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About mysticstylezaudio

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  1. mysticstylezaudio

    Loss of sound??? ANy help

    Yeah I made sure to turn the gain down. Actually since I adjusted everything listening to you guys it sounds a lot better. I took it by the shop today and the owner was mad cause I messed with it but I found out he has burnt 2 cars up within the last 2 months
  2. mysticstylezaudio

    Loss of sound??? ANy help

  3. mysticstylezaudio

    Loss of sound??? ANy help

    What do you mean?
  4. mysticstylezaudio

    Loss of sound??? ANy help

    The loss of sound was from me puting by backseat back up. I did re adjust my amp listening to what you all said. I have not listened to it yet but everything is ok now. Thanks for all the advice and help.
  5. mysticstylezaudio

    Loss of sound??? ANy help

    ok. Thanks. I have been messing with systems for a while but I have never had anyone explain amp settings to me before so I have never been great at setting them.
  6. mysticstylezaudio

    Loss of sound??? ANy help

    My box is tuned to 33htz. It is set at 20 right now. Thanks for explaining what it does. I have a memphis mojo 4kw as an amp. Really how should it be set. I also dont really understand the lpf, I do but I would like to really understand it better.
  7. mysticstylezaudio

    Loss of sound??? ANy help

    The pop happened agin today and it's where( i believe) the subs excurt to much. I need adjust the subsonic but I'm not sure how. I have never really messed with it.The owner at the local audio shop where I hang out set it
  8. mysticstylezaudio

    Loss of sound??? ANy help

    Ok so I have been looking and playing and now I really feel like an idiot. The reason for the sound loss is because since I had it all in there I had my middle seat down(suv) and the other day when I was cleaning it out I put that seat back up so apparently it made a difference.
  9. mysticstylezaudio

    Loss of sound??? ANy help

    I was thinking that maybe the box is leaking but didn't know if that would be a real noticiable difference. The pop came when I was playing at high levels and the subs were excurting crazy because of low notes in the song. So if I clipped the amp how would I know? What do I look for?
  10. mysticstylezaudio

    Loss of sound??? ANy help

    So when I first got my 2 12" btl's they got low and loud. I have had them almost a month and now they don't sound the same. It's late so I havent put a dmm on the so I don't know if something happened with the coils but I never smelt anything. One day they were hitting real low and I thought I heard a pop but they still sounded great, may I have over done it? Any ideas???
  11. mysticstylezaudio

    FI Internet problem?

    if it went out friday then ups didn't send me a tracking number. I will email you all tomorrow and you can let me know whats going on with it. I wasn't in that big of a hurry but just curious where they were. Could you help me with a port question?
  12. mysticstylezaudio

    FI Internet problem?

    Does anyone know if FI got their internet back up and running? I talked to Nick on Wednesday or Thursday and he said the internet had been down all week so they couldn't ship anything out. I am waiting on 2 btl's to ship out so I was going to see if they ever got it running again
  13. mysticstylezaudio


    Ok. Thanks guys that helps alot
  14. mysticstylezaudio


    Are you 100% sure on that length? I just want to make sure before build cause I don't want to have to try to get it back out
  15. mysticstylezaudio


    2 BTL 12's. The outside dims of the box are 17" tall x 24.75" deep x 33.5 wide. I am going to use a 8"pvc pipe and make my own flares but need help on length for 33htz tuning. Also with it being an 8 inch pipe do I have to have 8 inches from the back of the box to the end of the pipe? Also how long should the pipe be to be 33htz? Please help me with this.