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Everything posted by Jay-C76

  1. Jay-C76

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Good luck on the new Grandbaby! If only my Grandparents were as cool as you guys!!! I hope everything goes smoothly.
  2. Jay-C76

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    So I guess you're ready for prints now????
  3. Second battery couldn't hurt. But if your charging system can't keep up then you'll need to invest in a alternator that has a higher amperage output. Both will require redoing your cabling both under the hood and inside your ride. Since your voltage is dropping so low, it would seem like a new alternator would be where I'd turn to first as well as bigger awg. cabling. (i.e. Big 3) Then add a secondary battery to help with the current capacity.
  4. Weather permitting, I need to get some new video of these Icons making my Ranger swell like a puffer fish having a siezure! These babies love to dig low!

    1. Sir-Lancelot


      Tear it man. Lets see it!

  5. Jay-C76

    600w FCON Prototype

    For you, you are going to probably want the Icon's. from what I know about you go for another two icons....... I want to replicate the sound I had with my four 10" Icons...that was just awsome I can hear the ole' lady now..."Why do you need a louder stereo?" LOL Only a few more months till it's income tax return time, I may just have to try 4 Icons! I still can't wait to see the outcome of this new Fcon. The gears of SSA are always turning out high quality products! Keep em' coming!!!!!!!
  6. Jay-C76

    600w FCON Prototype

    Hmmmmm, I wonder what 4~15's of the FCon would sound like???? I was thinking of 2 more ICons but........ Tuned in for these results!
  7. Got a sliver of metal next to my pupil! Ouch!! Got it removed now it's on to a slow painful recovery. And I WAS wearing safety glasses!!!

    1. Sir-Lancelot


      Dang bro. Hope you get better soon.

    2. Dan208


      Ouch. I got a spark from some fireworks in my eye once and damn did it hurt.

  8. Slowly learning how to "chop and screw" music. Making some beats that hurl the lows for these Icon's!

    1. porkchop


      i use to know a guy with this same screen name , he had icon's too!

    2. Julian


      I use Virtual DJ, i come out with not too bad SC music

    3. mccleery3
    4. Show next comments  72 more
  9. Jay-C76

    Ranger Front Stage (pic heavy)

    Nice work so far. Ohio huh....... Where about are you located? I'm 15-20 minutes from Cincy.
  10. Jay-C76

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    Lookin' good man!
  11. Jay-C76

    Health Update

    What he did with 4~10's was jaw dropping. None the less, this should be very interesting!
  12. Jay-C76

    Mark LaFountain's SPL Build *Vid3 p.15*

    Nice vid there Mark! Those ports are massive!!!!
  13. Jay-C76

    Health Update

    Welcome back Trevor!!! It must really be painful to be a gravel factory, especially when them bastards have points!! Glad to see that most importantly you are doing better! Getting back to what seems normal will be quite a challenge. But it's nothing for you and your family to handle, given time. Take care of yourself and we'll see ya bumpin' again in no time!
  14. Jay-C76

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    ///M5 - very cute lil' boy ya got there! Now those are some blue eyes! WoW! He'll brake some hearts when he grows up for sure!
  15. Jay-C76

    Different wood types to build a box

    that last picture is actually laminate veneer.. (used for furniture making) It is very dense and heavy as hell! I built an enclosure for two 12's once out of the same material. You'll need a good, sharp, carbide blade for that stuff. The smoke from cutting will make you gag too! LOL
  16. Jay-C76

    Chop's new build log

    XCONS!!!! 3~12's or 2~15's or 18's
  17. Whew! I don't have the drive that Hove has but, it's still almost a 2 hour cruise one way for me. I'll have to see if I can make it out for the show when the time gets closer.
  18. Jay-C76

    Atten: TeamSSA. Please sign in

    Not sure as far as Meca, But in the DB drag, I was in (I think) Super Street Wall Class. Got slaughtered by mini vans with 18's and some serious wattage. LOL But, I have a few new ideas that'll put me over 150. Upgrading a few things and more batteries.
  19. Jay-C76

    hey fellow bass enthusiasts

    welcome to the forum!
  20. keep it at a windows media file not an MP3.
  21. It sounds like when you're either ripping the song to you hard drive the bit rate it low or when you are converting it to an MP3 file you have the bit rate set too low. I have a JVC H/U and I can't tell the difference between cd and usb. Mine also have a volume control for each input source, mine are all at zero. If I turn up either control, it just gets louder.
  22. Jay-C76

    confused about enclosure

    Not fueling the fire again but, I glue, clamp, and screw each and every panel... Never once had a blow out... Just make sure the surfaces are clean before you apply the glue. The dust left over from cutting will weaken the glue joint.
  23. Jay-C76

    Ft Worth TX checkin in.

    Nice intro, this guy's got class. Welcome to the forum! You should find what you're looking for here. Love the screen name BTW...LOL
  24. Jay-C76

    How loud can I go?

    Whoa! Need a helmet on when you read through this! LOL Don't wanna get hit with a off the wall attempt at belittling somebody... Ignorance can be fixed, stupid is forever. Guys remember no matter how stupid the question may seem to some, it may not seem so dumb to others. At one time we've all asked questions we wish never fell out of our mouths. There are a ton of variables that can apply to each install. That's why there's comps. It's too hard to say (ballpark) how loud anything will be in anywhere until it's installed and working properly. As for cracking the windshield.... There are a lot of factors that come into play when this happens. Anything from a bad piece of glass, improper installation, extreme temps, has glass ever been impacted by anything, the list goes on, and on.... Unless you're dumping a small power plant and a ton of extra batteries into the Evo, there shouldn't be an issue.
  25. road the Diamondback Roller Coaster today. Front car, front seat!!! Freakin' AWESOME!!!!
