design assistance through the vendor... https://www.savardspeakersystems.com/rap-10
  18. nigel

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    As you get older, it gets harder to continue with lifting heavy. The wear and tear on the joints just isn't good. Backing off of the heavy weight, and focusing on form and longevity from a health standpoint becomes the more needed focus. Maintaining a healthy cardio regimen is a must at any age. Focusing on using lower impact excercises is much better long term as well. In this swimming and cycling have huge health benefits without the joint damage assoicating with avtivities like running. I have switched a lot of my focus as well, not aiming for max lifts, or worrying so much about the number on the weight.
  19. nigel

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    I go into my workouts with a general plan based on what muscle group I'm going to train. But once i start the workout, exactly which excercises i choose as well as total sets, heavy or light etc... is all based on how i feel. I have a basic weekly outline that i follow that is a 6 day/week routine with sunday being my rest day (however i will still do some cardio/ab training on a sunday occasionally)
  20. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Definitely back to herself this morning. Came when called, right to me meowing and wanting a pet. So happy right now.
  21. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Definitely not preggers, we had her fixed when she was a kitten. Hoping she just needed some quiet time to herself.
  22. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Forgot i posted that. Found her. She's being fairly distant though and not nearly as close or snugly as she normally is. She's also not coming when called, or playing like normal. But She's here. Hoping she'll perk up and be back to normal. She's not even being cuddly with the two year old and they've been inseparable best friends for the last year.
  23. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    The more people from the class going together the better. We had to do this about a prof when i was in college. The class lined up together at the deans office. She told us at the start that all testing material would be based on the text book. Then the test was on material not in the text book. And she was marking people wrong on answers directly from the text and her teaching in class which just happened to directly contradict the approved text... Needless to say all of our test marks got adjusted by the dean and he sat in on our classes and supervised all testing/grading.
  24. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Didn't see the family cat all day yesterday to my recollection. Checked through the whole house and can't find her anywhere. She's 15 years old and has a bad limp from arthritis due to a fall she had over 10 year ago. She had been seeming to lose a bit of weight as of late. Kind of think she may have snuck out when one of the kids had a door open a couple of days ago. She's been gone up to 5 days before and made it back fine. We never declawed her even though She's an indoor cat, so she still has all of her defences. For some reason though, i just have that strong feeling in my stomach that she won't be coming back this time. She's spent the last couple weeks glued to either myself or the 2 year old, not really doing too much, and now she's just gone. Just that strong feeling like she left for a reason this time.
  25. nigel

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    This morning's visit to the gym. Still need to do some core work at home at some point today. Warmup: 15 minutes on treadclimber moderate-high intensity for the first 12 minutes followed by 3 minutes low intensity After warmup shoulder stretches/theraband stability work for 5 minutes (approx) Excercise 1 Standing barbell overhead press 6 × 12,10,8,7,6,15 Excercise 2 Superset 1 Cable rope face pulls 4 x 12 pause reps Plate trap shrug 4 x 10 pause rep/slow negative Excercise 3 Superset 2 Cable side lateral 4 x 12 Bent over dumbell rear lateral 4 x 10 Excercise 4 Superset 3 Incline bench rear delt overhead raises 3 x 10 Incline bench dumbell trap press outs 3 x 10 Excercise 5 Lateral delt machine 3 x 15 Excercise 6 Machine Rear delt fly 3 x 15 Excercise 7 Hammer strength shoulder press 3 x 5 single/5 single/5 single/5 single/5 double (static hold on opposite arm during singles)