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Everything posted by agithegreat

  1. Ok guys, I'm from the UK, but i'm over with you in the states for the next 8 months or so. Staying out in Melbourne, Florida. I'm after either a decent 3000W rms @1 ohm class a/b amp Or a class D, or pair of class D's with good dampening factors, with about 3kw @1 ohm ultimatly. I have back at home an AA Mayhem 15", which i powered with a Powerbass xa3000D. Which i liked, but i want something to control the woofer better. I've heard US amps merlins and i liked the sound of them . They were running @ 2 ohm though, but i could run one per coil. As i'm not used to prices on things out here, roughly how much money are we talking for a pair of merlins mono's, totalling ~3k? Or a decent A/B putting out ~3kw? Second hand, or even brand new... Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Agi
  2. Enclosure doesn't flex, it's braces with 4x2 from top to bottom. The port may well flex a little. The car is deadened all over 4mm twice all over the boot of some top stuff from darren of UK DB drag. The doors have a single layer, as does the whole roof. The car is a renault clio, so clearly the panels still flex . It's an uncontrolled sound, yes. It's not smooth, thats the only real way to describe it, like other systems i have heard you can hear the sound then at the same time feel the airflow. Well i get the moving airflow alright, but the sound sounds delayed and not as though it's moving the air as it should.
  3. agithegreat


    Bang on! Will do.
  4. agithegreat


    Can someone tell me where my nearest dealer is please. I need a recone for my AA Mayhem 15" D2. Melbourne, FL 32901
  5. Yes i have flared the port as much as i can, i will seal off my bot completely when i get back so the box is stuck in place and no air can enter my boot at all, as the baffle sits above parcel shelf height. The noise doesn't sound like it's coming from the port or the box, or the sub. It's just muffled noise throughout the cabin. I don't want/need a recone. I'm just considering my options when it comes to other amps. Ideally i want an amp that can put out 3kw at 4 ohms... Thats not going to happen within my budget, however an amp putting out 3kw across a coil a piece for 1 ohm separatly, is. Second best would of course be to use 1.5kw @ 2 ohms, then run one per coil without the need to recone.
  6. Who is that first statement directed at? No one is trying to criticize, we are trying to use a smart process of finding out the problem before buying new equipment. And I mirror what 'phi' says again about wondering if this is port noise. My first statement was not particuarly aimed at anyone... It could possibly be port noise, but I have limited space, like low tuning, and the port doesn't suffer from any chuffing noise as i can hear. I'm tuned so low as i like competing in a format called propper droppers. Will probably sound bonkers, but here's the forum for you to look over. http://streetbassers.co.uk/forum/index.php How about a pair of these... http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/store/products/Rockford-Fosgate-T1500%252d1bd.html One per coil, i would have to get my sub reconed but thats no bother... Or possibly a pair of these. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/store/products/US-Amps-MD2D.html
  7. Ok, thanks. Box specs are above, 3rd post, I think... I went exactly by what i was recommended by the dealer to do. It's out of 1" MDF with a 2" baffle. I have done 3 boxes to date for the woofer, with this current one sounding the best. I'm just after any decent 3kw amp tbh. That i hope will sound better than a PBX xa3000D.
  8. agithegreat


    Yes Am, but as i'm in the states for 9 months, i'm indefinitely taking advantage. PM me on TA if you wish.
  9. Jesus, welcome to America. I've been in cars with identical setups, with orion amps. Which sound much better than the PBX did, ok they were different cars... The sound i'm disliking is sort of air mass moving more-so than sound. Ok i did 146odd db @ 31hz, which is loud, but it doesn't sound right. I can't rebuild a box as i'm not currently with my box, i was adequately under the impression that my box was sound. I just want how do i say to not kick up a fuss? A different sound??? Can no one suggest me anything, or just criticize further?
  10. Maybe i was a little unclear, i want an amp that will control the sound of the woofer better. Yes box design is important, but tuned to 24hz, with 4 cubes (after displacements) and only 42" sq of port area isn't exactly unloading the driver.... So any more suggestions of amps?
  11. agithegreat


    Kit please. Thanks