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DC Power Kyle

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Everything posted by DC Power Kyle

  1. DC Power Kyle

    Bigger Alternators?

    I can see why that can be a limiting factor. Theres obviously twice the surface area. But what are other limiting factors to adding a huge H/O alt? Also, will adding a H/O alt or a multiple setup strain the engine? Make it work harder, and in return, more engine noise and less MPG? Work harder, yes, less MPG, yes. More engine noise... not really but maybe a little because the car will push more fuel in and adjust the timing. But remember it takes power to make power. For example, on my 270XP if i dont play my stereo I get 25-28MPG. If I get on it the whole way home from work I will see 19-22MPG. Those are the answers I was looking for! Thanks, I was assuming so, just wanted a confirmation. I've heard ppl putting a smaller pulley to make less ware on the engine, but don't know how much truth there is to that either. But 6 MPG is a big difference for example, most of my commute to work is highway, 25 miles one way. And I'll avg 18-21 mpg, so if I wang it for that 30 minute trip, using your example for comparison, I could potential drop 6 MPG, that could hurt if your not balling and don't care too much for 4$/gallon lol Well you got to remember that that's slamming full tilt for 40 minutes straight. On a larger engine you probably wouldn't be able to tell much of a difference in MPG but on my 4 cylinder it makes a difference. As for smaller pulley... no excessive engine wear... i've been running a 1.8 inch 8 groove pulley in my Camry for over a year now with an XP and cruise around 3krpms on the freeway and have had no issues.
  2. DC Power Kyle

    Bigger Alternators?

    I can see why that can be a limiting factor. Theres obviously twice the surface area. But what are other limiting factors to adding a huge H/O alt? Also, will adding a H/O alt or a multiple setup strain the engine? Make it work harder, and in return, more engine noise and less MPG? Work harder, yes, less MPG, yes. More engine noise... not really but maybe a little because the car will push more fuel in and adjust the timing. But remember it takes power to make power. For example, on my 270XP if i dont play my stereo I get 25-28MPG. If I get on it the whole way home from work I will see 19-22MPG.
  3. DC Power Kyle

    270xp doing 200 amps at idle

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oigS8ccj6oA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56IaUihSLzE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1J9SkmprZm8
  4. DC Power Kyle

    250XP A;ternator

    Hey man it's no problem. We all make mistakes. No one is perfect. Jared pm me your phone number.
  5. DC Power Kyle

    Bigger Alternators?

    If you wish to talk about the 390 further simply email me at [email protected] the 380sp is not an hairpin design (hp and xp) are. Anyways I'm on my iPhone getting blood work done so I will chime in here and explain some more things when I get on my computer. As for the op, shoot me an email and I will take care of you
  6. DC Power Kyle

    250XP A;ternator

    Weird, I have no issue with the coupon code at all. I've had also plenty of people put orders in today that have had it go through.
  7. DC Power Kyle

    Bigger Alternators?

    We actually do have the 390XPs available for this vehicle just don't have them up on the website yet. The 320HPs will stay as is; We are just having a hard time keeping them in stock. That should be fixed soon though as we have a big shipment coming in hopefully within the next month or so. The 380s are the SP series alternator line and while they are killer alternators, the 390s walk up and down on them for idle output. We're talking 165+ amps at idle on the 390XP while the 380s are about 135-140. The pricing on those is still the same just like on all the other vehicles. Yes they are expensive. Are they worth the money? Absolutely. Not to mention instead of having a HUGE ripple current on a 350+ amp alternator due to how much power they put out (30+) you can expect 7-10 on a 390XP. Say hello to no engine noise from a high output alternator Sorry about the delayed response.
  8. DC Power Kyle

    Difference on XP series alts

    On our systems it Shows the correct fitment that you chose. It's just stuck on the front end. I almost have the issue fixed for the front end though.
  9. DC Power Kyle

    Difference on XP series alts

    Okay so after reading this post I believe i know what's causing the incorrect name to appear on the product. Basically we have a ton of products so I've been working on speeding the page load times on the site up. I actually increased them by about 150% if not more. Basically I have a caching system in place that remember what to show the visitor without having to dynamically recalculate everything each page load. So when someone visited lets say a dodge ram for the year 2000 that year's instance was cached and when you went to do your actual product with a different year make model it showed the previous persons vehicle that fits the same alternator. I will have to reprogram some of my caching logic this week. Thanks for bringing this bug to my attention.
  10. DC Power Kyle

    Look what DC Power sent me

    Eric, Put it up on the test bench and she works just fine. We're gonna look at the harness to see if that was the root cause. I'll give you more of an update tomorrow.
  11. DC Power Kyle

    Look what DC Power sent me

    Not saying the mods messed up the alternator, just to know what we need to fix in the housing to get it to fit is all
  12. DC Power Kyle

    Look what DC Power sent me

    Eric, if you would send it back so we can take a look at it that would be great. This will also give us the opportunity to look at the modifications you had to do as well... let us know.
  13. DC Power Kyle

    Benefits of a 15.1 voltage regulator on a 270xp?

    That's correct it was easier to fit through the firewall and I didn't have time to do a second run. Got to remember though I only have a single 270 amp XP alternator..
  14. DC Power Kyle

    Just Ordered Dual 270xp's and Bracket

    We were open, Stan is just out of the office for meetings all week. I will ship it to texas though for you. I was trying to juggle shipping, answering phones and dealing with walk in customers today so i wasn't in the office much as I would've liked to be. I apologize but we will get it out for you.
  15. DC Power Kyle

    Need update on Alt status

    Well, maybe because we had two orders for the same vehicle and engine within a day of each other? Just saying..... As for the OP, I just spoke to him on the phone about the situation.
  16. DC Power Kyle

    Need update on Alt status

    Maybe im getting names mixed up, whats your name?
  17. DC Power Kyle

    Benefits of a 15.1 voltage regulator on a 270xp?

    Might also add I don't have nearly as much drop front to back..
  18. DC Power Kyle

    Benefits of a 15.1 voltage regulator on a 270xp?

    Well I'm running 13kw off a single run of 0 of pos and neg so I would trace down that problem to see where you're losing voltage.
  19. DC Power Kyle

    Benefits of a 15.1 voltage regulator on a 270xp?

    Just saw about the front to back voltage drop, you must have a bad ground or something, double check!
  20. DC Power Kyle

    Benefits of a 15.1 voltage regulator on a 270xp?

    Honestly, not really. The 15v regulator under full load on my car reaches full output at 14-14.3v.. so that little bit of a difference you'll never hear audible.
  21. DC Power Kyle

    Broken case on 250XP. New Design in the works?

    Read my post up above for the rough idle ^^
  22. DC Power Kyle

    Broken case on 250XP. New Design in the works?

    1 XS D2700 in the front 2 Odyssey PC2250s in the back (http://www.odysseybatteries.com/battery/pc2250.htm) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/102298/Photo%20Apr%2010%2C%2011%2009%2013%20PM.jpg
  23. DC Power Kyle

    Broken case on 250XP. New Design in the works?

    I did. look again. That was right as I was leaving the parking lot so I didn't really give it time to recover but whatever. Maybe I'll make one on the freeway tomorrow.
  24. DC Power Kyle

    Broken case on 250XP. New Design in the works?

    Okay, So in this video, yes my voltage goes low, but im also running FOUR T2500-1bdCPs at full tilt... So voltage drop is expected on a 270 amp alternator.... nonetheless it's not bad at all for how much power I'm running. I don't really consider 12.8 bad voltage.. at idle with this much power to be honest...