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Everything posted by nigel

  1. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Looks like it should turn out pretty slick in the end Seth. Keep plugging away at it. On a side note, took the wife for her 20 week ultrasound today, baby boy #3 is onboard, and doing well.
  2. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Nice. Standing barbell shoulder press here. Feels awesome. Keep up the work.
  3. Where are you hearing things? I think you have been quite misled elsewhere, and this is what is causing so much confusion and difficulty. Speaker size has nothing to do with how "low" they will play. If you have room for a larger woofer, and are looking for output, go with the larger woofer.
  4. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Mmmm pie. Great, my mind just went through about a dozen versions of pie, and landed on the pie scene from revenge of the nerds... "That's my pie"
  5. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Had one of those days today, where I should've stayed in bed. Woke up 5 minutes after I was supposed to be at work. Apparently the software on my phone decided sound was unimportant, so my alarm didn't sound. After work, I went to get my boys from after school program, got them out the door, and realized, their car seats weren't in the vehicle, due to having used my dad's car the last 2 days for a trip. Just great.
  6. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    It is early, but he got his teeth early as well. And he held onto his tooth all night, so the tooth fairy hasn't come yet. Our older one insisted she gives chocolate coins when he lost teeth, so that's what she left him. Not sure what the normal running rate is.
  7. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Well my 4 yr old lost his first tooth today. He fell asleep holding it, because he doesn't want the tooth fairy to take it. Ever since my wife's uncle passed away (a year and a half ago now) Wyatt has had separation anxiety issues, and is afraid of giving up/losing anything. Not quite sure how the wife is planning on playing this one out.
  8. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Congrats for her. That's awesome
  9. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Hit back hard today. Felt great. Destroyed my abs in between back sets. So much pain, yet so good at the same time.
  10. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Nicely done. Keep up the work.
  11. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    World record para Olympian is doing 700 lb lifts with no back arch due to not being able to use his legs.
  12. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Genetics can play a huge role in muscle shape. Sometimes there's nothing you can do, it's just how your body develops. Classic example being having the perfect "peak" to your bicep. Some people just naturally have it, others can train for years and never achieve it. Just genetics.
  13. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    if it's that your abdominal muscles are "bulky" then you need to "over-train" them, to prevent bulking. remove the weight from the crunches, increase repetitions and hit them more often. More range of motion to the crunch and stretching. and roundness could be partially due to bloating. again, diet.
  14. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    work up to it. Nothing is an overnight miracle. Push yourself, but don't think you can go from nothing to professional athlete level overnight. It takes time.
  15. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT, get yourself into the fat burning zone, then keep your body guessing. Supersets, and drop sets are huge. shock your system, this is what causes it to burn the fat. Hanging leg raises (do knee raises to start), and using a decline bench do weighted oblique twists. Bring the weight (dumbbell, medicine ball) all the way down below your body on the side before you bring it back up to center. Pause at bottom and at middle, control is everything on these. Don't rush them. Remember, Muscle burns fat. Working muscle (strength training) is much more efficient than cardio. And finally, 80% of abs are in the kitchen. If you eat like shit, you will not be able to lose the gut. Simple as that, cut out pop (carbonated drinks kill cause bloating) lower the intake of desserts (simple sugars are destructive). If you want the six pack abs (traditional showy, ripped midsection) you need to cut down to 5% body fat or less. It's hard.
  16. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Love sitting in the cold rain, watching multiple does slowly wandering around, and only having a buck tag in your possession. Maybe tomorrow will bring better luck.
  17. nigel

    level 4 dc

    Again, do some research. You need to help yourself some first. Don't just ask blind questions on a forum, with no knowledge of your own, this is what leads to widespread misinformation. Figure out yourself, what your system draw is going to be, and see what you have on tap for availability. This shouldn't be overly difficult. Then from there it's simple to figure out the differential. And there is lots of info out there on the different types of batteries and the benefits to them.
  18. nigel

    hello zv.4 question

  19. nigel

    just saying hi

    Welcome to the forum. From a fellow Canadian.
  20. nigel

    hello zv.4 question

    Where in Ontario are you? I live in Kingston.
  21. nigel

    hello zv.4 question

    Probably be best to call and get a quote giving full address. Not to mention, you are going to get duties, taxes and brokerage fees coming across the border. If you live in a border town, may be easier to find one of those connect or UPS drop site things that accept packages for people, then drive across to pick it up. You'll still have to pay taxes coming across but will cut out the brokerage fees. And will cost way less on shipping.
  22. nigel

    2 12s dc level 2 or 1 dc 15 level 3

    K, I have so far stayed out of your threads, but man, you need to do some simple research for yourself. Asking this sub vs that sub is against the vs policy you agreed to when signing up for your account. That being said, you also gave no parameters for the comparison. So, how could anyone give you a meaningful response? To know whether something will work, or not, there are many factors/variables that can't be left as unknowns. Again, do some research around the topic in question yourself first, so that you don't have to rely on "opinion" but rather knowledge. There are many very knowledgeable people on here, you just need to ask the right questions. www.bcae1.com is a great resource as well. Gives easy explanations and examples. And no one can tell you what will be good for you, that is something you need to figure out yourself.
  23. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    that sucks man. hope you have a speedy recovery. I've had a nasty cold for the last week myself, and am feeling very fatigued. Finding my lifts aren't quite as good as they should be. First couple sets of seated dumbbell press today was kinda depressing. But all in time. Can only get better from here.
  24. Whiskey lullaby, Brad Paisley and Allison krauss, love surprising people with that tune. Absolutely insane.
  25. nigel

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    And this one: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JxPj3GAYYZ0