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- Nickelz N Dimez -

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Everything posted by - Nickelz N Dimez -

  1. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    Chevy vs Dodge

    He is going to " give " or " sell " them to you?
  2. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    Box Build: Flared Port for Fi Q

    Looking great like always..
  3. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    First Impressions. Whoah.

    Yeah thats some serious weight right there..
  4. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    First Impressions. Whoah.

    Nice choice on a sub..
  5. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    Kicker Solo X 18, ZX2500 Full Sizer Blazer Pics.. Vid to follow..

    I like the " X " on the box along with the colors..
  6. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    Incriminator VS Incriminator

  7. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    Spring Cleaning X series 12's!

    These would be fun to play around with.
  8. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    Pics of system installed... enjoy!

    Tight car.. Great choice on a subwoofer..
  9. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    Box Build for Andrew_as

    Very nice!
  10. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    What to do what to do?

  11. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    Just sayin thanks

    Woot.. =]
  12. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    Hey ppl

  13. - Nickelz N Dimez -


  14. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    Build for acex3a

    Whoa, Never seen a box like this.. Very nice.. :bigclap:
  15. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    L5 8'' .5^3 sealed

    Box is super small... Good job..
  16. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    My BAD thread

    I dunno I've been trying to get rid of my chick and I will admit im a sucker for going back with her since she fudgeed me over soooooo many times while I was doing time..But I dunno I wont lie it is love but until she starts leashing me around like a dog. Its easy to say you will do it and then when it comes down to it you cant.
  17. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    My BAD thread

    Look bro I have the same problem, But ive only been with my chick for only a year now. I need to move but I cant. It feels so good to be free and out and about all day long without since I've been ignoring her for the past few days. But then when it comes down to it and im alone I get so lonely without her. I just need to man up and just let her go like you should, but you cant because you love her. But when you say your gonna do it and you see her with other dudes or just think about her it kills you.. I know what your going through.
  18. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    Box Build for IA Death Row 12

    Sometimes it makes me so angry cuz you make it look so easy..
  19. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    Box Build for kayone707

    Double post..
  20. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    Box Build for kayone707

    I like this enclosure without carpet.. Its different..
  21. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    Jay-C76's 2005 Ranger Install

    Nice looking box..
  22. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    12" Dcon common chamber flared port

    Great box.. Wonder how long the waiting list is..
  23. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    Hello SSA, another Louisiana member.

    Welcome to SSA..
  24. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    L7 8" sub in middle console

    Crazy man..
  25. - Nickelz N Dimez -

    dissapointed in my score..

    Personally I think a 145 is great..