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Everything posted by adamt

  1. adamt

    2~15" Icon's Build

    What's your resting voltage?
  2. adamt

    Running saz-2000d at 1/2 ohm

    I'm lookin forward to throwin another 12 in the trunk. We'll see what happens in the next couple of months. I must be green behind the ears because that 143 I hit was the loudest and hardest I had personally witnessed. I can't imagine what a 147 is like.
  3. adamt

    Running saz-2000d at 1/2 ohm

    Right on-that's what I like to hear
  4. adamt

    Running saz-2000d at 1/2 ohm

    Oh shit what's up mopar? Nice seeing another midwestspl guy on here. I'm running an RE Audio SX. It's a dual 2 ohm woofer. I'm pretty sure they don't sell the dual 1's. Least they haven't in the past. I think i'm just going to find another dual 2 and run at .5 ohm and see what happens. There aren't a bunch of them on the market anymore so it might be a little tough gettin my hands on another one. Sure appreciate the input guys cheers adam
  5. adamt

    2~15" Icon's Build

    Haha! way to go silly
  6. adamt

    Running saz-2000d at 1/2 ohm

    who does that kind of work? Can you get any woofer reconed to any load? If that's the case I could just get the one I have reconed to 4ohm and buy another 4 ohm and run it at 1 ohm like I want
  7. adamt

    Running saz-2000d at 1/2 ohm

    That sounds pretty sick. I'll def check it out. How do you like your xxx comps?
  8. I'm surprised to see this up here. Did you make it to the show? I really enjoy competing in this circuit
  9. adamt

    Running saz-2000d at 1/2 ohm

    I can't imagine beefing up my electrical system anymore then what's there now. The only thing I could do is add more batteries in the trunk. I haven't utilized very much of my 2000 rated watts on the amp yet. The most I've pushed it was 768w at a comp recently. That was good for a 143 on a single 12". I'm going to try this out sometime this year and see what happens
  10. adamt

    Running saz-2000d at 1/2 ohm

    Well I've got a decent electrical system. I've got a 200 amp alternator and all 0 gauge upgrades under the hood. I've got a stinger sp1000 battery in the trunk. I do compete but I think I did the upgrading more to ensure I was going to get the most out of my equipment. I'm curious to know how often people run at 1/2 ohm and what kind of problems anybody has had from doing it
  11. adamt

    2~15" Icon's Build

    I been in one of those caves that doesn't have internet. Haha lookin forward to the next batch
  12. adamt

    2~15" Icon's Build

    I'm glad I showed up late man it was fun to see this from post 1 to here in one shot. I'm kinda pissed that you couldn't get it finished by the time I showed up to check it out. I guess the mechman kinda explains the alt situation. That sucks man. Hope the mechman works out better. Box is looking sweet!! Are you going to close it up on the back so all the air is pushed in the cab? It's hard to tell if those side pieces extend behind the port. That fuckin rain has been non stop down here lately too. Hope you make it to the sound comp this weekend. Hope it don't turn out like last year! Haha Fuckin cops shut us down in Topeka last Saturday right in the middle of the comp too. It was a mess. Couple guys drove down from Iowa and didn't get to run. Anyways-good luck man! I'll try to stick around long enough to see the finished product Adam
  13. adamt

    SAZ-2000D / SAZ-1000D Orders

    I can't describe in words how impressed I am with the amp. I was using a Lightning Strike S4.1000d before I got the Sundown. Before you start clowning on the Lightning, it's the exact same thing as Rockford Fosgate T1000BD. If you need, check out the manuals and the web pages on both Rockford and Lightning Audio. Exact wording and almost the same font on each page. None the less the Sundown is better by far. I can't figure it out so it's really hard to say in words. It was almost magic how I got higher scores on less watts at the comp. It doesn't make sense cuz watts are watts but here's the deal. I can only use 500 watts in my class so during the run I have to keep the volume down so I don't break out. There's 5% tolerance so I can actually go up to 525 watts. Since I got the 2KD the day before I had not had a chance to get on the meter so in my first qualifying round I just cranked it cuz I wanted to see what she had in the tank. I got my first 140db ever. Hit it even. We go back to the trunk to do the math. 768 watts!!! I broke out but I didn't care cuz it was just a qualifying round. So we reset the meters and I go for a retry. Turned it up to 14 on the head unit and hit 135.7. Go back to do the math- 184 watts!!! In the finals round I hit 138 even on 384 watts and got slaughtered by a guy in an extended cab pickup who did 142db. The Sundown just seems to put out more and work a lot less if that even makes sense. I've got plans for more upgrades but right now I'm busted money wise so I'm gonna have to wait. In the mean time I'm gonna get down to metering and testing and get the numbers figured out to get my 140 on 500 watts. I know it's not much but it's all I can do right now. After last nights show I qualified for the national finals in September. As far as the bat and shit holding up for the 2KD I can't know for sure. I'm not pushing it very hard at all right now in fear of my sub blowing but to be honest it would be fairly uncomfortable to sit in the car and listen to music any louder then it already is. On another note I've got a 200amp Iraggi Alt and a lot of 0gauge under the hood so I'm not too worried about it. Sorry for jacking the thread
  14. adamt

    SAZ-2000D / SAZ-1000D Orders

    As Promised
  15. adamt

    SAZ-2000D / SAZ-1000D Orders

    I'll show you guys one tomorrow with a trophy. Just happen to have a comp the day after it arrives. "Laughs Vehemently" Thanks Jacob!!!
  16. adamt

    MBarber25's Build Log

    You probably just got ripped off by your local dealer, not by stinger. Check this guys page out and see if you can't find any better deals. You absolutely can not beat his customer service. Darvex He sells the same stuff on ebay and has a 99.9% positive rating with over 50,000 transactions. I've bought from Knu before and I like darvex way better. I'm surprised he's not on this page with a discount code for all SSA forum members.
  17. adamt

    SAZ-2000D Pre-Sale OPEN

    Got my tracking number today. Should be here just in time too
  18. This is my first sub box. I've done some other carpentry stuff before but have always been too scared to try and build a sub box in fear it would sound like chit and be a total waste of effort. It's 2 cubes tuned at 41hz. I'm trying to get more spl out of my sub on 500 watts to give me an edge in the basic 1 class in my local circuit. I hit 135.5db on my current setup but that may not get er done. I could have finished much sooner if I had more clamps. I'll glue the top down tonight after I find my tie down straps and do the pseudo-in law family Easter gig. I almost forgot to add the part about my girlfriend's wisdom teeth being taken out Friday. Puffy puffy cheeks.
  19. adamt

    Jay-C76's 2005 Ranger Install

    I fell out for a couple days. Looks like you are gettin damn close. I'm glad to see you talking about your cap again. :bigclap: Just messin with you. Glad somebody helped you get the box in the truck. I don't think you have developed your Jedai force skills enough to pull that off by yourself. I'm gettin laid off too.
  20. adamt

    My First Box built for 12" RE Audio SX

    I was kind of feeling some funkiness with the sub firing forward. I figured it would get more pressure in the cabin facing that way. I appreciate all the advice for flipping it around. I took everything out today after work and got some foam in the trunk and got a little more sound mat put up in the rear deck. I really want to bump it to see how it sounds but I had my daughter with me all day after I was done so I had to chill. I will be getting back on the lab next week sometime and will definitely play around with all the possible positions then.
  21. adamt

    My First Box built for 12" RE Audio SX

    After reconsidering for about two seconds a bolt sounds much better. So once again good lookin out
  22. adamt

    My First Box built for 12" RE Audio SX

    That's a damn good idea. Some all thread would work really good but I don't have any 8 gauge terminals on hand to get it done but it is on the to do list now. Good lookin out.
  23. adamt

    My First Box built for 12" RE Audio SX

    I've got some really good guys to work with and they seem to be all about helping me get the best numbers I can. I have to get the trunk deadened period. That is my project for the week and I hate it.
  24. adamt

    My First Box built for 12" RE Audio SX

    It's done and in the car now. I know the screws are kind of jacked on the right side but it works. I had to pull the one on the top right out because it split the side piece out. I about fainted when it happened but I got some wood glue in it and clamped it up and it is fine but no screw now.
  25. adamt

    98 Camry XLE

    That's the ground location for the secondary battery. It's attatched to the "frame" of the car. It's a unibody vehicle so there isn't much of a frame. That ground didn't do chit so I added a second ground to the body in the trunk. I sprayed it down with white lithium grease but I don't know what else to do to keep it from getting jacked up being that it is located underneath the car. I will post more pics but after the box is done I will be at stand still for awhile. I'm waiting to get back on the termlab and see if this box will get my numbers up before I head out to Union Missouri on the 26th of this month for my first ever competition. Other then that it's saving for the Icons. I may have to buy them one at a time since work has really cut back the hours the last couple weeks.