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Everything posted by burton907
what is a widow or screen door bracing? i've never heard of that. (so i know what not to do, thanks thumper) also, is it worth putting the corner pieces in, like you do in your builds? and does it have to be at a nice 45 degree angle and perfectly square in the corner?
nice box. how do you like the sound? what do u listen to.. and as far as tunning goes i stay between 31 to 36 for an average listener.. i perfer 32hrz but every car is different i know everyone says this, but i listen to everything. EXCEPT screemo, heavy metal, death metal, that kinda stuff i can't do. but i really listen to everything, usually depending on my mood. but i guess to ehlp you out i mainly listen to hip hop/rnb/rap. basically, the SPL kinda music. i just don't want my subs to drown out my (crappy) front stage. i was planning on tuning it to 32hz. that seems to be everyones preference. it's mainly just box size i guess i'm worried about. lately i've also considered selling the Q, and getting an SPL orientated sub, just to see what i like more. but i don't want to do that incase i really don't like it.
how about some pics? aka DO IT!!!! (with pics!!)
nice box. how do you like the sound?
i agree. though i'm one of those idiots. but i'm completely satisfied with my Q. i think the main problem for new people coming into car audio, think they want SQ.. but come to find out that they dont. is because they have no experience with either. thats how it was for me. all i had experience on was reading online, and seeing some videos. but video's do nothing really. this stuff should all be judged by first hand experience. i thought i wanted SQ, which i do. but right now, i don't have everything needed for an SQ setup. meaning patience, time, and money. plus as it turns out, now that i have the Q and know what SQ is more leaning towards, for my next setup, i will most likely go with SPL orientated sub. just so i can really find out what i like since i will have first hand experience with both. just gotta learn first hand.
i'm sorry, but you PHAIL because there is no choice for a short sleeve shirt in the paragraph. notice my bolded sentence in your statement. but in all seriouseness, i wouldn't buy any because why the hell would you need a moss colored shirt?
well glad to know Fi >>> way over powered sub for several months Fi FTMFW!!! hahah. but seriously fire >> j00. send it in for a recone.
yea i told everyone that has some voice recording ability on they're phones to be ready with it if they talk to him or his friends. and everyone try to get him to say something. this kid literally only has 3 actual friends in town. nobody else likes him but everyone can't be a dick to him cause we feel bad. he's like that sick puppy trhat just follows you around ya know
tops for dumb highschool drama!!....
If you call him out, he's going to deny it. Try to ask around and see if anyone knows of anything about it. that's about all you can do...and if someone will admit to knowing, getting them to write it down in front of the police is a different matter. basicly, you're in a bad spot. you can request to file a report, they'll turn it over to the prosecuting attorny, but i doubt they'll act on anything. once you noticed the broken mirrrors, you should've parked the car and called the cops on the spot. filled out a report before you attempted to make repairs. they might have even rolled on over to the theatre and interviewed the x right then. wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i did pull over as soon as i could. there was no shoulder on the road iw as on, and it was only 75 or so more feet untill the lot where i did pull over. the kid was gone before the movie was out. apparently he just got off work when our movie was starting. and then he watched a movie with his buddy and then his mom brought them home. but his buddy was with us in our movie for almost 45 minutes, so idk how that works.
If you call him out, he's going to deny it. Try to ask around and see if anyone knows of anything about it. yea i know, thats just obvious. the cop said he was gonna talk to his parents (the kid is 16, i'm 18). when his ex called him right after i found about the mirrors she said "so you gonna go breaking any more of my friends car mirrors?" and he said "chit *click*" and hung up the phone, and has been denying it since. she called his dad and told him where the kids stash was, and how he needs help because he's threatened to kill himself to several people, several times (this is true) and she told them about my car. his parents called us back later and said that alex apologized to them about my car.. that sounds to me like he confessed wouldn't you think? but this is a really small town, and everyone knows everyone. i'm sure this kid will slip, or his friends will by the time school starts anyways. he's obviously not the sharpest tool. i'm just curious as to what else i should do besides keep an ear out. i'm gonna go to the movie theatre about 330 when the manager gets in and tlak to him about if there are any camera's. i parked literally 10 feet away from teh only entrence to the theatre in a handicap spot. there's bound to be something there.
i went and saw "The Knowing" last night. overall, i liked it. the ending was retarded, but i liked the idea behind it. who has seen it? and after teh movie. me and a couple friends went out to my car to head home. and i started driving off, i noticed my 2 side mirrors were broken. so i knew who it was, i was with the kids ex girlfriend, and he works at that movie theatre. so i pulled over at the next breeze in.. basically a kwiki-mart or what ever you guys have down there in the lower 48. and i walked around my car, this kid decided to deflate my back right tire, completely. so i drove about a mile on rims =[. and he bent my back windshield wiper completely backwards. and broke my 2 mirrors. as far as i can tell that looks like all he did. i had to call a friend to pick me up to give me a ride to my house and get my spare tire (i took it out for my sub). i get it, and the jack in my car, IS BOLTED TO THE BODY. how retarded is that, and there are no wratchits (sp) that are with it in the car or anything. so i couldn't use that. so i had to call another buddy with a jack in his car. he finally gets there and we get it lifted very slowly with this old jack, and i go to take the lugs off. i get through all of them, and then the very klast one i had to take off, strips. and ic an't get it off. so i put the rest of them back on and lower the car. then i gotta drive it across the street to a parking lot for the night, once again on teh rims. this morning i go get my step dads air compressor and bring it out, and sure as chit theres a leak in it. most likely from me driving on it. so i brought it to les schwab a couple hours ago and i just got a call saying it's done. so i'm gonna go chekc out the damage. i called the cops last night right after i got my spare tire. and he said that there isn't much we can do about it unless he confesses, or somebody slips and says something at school. well it's spring break this week and so this comming monday... it's gonna be a good day. nobody liked this kid in teh first place because he told his ex gf (who has type 1 diabetes) that he wishes she would go die and a bunch of stuff related to her disorder.. anyways.. mrray, got any advice as far as me dealing with this kid and getting my car paid for??!
1) unwrap popcorn 2) open microwave door 3) place bag of popcorn into microwave 4) make sure the flippy flaps of the popcorn are facing UP (this step is important) 5) close door 6) push popcorn button 7) come back to microwave about 2.5 minutes later, or when you hear your microwave beep 1 to 3 times. 8) get on hop, and thank burton for helping you not set off smoke detector not too hard, though i emphasize step 4 because it uses very technical words, and step 8 because this is something i have mastered over the years and i should finally recieve the credit i deserve.
edit: nevermind. not getting involved. good luck OP
yea i found em. thanks guys.
i have been wondering why there is no iinformation on www.sundownaudio.com about the SAE-1000D? is it old? or do you guys just not make them any more? i bought mine off db-r.com a couple months ago.. so the only chance i would have of finding another SAE-1000D is if i buy it from another person?
i was having some issues with my electrical, and my battery died at the school yesterday. long story short i had to go get a new battery and put it in. well at the school i don't have any tools in mine or my friends car. i decided that i was sick of hearing them rattle last week so i took them out hahah. and so i could only tighten the terminals by hand. well on my drive home, so i can completely tighten them, i was having some shorts goin on with the terminals and i ended up blowing 2 of my 30 amp fuses on my amp. i was just wondering if there is any way i can test the amp myself to make sure no other damage was done? i'm about to go get some new fuses, and i will get back on when i get home. ps i know i was stupid for doing it by hand, but i didn't have much of any other choice unless i wanted to wait 4 hours for somebody to get off work. idk if you need any more details.. ask and i'll let you know when i get back. thanks guys
hahahha that doesn't make much sense, but it does to me cause i know waht you mean you'll be wayy better at giving advice if you weren't tippin there jon.
What is the fastest you have gone
burton907 replied to bassahaulic's topic in Automotive and Performance
60 in a go cart would be alot of fun. i've ridden in a pretty speedy go cart, but there wasn't enough room to see what it could do. i'd say i was going maybe 25-30, but it sure feels alot faster when your 3 inches off the ground! -
get it anyways. it's free. and it wont hurt to have it.
hmm so i just reinstalled it all. and it seems to be working fine.. but i'm gonna ride it easy just to make sure. i think i was just being a little paranoid. or it was my car rattling which caused me to think it was clipping. thanks guys!
He is talking about output sound, as in to a speaker. Not sound coming from the physical amp, they are not fan cooled and have no moving parts well i knew there were no moving parts, i thought he was reffering to a like a buzzing/humming sound. something the electrical might make. anyways to answer the question, yes it does put out sound, but it sounds clipped/distorted. though i haven't heard actual clipping from a sub before, so i could just be paranoid and think i'm hearing it. and it isn't putting out full power.
What is the fastest you have gone
burton907 replied to bassahaulic's topic in Automotive and Performance
well it wasn't from 0-114 on the stretch.. i was goin 60 at the top of the small hill.. maybe if i remember sometime i'll take a picture with my phone of the stretch and put it up on here. it didn't take too long i don't think. well not long considering the weight. but that corolla had a chitty top-end. -
umm, it powers up right. well, it powers up the same as it did before this issue. and i don't know about it putting out sound. what kind of sound are you talking about.. sound to my sub? or a noise coming directly from teh amp? it puts out power to my sub, but it's not the same power it did before. so with that i would assume your tlakin about sound directly from the amp. i haven't put my ear to the amp, but i've been close to it while it was running and i didn't notice a noise.
What is the fastest you have gone
burton907 replied to bassahaulic's topic in Automotive and Performance
x2 114 in a 98 corolla CE. with 9 people in my car. i couldn't believe it. on that little stretch, it's like the only place in town to see how fast you can get, i'd guess it's about 1/3 mile before you need to slow down. i usually never got over 108 there, with just me and/or a couple friends. btu the fastest ive ever gone with me driving was 114 with 9 people in a corolla. it was weird. but fun.