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Everything posted by Jay-C76

  1. Jay-C76

    from baton rouge

    Greetings! Joined in 08'!! WoW it's about time you posted!!! LOL Looking forward to some pics!!!
  2. Jay-C76

    ground location

    X2 The ground location is just as important as anything else in the system. Cutting corners on installation will result in problems down the road...
  3. Jay-C76

    Mounting Amp on Box

    I mount mine on the enclosure.. The whole truck shakes when the bass hits.. It really wouldn't matter where I put them in my Ranger, due to the fact that the whole truck feels the impact from these Icon's. I really don't see an issue with mounting them on the enclosure. I've never had an issue in the many years I've been at this. The main thing I see that will damage internals of an amp are when little tiny strands of cut wire may find their way into the amp. That too can be eliminated by simply not being sloppy and being careful. A solid built enclosure shouldn't flex enough to do any damage to the amp anyways. If so, either build a better box or buy a better built amp.
  4. Jay-C76

    Team SSA Stickers are in!

    I'll snap a pic of mine once I get it and put it on. I got the Blue/White one....
  5. Jay-C76

    MISC 11.JPG

    From the album: Ranger Icon Install

  6. Jay-C76

    WU 19.JPG

    From the album: Ranger Icon Install

  7. Jay-C76

    WU 17.JPG

    From the album: Ranger Icon Install

  8. Jay-C76


    From the album: Ranger Icon Install

  9. Jay-C76


    From the album: Ranger Icon Install

  10. Jay-C76


    From the album: Ranger Icon Install

  11. Jay-C76


    From the album: Ranger Icon Install

  12. Jay-C76

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    Them door are sick!!! Stylin' and smooth! Two thumbs way up!!!
  13. R/F T1500-1bd stays nice and cool even in the rear of my truck. (will usually birth out over 1000rms @ 2ohm) ~or~ the Sundown 1500 (my next new amp line if I switch next year.)
  14. Jay-C76

    ErekTioNz FTW

    Greetings! B7LBL4ZER knows what he's talking about, this site is packed full of awesome people who know how to help.
  15. Jay-C76

    whats up

    Welcome! You should find many juicy details on this forum to help you out.
  16. Jay-C76

    speaker wire

    Just pull the boot out of the hole, feed the wire through and put the boot back in. It's not hard if you can reach it. The one's in my ranger made an "S" shape so I just pulled them out and re-installed them.
  17. Invest in a digital multimeter A.S.A.P. These things are one of the most important install tools.
  18. Jay-C76

    Team Stickers :)

    Do the "non-team" members stickers still say the word "Team" on them?
  19. Jay-C76

    Team Stickers :)

  20. Jay-C76

    Which sub should i buy?

    Out of the three you've chosen, I too would vote for the Fi BL. On the other hand a pair of SSA con 12's in a sealed box may have a louder output. Excellent sound quality to boot! With the space you've provided IMO a ported 18" will sound like azz. It's a little on the small side. Can I ask what type of ride are you putting this into? It may help if it's a common sty;e auto... The suggestions and opinions will be more "fine tuned".
  21. I believe, and I may be wrong on this but..... I think the H/U power feed in the dash is regulated in some way that it only receives a 12volt (usually 15amp) current.... I've never had a charging system over 14.9 volts so I can't be 100% sure on this. Try to hook up the leads on a multimeter and see what the actual voltage is before you install the H/U.
  22. True Customer Service at the highest level!! Viva SSA!!!!!

  23. X2 Good one!!! Oh and repeat the process with the engine running at idle, then again at around 1800 rpm...
  24. What about the alternator? Has it been tested?
  25. Jay-C76

    Finally...an intro and a post

    Welcome and enjoy the site!