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Everything posted by Maddenkid2011

  1. Maddenkid2011

    Amplifier Noise Issue

    If my car and radio are off and I flip my toggle switch on, the noise is still there. There is no difference in the intensity of the noise whether the car is running or not, or if the radio is on or not. Just one loud noise all the time when on.
  2. Maddenkid2011

    Amplifier Problem

    The settings on my head unit are fine. Its a very basic unit so theres not much i cans crew. Ipod's fine too. I unplugged each one and they were good. Half the output each time i pulled one out. I can measure the voltage tomorrow. They looked fine so i dont think its that. Im pretty sure its my amp but i dont know.
  3. Recently my sub hasn't been giving me the same output as usual. I figured it was because of the cold but the output never really changed once it warmed up. So idk whats wrong but basically its at half the volume it used to be. I thought maybe I messed something up on the sub itself but the voice coil wasn't burnt, and there there was no mechanical noise. Basically everything looked fine. I checked the rcas and they were fine, so was all the other wiring. I redid everything on the amp just in case. The wiring on the sub was fine because I haven't touched it in months. Head unit setting are normal, nothing changed. Any thoughts? Gain is also at 3/4. Never once played my sub loud when cold so i dont think thats it. Amp is a Rockford T-1000bd and the sub is a Fi BL 15".
  4. I have a Rockford-Fosgate T-1000bd and earlier today i was playing my friends sub on my amp fine and then i took his out and put mine back in. After I did this the amp is staying in protect mode. The light turns on (blue power) and whenever a bass note hits the protect light will come on in unison with the bass and no sound is produced. I am positive I have my BL wired down to 1 ohm. Any suggestions? more information you need? heeeeeeelp Stock electrical btw on a 2005 grand prix gt.
  5. Fixed it Took out my sub and re-wired it and it worked. Funny part is that i rewired it exactly the same way. Damn technology.
  6. Today when I got in the car the protext light doesn't even come on anymore, its just the normal power light. The light doesn't even turn on when the bass hits. So now I'm extremely confused because there's still no sound. The protect light would only come on when the bass hit regardless of the gain setting. Can't report voltages for a couple of days. Don't have the DMM.
  7. Maddenkid2011

    Triple stack BTL or First gen UFO style BL?

    And regardless of older model? Yep, It should but maybe not to the ear but to the meter it would be louder. It's not because the sensitivity is higher that it will be louder. The box is the most important thing to how it will react, you can only test and know that it will work in that application. Model them both against eachother and you'll see i'll do that tomorrow and let you guys know. It just seems like a newer model BL evens out with an older model BTL.
  8. My buddy bought a Triple stacked BTL (first gen??) and I currently own the 2010? UFO style BL (without red sticker on bottom of magnet). My main point is will it be worth it to get his BTL? Im not sure how much of a difference the generations actually make but I'm assuming a newer generation BL will perform the same as an older generation BTL. Opinions? Im going basically for SPL and the box is 3.75 ft^3 @ 32 Hz. Please no flaming. Im already one hundred percent satisfied with my BL but just wondering if the BTL will give me that extra boom boom ya know. Ohh, and both the subs are fully loaded 15's and will be ran off of my RF T-1000Bd.
  9. Maddenkid2011

    Triple stack BTL or First gen UFO style BL?

    And regardless of older model?
  10. Maddenkid2011

    Triple stack BTL or First gen UFO style BL?

    Thats what I was thinking. I will be trying it out myself tomorrow but I just want some opinions. Especially when it comes to resale value. Basically this was to see how big of a difference the generation of the sub will make. Hoping for something along the lines of a direct reply from Nick or an Admin.
  11. Maddenkid2011

    Anyone else blare HardNox?

    I See Stars and Chiodos are both from where I live. (personally know the chiodos lead singer) Attack Attack is one of my favorite hardcore bands, love the new CD. Check out IWRESTLEDABEARONCE if you want to have an eargasm.
  12. Maddenkid2011

    2005 Grand Prix

    Anybody ever break through the firewall on a 2005 (and up) Grand Prix? Wheres the grommet, what the hell? First time running wires and i'm stumped. Some tips as to what I should do if i can't find it would be helped.
  13. Maddenkid2011

    Anyone else blare HardNox?

    Seen BrokeNcyde twice mah man, love 'em. Dot Dot Curve was more of a fad band for me, liked them for a while then i thought to myself "What the hell am i listening too?" Ever listen to Chiodos, We Came As Romans, or I See Stars? I love my scream, listen to it religiously.
  14. Maddenkid2011

    Dirt Biking In the Snow In The Desert

    What song did you play in this video?
  15. at the same frequency all three times? also.. if any of those tests were clipped.. or clipped more than the other.. a square wave will produce peaks in MANY frequencies which will cause your ear to perceive a sound audibly louder than what it might be because of frequency shift. Same frequencies, I was burping, rolling volume. All these numbers was round abouts, not 100% sure on the exacts until I pull up my old thread. Don't know about clipped, didn't scope them or clamp, so have no idea of actual power. Point is, I sat there and hear differences that wasn't 3dBs apart. I know the theories. I know power compression. My point is, I know what I heard. You know what you heard......but do you know why you heard it? Unless you can answer the question why, and exclude every possible explanation that it was a reason other than what you are suggesting....then you didn't test anything, you can't prove anything, your results aren't valid, and you can not state anything definitive as an explanation. The reason you noticed a difference, even a "big" difference could be reasons completely unrelated the decibel difference of the fundamental frequency. Resonances, distortions, knowing the differences while listening, etc etc etc (and a dozen more things I didn't mention) are all are going to affect the results. Hell, the very fact that you rolled the volume makes your "test" useless. And I'm not arguing the 3db point. I don't agree with the 3db thing either. But, in another thread you said you could hear .5db differences, in the subbass, at a level of 140db+. THAT is clearly beyond the limits of human hearing. The differences that the OP would experience would be well below 1db, THAT would be clearly inaudible and you tried to argue against that point. FYI, "I know what I heard" isn't a valid argument. It's been used time and time again by various people arguing various points for various reasons. The simple fact is, that's not a valid defense or explanation. The only means of "proving" this is by means of a scientifically valid test in controlled conditions administered by someone with the training to properly conduct such an experiment. And what you are describing.....doesn't qualify as any of the above.
  16. Maddenkid2011

    Component Set Opinions

    I have about $150(ish) to spend on a nice component set. They're gonna be going into a 2005 grand prix. I just wanna hear your guys opinions on what you guys would buy. I was looking at the bravox cs60k, if you have any experiences with these or any bravox in general let me know. If you need any more details then let me know.
  17. Maddenkid2011

    Component Set Opinions

    The car is a 2005 grand prix and other models come with Bose...maybe that?
  18. Maddenkid2011

    Component Set Opinions

    How do my front doors fit 5.25's and 6.75's? o_O
  19. Maddenkid2011

    Component Set Opinions

    They seem really nice. The reviews were nothing but positive about them. How exactly can I tell what certain speakers will fit into my stock locations in my car?
  20. Maddenkid2011

    Component Set Opinions

    I've been looking at those actually. Could you spare me a link to some of those said reviews? I'd love to hear some opinions on the bravox cs60k's.
  21. Maddenkid2011

    Component Set Opinions

    Bump, lemme hear your opinions.
  22. Maddenkid2011

    Component Set Opinions

    What set was the best in your opinion?
  23. Maddenkid2011

    2005 Pontiac Grand Prix Questions

    Anybody ever deal with taking the dash out on one of these? I'm trying to install my single din radio (not sure if single din's possible) and i'm afraid to just rip off the dash like I used to do with my 2001.
  24. Maddenkid2011

    2005 Pontiac Grand Prix Questions

  25. Maddenkid2011

    BTL fans vote for me please

    I live in Clio! lol (between Flint and Saginaw) Got me a BL man and I love it. Ya gotta vote for him, he's from michigan....the BTL's jsut a plus lol.