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Everything posted by Jay-C76

  1. Jay-C76

    flat response for warden 12

    I second that. I use TermPro as well and have always had a pleasing result. But, some subwoofers just are not mechanically engineered to produce a flat response on the graph. (I hate the phase but,) It is what it is...and it's not really a SQ subwoofer IMO.
  2. Jay-C76

    15" T2 common chamber wedge/Flare

    LOL...... I always write something stupid on the panels to line them up after the holes are cut he really wanted a pair of 15" jammed in there with a flare......not much baffle "all port and sub " That's funny! I always put a made up model number in my enclosures that I build. This one I'm doing now is the XPWS 7000 B...LOL It always confuses people when they look inside... Do you still Autograph each enclosure?
  3. Jay-C76

    15" T2 common chamber wedge/Flare

    "Apple" ?????? what the......? Nice lookin' wedge there Mr. Komant! Packed them subs in there huh. The sub near the port looks kinda scary.
  4. I can take some better pics of a patter I use to gauge my kerfs.

    I keep it on had as a reference...LOL

    If it just won't work for ya, I'm here at the house all weekend.

    I may be able to do the kerfs if you need them.

    I'm in Harrison, Ohio.

  5. Try it on a scrap piece first b/c usually the hardest thing

    is to get the depth right.

    If you cut too shallow the kerf will crack.

    Use a straight edge or fence to keep them cut straight.

    I also like to use something to cover the freshly cut kerf lines as

    I saw, so they don't get filled in with dust.

    Which can cause the kerf to crack due to lack of a void to cl...

  6. Kerf info requested! LOL

    Not a problem man.

    space the cuts 3/8" apart.

    I typically try to use a 3" radius (it forms easy)

    set the saw depth at 11/16"

    it'll just leave a thick "skin".

    the holes will be staggered on the lines and drilled 5/8" deep.

    Usually I space the holes 4" apart one line and just offset the

    next line...

  7. Jay-C76

    New Facebook Features on SSA!

    Holy cow! Is that 78 pm's on that screen shot?
  8. Jay-C76

    Mr. Bojangles 06 Tahoe Build Log (Six sa-10s)

    X2 Plus we like pics so keep em' flowing!
  9. Jay-C76

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    nice job!!!!!
  10. Jay-C76

    I am going to jump off a cliff!

    Exactly where would I be able to find some of these articles? Or any websites, books, that you think would help me? I am a complete novice at this stuff, I had a lot of help when I had installed my XCONS. Since your new at this, you'll actually find yourself getting a lot of honest help from people on here. Sorry if this seems long winded but if you really want to take a stab at building your own enclosure, Keep your first build simple and to the point. On SSA's Home page you can find info on specs and enclosure recommendations. Also I can't stress this enough: PLAN - Measure your space accurately - Plan again - and measure to confirm before you touch a saw to any MDF. You don't want to waste a weekend building, only to find out something isn't right or you can't even begin to get the thing in your ride! Check out some people's build logs on here and look at their pics involving the construction of their enclosure. Ask any questions that may come to mind as to how and why things are done the way they are. Keep in mind that a lot of people have different ways of achieving the same end results when the do things. There are a ton of little tricks, some are common knowledge open to all and some have their own secrets..... Shizzzon basically gave a good list as to the tools you'll need to get building. I'd like to add a basic materials list to help ya out too. I'd pick up a large box of 2~1/2" screws. They are kinda a goldish color screw. (Home depot or Lowe's) get a pilot drill bit that will be proper size for the screw shank. (can't think of the size, off the top of my head sorry ) 3/4" MDF (Home Depot or Lowe's) 1 or 2 - 2"x4" stud material (for bracing the inside)
  11. Jay-C76

    2~15" Icon's Build

    And hopefully on this one there will be no flex at all from the back end or the truck cap. Well I'm off to get a few hours in before it gets dark here.
  12. Jay-C76

    I am going to jump off a cliff!

    Read and research is about the only tip I can think of right now. There are a bunch of articles on here that have been done regarding Xcons.
  13. I have a Question! This is my first audio comp, It's kinda confusing as to what class to enter. My gear consists of: 2-15's on R/F t15001 @ 1650rms 4-6x9's on a R/F t4004 270 amp H/O alt and two batteries. Shelf/wall style enclosure......... Any suggestions?
  14. Jay-C76

    2~15" Icon's Build

    I'll be pluggin' away at this all weekend long! I just picked up paint, some bolts, and another sheet of MDF for the "hood". Hopefully she'll burp her first note this weekend! I'm not sure on the carpet yet........ I may wait till after Slamology to wrap the enclosure, I still have a ton of little things to do, at least I already have most of the wiring ran from the last install. If I get it up and running I promise pics and a short video demo.
  15. Jay-C76

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    What the????? I can't wait to see this unfold!
  16. You better compete I wanna see what those things will do. Ha I almost entered last year, but I just had a new windshield put in and thought I like having glass in the truck so............ This year is a different story though! My windshield needs to be replaced again (thanks salt truck) but I'm getting that done in the next week or two. I'll be cool to finally put some faces with screen names too! I hope to see ya'll there! I'll be the guy with the Sonic Blue Ranger and of course the Team SSA representing on the rear cap window! P.S. last year was sunny and hot as hell, hopefully the weather cooperates!
  17. Jay-C76

    mikey's OFFICIAL build log

    I feel your pain! I have over 5G's into this build and I only got to bump it for about a month and a half. Then my P.O.S. Irragi alternator fried. It's been so long I can remember what good bass actually feels like! LOL When I finally get done with mine, I bet it startles me the first time the Icon's hurl a note. But damn, it'll be nice when it's done! (just in time for Slamology)
  18. You'd be surprised as to who would try what......
  19. Oh yeah!, I'm there again too! But this time............I shall compete!
  20. Jay-C76

    ShiZZZoN's Build Log

    Sweet! It'll be one big happy boomfest! My build will be done by Slamology, I hope to see ya guys there!
  21. Jay-C76

    2~15" Icon's Build

    Test fit teaser pics!
  22. Jay-C76

    2~15" Icon's Build

    Just a bunch of sanding and prep work for painting the port. (too boring for pics) It's in primer now and I'm going for a test fit here in a few minutes. Providing I can locate an extra set of hands to help lift this beast! Also today I welded up a plate to set the secondary battery on. It's going where the bigger "notch out" is on the rear of the enclosure. (last picture shown above) While it's in there I'm taking final measurements for the "hood" that will go on top.
  23. I edited...sorry I'm a slow typer ...LOL
  24. huh? too big of a wire on a small current isn't good either..... I had it explained to me by an electrician. It's kinda hard to do in a car but it is possible. For each foot a current has to travel there is some loss. Since most of the current is surface current which travels actually on the outer part of the copper, too much surface area can cause great loss depending on the size of the wire and the current applied to the start end of the wire.
  25. Big 3 for sure..... If you're lights are dimming and the engine run rough, beef that alternator up. Adding extra batteries on a stock alt will strain the alt and eventually burn it up. Alternators maintain the batteries they aren't for charging the batteries. (which puts strain on the internals of the alt.) Plus too big of wire on small current is just as bad as too small of a wire on big current. although going too big is a further shot than having a wire that's too small.