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Everything posted by adamt

  1. adamt

    98 Camry XLE

    There's three months worth of chit here. Took me awhile to get all of the photos pulled out and organized so I could put it all into another forum since all these pictures were originally posted one work day after another since I started working on this bicth three months ago. I will be running a pair of 12" SSA Icons on a Sundown SAZ-2000d and a three way up front consisting of 8" woofers and 5.25" components powered by Sundown. It's been one chunk at a time and one 500 dollar bill after another. Mark if you read this, and I mean it, the next one is yours man. Here we go Looks fine to me so far.
  2. adamt

    My First Box built for 12" RE Audio SX

    Got her closed up tonight. I will put the sub in there tomorrow when I get home from work and hear how it goes. I'm just going to drill two holes in the back and squeeze the 8 gauge speaker wire through the box instead of a terminal cup. This is just a temporary box meant for spl numbers so it's not getting any kind of special treatment.
  3. adamt

    Jay-C76's 2005 Ranger Install

    Yo Jay where's our update man? Check my build on PTS I hit a 135.5 on the TL today. I guess I take it back now- Hurry Up with some pics man
  4. adamt

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    That's freakin weird about the doors. Awesome stuff
  5. adamt

    Jay-C76's 2005 Ranger Install

    looks like we are friends now buddy. Good job on the box- Even it looks happy
  6. adamt

    Jay-C76's 2005 Ranger Install

    You could always do what Mead did to his rear window. I've got a RF P3 basket that would probably do the trick. Talk about feeling dumb- That's a good way to express how I feel when I'm trying to cut panels out of a full 3/4" sheet of MDF for an enclosure. I've tried it before. This comes from a man who at one point ran all kind of saws and power tools everyday to bring home the bread. Carpenters and Cabinet builders are not the same thing. The box is lookin great man! In other news I don't know how to make you my friend so I guess we really aren't buds after all
  7. adamt

    Jay-C76's 2005 Ranger Install

    Who's lookin good now pal? The sound deadener is looking damn good in the bed. I've decided to give myself a break on cutting the chit out of my knuckles and you are gonna get a real taste of what it should be like doing some deadening and help me get the spoiler and rear hatch from looking like the Fosbury Flop when Lil Jon shows up. That bed would have taken me 10 mins with a good pair of scissors. For what it's worth (I type it all out cuz I'm not smart enough to know all the cool acronyms) I remember back in the day when you were on installer steroids and you bought the blow through kit for the rear window of the Ranger and you were like I just bought this 10 minutes ago and I already hacked out my panel and it's installed. It was well documented on PTS but you erased it all. None of that is even around any more. The grass and the nasty weather will always be with you. I gotta give you some chit. The very beginning of all of this was started out by Jay trying to explain how his bed topper was a cap.I would pay money to read those long forgotten posts on PTS. I just remember asking you what the fudge you were talking about and you were just like my bed cap, the cap for my bed the rear cap. Whatever dude, it's a topper. But all that resulted in the very first pics of the blue truck then the cat fish then the bluegill tank Hah look who's laughing now!! No seriously, look who's laughing now- This dude is the man. He finished the sound deadening in the rear and it looks fudgeing awesome bow chica bow wow(repeat it fast and it sounds like porn music
  8. adamt

    Jay-C76's 2005 Ranger Install

    Actually you should have this guy write your review for the subs. Don't remember how I found this but I felt thoroughly educated after reading the following about a JVC Arsenal. I'm not sure you could find a better review amongst subwoofers. If I had to take a shot I would say I'm hoping the SSA's produce more of a being shot by a 45 in the chest with a Kevlar jacket kind of result. Talk about an eye opener. I'm not the easiest consumer to please I'll be coming to see you when you are all done but my girl wants to hit the St Louis Arch on the way. I don't care what everybody else says, take your time I've got a lot of stuff to do before I come up there.
  9. adamt

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale OPEN

    Payment sent
  10. adamt

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale OPEN

    There is a solid chance you can count me in on this. If not I will just have to purchase the SAE-1200D. Either way I think you will come out smelling like a winner as I expect to be sending you some paypal very soon
  11. adamt

    SAE-1200D Sale Pricing

  12. adamt

    SAE-1200D Sale Pricing

    Is there going to be an entire SAE lineup including multi channel amps? I am about to purchase the amps for my current project and would like them to match cosmetically.