Well yeah it is. I would just hope you'd aspire to greater things than sandwich making. Which, somebody has to do, I understand. I'm thankful for them whenever I go into Subway. But whenever I see a middle-aged person behind the counter (which happens probably 75% of the time for me), I just can't help but think about how they're getting by. There are better jobs out there, but considering there are laid off adults that are more qualified to make sandwiches very few high school kids even work now. You have to start out some where, and if its sandwich making.Then so be it. At least you are actually getting off your butt and working for what you want. Unlike some people. I didn't want to work in a restaurant,..I refused to do it.however, now i am and i've been there almost a year. I'm not making much money though. I probably would of been better off working at a subway or something lol. I dont know. Anyway yes there are better jobs. Like i said though. you have to start out somewhere..to get where you want to go! even if it is a restaurant. sometimes you do what you have to do, not what you want to do.