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Everything posted by nigel

  1. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    My brother has a pit bull dalmation cross, that is super friendly and energetic. Absolutely amazing dog.
  2. nigel

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    I find I have no motivation at home. Have plenty of stuff at home, no motivation. So get my ass to the gym we have at work on breaks, seems to work best for me.
  3. nigel

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    never gotten into supplements myself. Never felt the need I guess. Lots of the guys I work out with use them, some swear by them, others say they don't see/feel any difference. Good to hear that you're getting back into it. Always rough starting back up after time away, sore as hell the first couple weeks. Don't get discouraged by the losses, it'll take time to build back up. Muscle memory will come back.
  4. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    different bar. coated weights. proper platform. all things we don't have at work. dropping a basic Olympic bar from overhead/shoulder height onto a hard floor = bent bar...
  5. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    It amazes me that no one has stepped in on this cross fit crap. We have a local clown fit club that hurts more people than car accidents. we have a saying at work. first rule of cross fit club, tell everyone about cross fit club. the morons use terrible form, and drop/throw weights all over the place. we have an Olympic bar guys have been doing over 400 lb bench press with for years no issues, a couple months of these cross fit morons and its pucking bent from them dropping it doing deadlifts and cleans.
  6. nigel

    Kicker FTW!!! lol

    I couldn't actually disagree more strongly. I don't live where you do though. From my experience they are normally a step above the other B&M brands along with JL and it is by a long shot. My opinion is more based on those who represented them in my area, as opposed to the product. Always thought their amps were good, but unwilling to give money to the arrogant morons selling them. And was not a fan of their square line of subwoofers. JL has always been way overpriced, IMO, although, having ran a pair of 10w6's I picked up for half price new in highschool, they sure could bump.
  7. nigel

    Kicker FTW!!! lol

    I have never liked kicker. From their reps, to authorized dealers and everyone else I've met who represented them, having just a complete lack of understanding of anything audio related, I just have no use for them.
  8. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Yeah, other than to get work done, I don't know any artists personally. Could get a tattoo at work for a couple bags of chips and cans of pop... But not up for the hep c and hiv that come with them...
  9. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    No. The work I'm looking at having done will run me $400-$600 for the tattoo. Or for the sub I'm looking at the fi ssd 18 or similar. Once shipping, brokerage, duties, taxes and exchange are factored in, it'll be $400. If I go the gun route, figure the gun, rings, scope, sling, some ammo (black powder, so primers,pellets,and bullets), cleaning supplies, hard case and locks it'll be $400-$500.
  10. nigel

    system build help

    Go to sounddeadenershowdown for tips and info on how and where to deaden etc.. Upgrading the big 3 wires under the hood is always a good idea. As for whether you'll need extra battery(ies) or not is hard to say. Leaving the room to add one shouldn't hurt if you decide to do it down the road.
  11. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    not too many buffet restaurants are considered to be very high of a quality...
  12. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    could still go to a restaurant. that wouldn't be that large of an expense.
  13. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    All of them. That's the problem. Black powder I can't use till next December, subwoofer will take a while to come in and necessitate a new box build etc.., tattoo, well isn't necessary or functional, but, something I like.
  14. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Quick question. Tattoo, gun, or subwoofer? If you had to choose which one to buy next, what would be your choice, and why? Some background: Sub I currently have works, but always wanting to try new things... Have a tattoo outline started, but needs to be finished at some point. Getting a black powder rifle opens up a second hunting season for deer where I can't use my shotgun.
  15. nigel

    upgrade to hds300 12 d2 or hxfl 12 d2

    So clipping and distortion does not damage a woofer,sub,ect ?what I think 95honda is trying to say here is this. if you have a speaker that can handle 1000watts thermally, installed in an optimal alignment, hooked up to say a 200 watt amplifier, that has been driven into full clipping causing 400 watts of output, the voicecoil of the driver will still be able to dissipate the heat even though the signal is clipped. thus the "underpowering" will not harm this driver. vs. same speaker and alignment hooked up to an 800 watt amplifier driven to full clipping causing 1600 watts of output, and the driver failing. the failure is due to the speaker not being able to thermally handle 1600 watts, whether it be clean,distorted or clipped, it still would of failed with that level of power. but most people will s "subjectively" say that due to it being an 800 watt amp, and not realizing what they did, assume "underpowering" caused the failure, or blame it solely on the "clipping" ad opposed to the root cause of too much power being applied. there are two causes of speaker failure. thermal failure (too much power) or mechanical (over driving it's physical limtations. I.e. bottomming out below tuning in a vented alignment)
  16. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    We still have a drive in here. They just upgraded to new high def projectors too.
  17. nigel

    Lee's Avalanche Build

    So sorry to hear Lee. I enjoyed the updates on this one when it was a go. Hope you get back on your feet man.
  18. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Only religious extremists and ultra feminists are worse.J No, they don't circuit train and sweat up half the gym without cleaning up during peak hours. Nothing like going into the gym to work one muscle group to see half the equipment taken up by one douche, and ten people waiting their turn.
  19. Do you have 1 total dual 4 ohm voice coil driver? Or 2 of them? Kind of hard to understand the way way you wrote the question. Those sub's I believe are rated for up to 600 RMS each, if you do have 2 of them, giving the pair 750 watts to split between the 2, gives them 375 watts each. Plenty enough to get them moving, but will not maximize their abilities. You would be better looking for an amp in the 1000 - 1500 watt range, in this case. SQ does offer a 1200 watt monoblock as well.
  20. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Hence multiple posts to reply to a single post... This shows impulsivity control issues to me. Very quick to type a quick reply before thinking out everything one wishes to say. I struggle with this myself in my day to day life, as does my oldest.
  21. nigel

    Advice for a new sub and amp setup

    Of the brands you listed, if you're not wanting to drop a ton of cash, I would suggest the alpine type r. They do carry a good output vs cost ratio IMO. Was not impressed by the type s. Of the JL stuff, I do like the W6 and W7 lines, but they cost way too much. Not fond of kicker in any way for subwoofers, but that's personal. Been a while since I heard/looked at anything RF, and pioneer, all I can find locally is their bottom of the line junk. Just my .02 for ya.
  22. nigel

    Hi From Australia

    It's been years since I vacationed in Australia, lovely country, with very friendly people. I will someday go again, when I can afford it. Welcome to the forum, and I hope you find what you need here.
  23. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Well, Tuesday was a back/shoulder 2 workout day, then went to work yesterday and did arms pretty hard. Just to find out that mother nature is one spiteful c.u.next.Tuesday and got home at 11 pm to over an hour of snow shoveling. Then to get up this morning and shovel for another half hour, drive my wife to work, and kids to school to get home and see, apparently this city does have plows, and needed to shovel again... Needless to say, I facking love have a stiff back/neck...
  24. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Hit the gym at lunch. Felt great.
  25. nigel

    SSA's Daily fitness iHop

    I can't be the only one who lifts on here. Someone else post up your routines. Mine are boring due to equipment/time restraints. I stick to the kiss principle. Yesterday: chest Flat bench Incline dumbbell Cable press Pec deck/fly machine Today: back Outside grip pulldowns Seated cable row Bent over dumbbell row Reverse grip pulldowns High cable row