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Everything posted by hrtbrk1

  1. hrtbrk1

    ATTEN Jacob (SAZ 1500)

    itll be safe...but no warranty implied
  2. hrtbrk1

    Two Questions one Sae-1200Dv2

    the amp is parallel inside so if you wire one set of terminals to each amp terminal. it would get a 1 ohm load...or you can wire the sub in parallel and hook it up to one set of amp terminal
  3. hrtbrk1

    The time has come

  4. hrtbrk1

    need help and fast

    im not an expert in that man...but id say about 34 hz...use a big 8 inch aero...i dont know how long though...my guess would be about 10-12 inches
  5. hrtbrk1

    need help and fast

    port the box...use external aeros so you wound have to make that much of a change. or build a new box entirely
  6. hrtbrk1

    "Magic Box" V.2 For an 18"

    good work jacob
  7. hrtbrk1

    nightshade 15s and a 4500

    it will take it like a champ
  8. hrtbrk1

    SAZ-2500D Pre-Sale OPEN

    hahaha lol!!! i trust u
  9. hrtbrk1

    SAZ-2500D Pre-Sale OPEN

    uh oh...should i be worried that they are done so fast?
  10. hrtbrk1

    sundown dealer in oklahoma?

    well i got some sundowns in my car lets meet up sometime man, i mean im not loud at the moment because im only running 2 re se 10s...on like 300 wats or so... lol...i got stuff for sale if your interested or if u just wanna hang
  11. hrtbrk1

    Hello from Oahu, Hawaii

    welcome uce
  12. hrtbrk1

    sundown dealer in oklahoma?

    yo man...im probably one of the closest thing to a sundown rep in oklahoma...and im not even close to it...meaning...there arent any...there are probably some that are soon to be dealers but none official yet...as for repairs...db-r is the best one in our region if not the country...also what u got in your car man, i wanna hear your set up...im jsut glad to see another okie that uses sundown
  13. hrtbrk1

    SAZ-2500D Pre-Sale OPEN

    comparison shot to the 3000d
  14. hrtbrk1

    Building 2x T3 TSS 15s

    loving it
  15. hrtbrk1

    Latest run 1500D BR IN / OUT

    thanks derrick
  16. hrtbrk1

    Latest run 1500D BR IN / OUT

    do u think these are amps from presale?
  17. hrtbrk1

    Quick Question about SAE-1200Dv2

    its the same
  18. hrtbrk1

    12x 15s Build -- Teaser Pictures

    who is this brandon you are talking about?
  19. hrtbrk1

    Cracked Nightshade Video

    was this the one off of ebay?
  20. hrtbrk1

    SA-12 Stock Low!

    woot woot!!
  21. hrtbrk1

    1200d v.2 not putting out like i think it should

    yeah...ur fuse should have went to heaven
  22. hrtbrk1

    Sundown Amps and Issue with some RCAs???

    yeah i was wondering why the knus were so tight
  23. hrtbrk1

    How does this look

    more port imo