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team nemesis steve

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Everything posted by team nemesis steve

  1. team nemesis steve

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    I will have mine in my hands tomorrow!!! Yeeeeeaaaaaa!!!!
  2. team nemesis steve

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    Any word yet on arrival time? The Jimmy is anxious....
  3. team nemesis steve

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    Sounds like it was something customs didn't want to mess with until the last. I can't wait for my two either.
  4. team nemesis steve

    Edgar's new box for 2 18's!

    If I understand you right, you are asking will the battery see more than 16 volts and it will when it is properly charged. You wouldn't want to run this kind of battery lower that 17 volts at any given time. Answer your question right?
  5. team nemesis steve

    Edgar's new box for 2 18's!

    ...maybe a car wish it could fit in a car but its on a pick up extended cab :bigclap: i got everything in it and slowed songs are beast even though is not at maximum power. i need to go buy a battery or two oh and my camera is not good for flex couldnt catch any at all I have some Kinetik 16 volter's for sale for $125.00 each Firm. Sundownz "Jacob" would likely back me up on the performance these things can put out! I have 6 up for sale.
  6. team nemesis steve

    Team Db Lincs Newest Member

    Ditto that.
  7. team nemesis steve

    ho alternators

    Get a DB-Link alternator with external regulator. You can't go wrong! I gained almost 2 db's from 16 volts from a charger only to the new alt!
  8. team nemesis steve

    Team Db Lincs Newest Member

    Is this a wall or a no-wall set-up?
  9. team nemesis steve

    Two 3000ds strapped at 1 ohm

    There was a thread that Jacob put on quite a while back that had all of that information that you are wanting to know. Maybe he can find it and post it, so you can check it out.
  10. team nemesis steve

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    Can't wait to get my hands on these.
  11. team nemesis steve

    I have a question about the amps

    I have 2 Sundown SAZ3000d's at 16 volts (8 batteries with a 16 volt alternator) with positive results! Yes I even listen to music with the set-up.
  12. team nemesis steve

    strapping saz's

    The Scoche RCA's that I am using seem to work perfect.
  13. team nemesis steve

    Sealed or Ported

    Build a ported box that sounds almost as good as a sealed. Don't get me wrong it's hard to compare the two but you can come close. Just don't expect it to do any slick numbers on the TL.
  14. team nemesis steve

    dissapointed in my score..

    Subs up, port back as most people have mentioned would get you where you need to be. If your box is off just by a little bit, it could cost you a few DB's. Try moving the box about 1 inch from where the carpet starts on the back near the tailgate. This gained me in the current set-up I am using. I can't really use my stereo as an example to compare (since I have done a lot of power modifications) to where you need to be, but I have (2) stock 18" Nightshades in a no-wall with (2) Sundown 3000's doing a 155.2 sealed on the dash. I burp at 52hz and I have a 4 door 95' Jimmy. If you have any questions, I can try to help.
  15. team nemesis steve

    2 12 nightshades capability of getting louder options

    I have a custom built box that is a little on the small side (2.5 cubes) that I used to run two RE MT 12" in. My best score was a 151.7 sealed on the dash with 2 Memphis 4K's with barely enough battery juice getting to them. I would like to try a pair of stock nightshades on a burp with my two 3000d's in the same box to see what would happen. Hmmmm.....Jacob?
  16. team nemesis steve

    Nightshade.. physical similarities between original, and newer

    The other question is: what kind of deal are you getting on it? If you are getting it real cheap, just buy a re-cone with the upgrades that you require. I am sure Jacob will help you with this.
  17. team nemesis steve

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

    You know I want 2 of them. I will see you soon enough...
  18. team nemesis steve

    Team Sundown?

    Hey, that's cool. I guess I sometimes think everyone is as obsessed, as me about going to every show that I can.
  19. team nemesis steve

    Team Sundown?

    People who live around places that don't have many shows would suffer though. You gotta travel man! I go out of state to compete almost 9 times out of ten!
  20. team nemesis steve

    Team Sundown?

    There should be something in the contract about having to go to at least 2 shows a month to show off the product. You know, do a little representing....
  21. team nemesis steve

    Nightshade-X (NS-X) First Photos

    I need these now Jake!
  22. team nemesis steve

    jbizzle's 2 18" Sundown Nightshades

    If I can Fit two Nightshade 18's in a 95 Jimmy, I think any SUV could handle them (unless it's super small). Small box and I can still play music and burp a good score.