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Everything posted by nigel

  1. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    And there's nothing wrong with being Dutch, one whole side of my family is from the Netherlands. And it's always fun to mess with each other when lifting. My coworkers and I do this when getting in lunch workouts in our staff gym.
  2. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Only one spot left locally with flour. A little a la carte style store down on the university campus that caters to students. But for some odd reason stocks 40 lb bags of flour. Sells them for $18.99 Also the only place with yeast. Sells it in a large quantity as well. Picked up some of both. I'm good for the next year or more.
  3. nigel

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    Keep at it. Always good to hear of others taking care of themselves. Worked from 7 am - 11 pm yesterday, so it was a day off for me. I try to stick to strength training 6 days/week and try to fit in some sort of conditioning/cardio 3-4 times per week. Did a chest/back day today. All supersets. Incline db press / pendlay rows Barbell floor press / weighted pull ups Incline db flys / cable lat pullover Incline pushups / parallel grip pull downs
  4. nigel


    With just swapping out the driver you're still limited to the stock enclosure (which won't be optimal for the new driver) and the same amount of power. It will not yield a noticeable difference, unless the new driver is crazy efficient in comparison, which you won't find. If you want more, you're going to need to upgrade more.
  5. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Picked up some local beer this afternoon. Grabbed some cans of a Belgian style stout, a brown ale and an Amber ale. So far I've tried the stout and the brown. Damn delicious.
  6. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Shared air circulation Once it gets into a living unit, it'll spread like wildfire. No getting ahead of it. Isolate the unit. We've been playing these exact what if contingency scenarios at work for the last 2 months. It's going to suck major balls.
  7. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    My wife is like this. Too much raw veggies is a world of bloat gas and pain. She has also tested positive for celiacs when they biopsied her stomach. Which is awesome, no gluten anything... yeah... She also can't eat any pork products, again gas, pain, gastro issues galore. So to run down the list... Basically, she can't eat.
  8. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I love salad. So much flavor. And versatile. Simple changes in ingredients completely change the profile. So easy. That being said, last night I did up a coconut curry dish with chicken, shrimp, carrots, yellow peppers, mushrooms and green onions on a bed of rice noodles.
  9. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Love dressing nice. Being that I spend my career in a uniform, and rest days in comfy clothes playing with the kids it's not often I get to put on a suit. Pretty much just for court and for funerals at this point in life. Will occasionally throw on a a nice suit or dress pants shirt and sport jacket to go visit the wife at work for lunch as a surprise. She hates it. Her co-workers think it's great.
  10. nigel

    New ride!

    A good starting point I guess would be to figure out what's in the factory locations, and what can be done to improve them. With staying factory look/locations you limit your ability to fix some possible issues. Often, most vehicles, starting with a good treatment of panels etc in the various dampeners/absorbers/etc is a good start. Then from there, figuring out what you want improved, and looking at budget. Not sure what all the stock 10 speaker consists of. Is it a 2 way up front? Are you keeping the stock stereo and doing an integration device? Eliminating rear channels? Etc.
  11. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Have been. But not allowed to be anywhere, all parks, conservation areas, trails are closed. Only so many walks you can do. And they're bored after a month of the same toys in the back yard. Even the trampoline has lost it's excitement... At least the youngest still enjoys digging in the sandbox. Been trying things like board games and card games with them. But the youngest isn't quite old enough for them yet. Really I gotta just suck it up and quite bitching, at the end of the day I've got it really good. Wife and I both have stable employment, and we have a happy healthy family. And that's what matters most in the end.
  12. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    For sure. And I get being careful. Just, as a father of 3, I need to get out of the damn house sometimes too. My wife works at the hospital, and since she tested negative, she was allowed back to work starting today. So now I'm stuck at the house with the 3 boys full time...
  13. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I'm booked off on other leave with pay, with it being a pandemic and the emergency orders and such they've had to create a new status for those affected by covid where we get still get our pay. Which is good. I just feel I should be able to be at work as she was negative. But, being that we are a federal government agency, Treasury board policy is that I be treated as a possible asymptomatic carrier to ensure there's no chance I bring it to work.
  14. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Well, just got word back, apparently since my wife was tested ( even though she's negative, as expected by us) by policy I'm off work now till the 27th... Damn. Oh well, time to get settled into a good routine at the house I guess.
  15. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Hitting the workout train hard right now. Have a sweet garage set up. Nothing else to do, so why not. Even doing a workout right now actually. Feels great.
  16. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    It's dicey at work right now. Things are a tinder box with the inmates. Or 96 man max unit was barricading and arming to fight us the other night. Our ERT was going in full force to hit them hard and fast to change their minds. Medium security side is tense as fuck, but was managing my last shift in.
  17. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Just got the call from the health unit. Her test was negative. Now to find out if I'm allowed back to work...
  18. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Going stir crazy. The other day my felt dizzy/lightheaded/faint her bp had dropped. She was tired all the time. Lasted a couple days like this. Felt nauseous as well. Apparently, these are the "atypical" symptoms for covid19... She works in physio/occupational therapy at the hospital, so she had to go for covid testing Friday to make sure. Now the whole damn house is on quarantine until we hear back. So I'm off work as well. Called one of the upper managers (assistant warden of operations) he's thinking of putting me off work for 14 days either way the testing goes. Oh, hell no. Her symptoms are gone, was probably her ongoing heart stuff she's already on meds for, but we need to make sure.
  19. nigel

    ICON 15 vs DC LVL 3 15???

    You are also giving that sub about 500 watts more than it's rated to handle. You need to listen for stress. Can't just assume that since a shop set it up on one track it's set correctly for every situation. Didn't say it was clipping, said it's a possibility. And depending on audio source being used, and quality of recording, your volume dial needs to be adjusted accordingly to each track. You've got a lot of money tied up in some good equipment, don't want to see you continue to burn through equipment and money. Rather see you enjoy your system. And if you do buy a new sub, my vote goes ICON.
  20. nigel

    ICON 15 vs DC LVL 3 15???

    Considering you've burned through 2 RF T1's really hesitant to suggest either of your choices listed. Really feel you'll do the same to them. RF makes some solid gear, not sure a change to the icon or LVL 3 will change the outcome. If you're driving that amp into clipping you're going to burn them up too. Listening style may be what's to blame and not equipment. The T1500bd will be more power than needed for either icon or LVL 3, which gives overhead, but if not adjusted and used accordingly will be the death for either option as well.
  21. nigel

    Audiopip 12inch txx

    Have you compared the entire Thiele Small parameters for both drivers? You say nothing changes colors? Are you asking visible differences when looking at them? And good luck getting proper t/s for audiopipe anything... Not really a reputable company.
  22. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Happy Easter to all who celebrate the occasion.
  23. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Oooh, napalm. Fun.
  24. nigel

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    That's neat how that works. Awesome to be able to hop on your bike at home and still connect with friends, especially with the current situation.