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Everything posted by burton907

  1. burton907

    some random questions/thoughts

    oh wow, so i think my whole perspective on what's higher and lower notes are backwards, i always thought that the first hit on "I put on" was lower and it went higher from there.. (if i remember right it's been 2 months since i've heard my subs due to medical surgeries ) my sub loves that 38hz tone.. maybe 29, i forget. but that's good to know. iw as thinking about tuning my box to 32hz, but now i'm not sure if i should go higher. in the near future i'm also thinking about selling my Q and pickin up a BL or something else more SPL oriented just to see if i like that more. and i know i want atleast a 15". so you think mine will hit a mid 30's with a decent install eh, what do you think my friends 2 RF P1 12's are getting in a ported box. i really don't know much about it, cause he doesn't either, nor does he care it just hits pretty hard that's all he cares about =/. if i remmeber right (he's only told me once) it's some sort of sub putting out i think 1600. thats all he said i know he didn't specify at what ohms it's rated or anything like that. im just lookin for a rough estimate, i'll know soon enough hopefully spring break how mine is comparing to that.
  2. burton907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that lifed chevy is soooooooo sexy. i really don't feel like back reading, is that a body or suspension lift? it's beautiful i'm thinkin of talkin my ol man into liftin his 02 silverado.
  3. burton907

    OK... Here we go...

    awesome build good luck dude!! i want final pics
  4. burton907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    code for what?
  5. burton907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    any way we can even see the vid again?
  6. burton907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    my god i can't believe he got into a fist fight over car audio companies. though at least he fought for a great company..
  7. burton907

    Car Audio Competition

    anyone have any idea where or if it's even possible to find a used meter? and/or TL
  8. burton907

    Car Audio Competition

    not to be a smartass. but people with systems would help!! maybe even a meter or 2. oh and cars! cars i heard help alot!! justttt kidding, i was tryin to be a smartass. i don't know either, and i'm actually really curious too!! this sounds kinda fun for me to try as well. i got a question i've been wanting to ask, it's on topic.. where could you go to find a meter? and that program everyone has on the computer, Termlab... also what kinda prices are we lookin at for these?
  9. burton907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    sorry double post, i got a weird error message saying it didn't send the first time.
  10. burton907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It was the most pathetic thread I have ever seen posted here. Really made me feel like I was reading something on ca.com... i agree, it actually reminds me of SD.com with though hahaha everyone missed it. it was retardedlly funny. my video was teh best though, at the end.
  11. burton907

    Customer Service

    y only complaint is not having the number to call them .... they're voices aren't as pleasent as everyone is making them out to be! hahah just kidding, but ona side note, why did you title it as AA/FI review? i failed to see where AA comes in? nice review and i am proud to say i haven't had to deal with this first h and... my Q is still troopin through after 5 months! and i don't plan on sending it back in.
  12. burton907

    Woofers out of phase???

    well i have no experience with subs in trunks, but from what i've read on the forums i bet if you were to cut a slot above the port in the rear deck, it sounds to me like that is make it amazingly clearer. if not that, then even if you build another box, say rear facing port and subs. and you still have the port in the rear deck, that will help alottt of the bass getting to the cab.
  13. burton907

    Attn: Thumper

    whats the waiting time lookin like if i was to order a box from you in the next couple weeks? are you backed up kinda far? and idk if i missed it somewhere on your site but how much would it be to ship out to 99801 (southeast alaska). probably a single 2 ported.
  14. burton907

    eD19ov.2 vs. Fi Q and Bl 18s

    answer this are you gonna want loud? or clean bass? Q- will sound super clean and clear, and i'm sure you'll be way surprised on how loud it will get out while still sounding amazing clean. BL- will with no doubt have the POTENTIAL louder then the Q, but that's all depending on the enclosure. i say get the Q. you'll be happy with Either decision though
  15. burton907

    Enclosure Question (yea seems like theres alot of these)

    as far as 2 15's getting loud then 2 12s. yes your Q's have a much higher chance of getting louder then 2 12's. but that is all enclosure dependent. as far as your enclosure problem, i got nothing smart for ya.
  16. burton907

    Life after Death?!?

    thank you for allowing me to bustanut over your ES no seriously, THANK YOU. =] looks great dude. wonna share?
  17. burton907

    teh noobster from Alaska!

    i've only seen one other alaskan on here i've been aroudn for a while, i need to make my sig up but i've been to lazy. how are you all? anyone live in alaska or been here? i'm in juneau.
  18. burton907

    box size... bigger means deeper? :S

    hmm, well i know it wont be as variable as it would in a sealed box. but say i set it to 2.5 @ 32hz, will it still hit the lows pretty well, or is that gonna be fairly high? i listen to every thing except screamo, so i'm pretty wide ranged. and i'm not sure exactly what i like so i wonna start in the middle and decide if i wonna go higher or lower from there.
  19. burton907

    box size... bigger means deeper? :S

    i knew waht cuft actually is haha. i just didn't know how i would know what i would like. what does the size do to the sound of the sub though? i now know that the smaller the box the more power it can handle.. typically. my setup is a d2 12" fi Q, sundown SAZ 1000D. going for ported box, size doesn't matter, i just want what ever will have the most range. i'm tuning it to 32hz.
  20. burton907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thanks. .. .. .. .. =[
  21. burton907

    Ok, two 12 Inch bl's ported or two 15 inch Q's sealed?

    i have a 12" Q, sealed. sounds amazing. i love it, based on what you said you listen to i would recommend the Q's. even 2 of them will sound better then a single BL in my opinion. and they will hit nice and hard for you i can garauntee you'll be satisfied.. unless you really just want massive bass. you'll feel this for sure. my vote, Get the Q's.
  22. burton907

    teh noobster from Alaska!

    not necessarily cold... but it snowed 2 inches today, and i live in southeast alaska. we had sun for the last 2 weeks though, that was cold! it was clear blue sunny, but it was 12 degrees out hahah
  23. burton907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ahh k, thanks Duran. i was so sad, like really i kept trying to get it to work. ohhhhhh the weird thing too was that when i used www.hidemyass.com as a proxy, it worked fine.. a little slow cause it's a popular proxy but it worked fine. then randomly it worked without teh proxy an hour or so ago.
  24. burton907

    Welcome to the IHoP

    p.s. anybody have any idea at all why i wasn't able to access ssa from my house yesterday and about an hour ago today??! it was bugging me i thought i got banned!! firefox kept saying that the website didn't excist. but i got on at my school on my itouch today and it worked fine. anyone else have issues?