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Everything posted by Jay-C76

  1. Jay-C76

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    New designs are lookin' real cool! I am impressed, very nice!
  2. Jay-C76

    BASS Snow Removal!!!! A Bass-alanche with 4 SA-12'

    It's hard to get all that snow to move! But never the less pretty neat to try! Nice flex video!
  3. This is going to be a challenge for sure. I myself am skeptical but, a plan is just that.....a plan. Good luck trying to pack all that wood and subs in there!
  4. Harddrive is junked. Bought 2 new ones and now problems are all solved! Special Thanks goes out to ShiZZZon for tech. info!!!

    1. mccleery3


      I hear he is a mad scientist..lol

  5. currently without a computer due to a nasty bout of computer herpes that has attacked my harddrive. Now using parents laptop at their house for internet access.

    1. emh9009


      ech, hope you get that cleaned up quick!

    2. Julian


      this made me lol.

  6. I plan on being there. Unless something drastic comes up... Any plans on a meet up or is everyone gonna play phone tag???
  7. is about to get slammed with more snow!!! I better not miss work! I'd rather make money than sit on the couch!

    1. mccleery3


      At least 2 days worth of it bro : (

  8. Jay-C76

    Preasure Ticket Welding thread

    Holy cow! 3 or 4 times a year! On the other hand if you know your stuff, it should be a walk in the park to re-test. I'm trying to soak up all the knowledge I can to get certified for every ticket that my Union offers. There are a lot of power plants that are going to be built in the coming years, and I'd love to lock up that work to keep food on the table for as long as I can. So far I'm in the top 5 of my class. Keeping my nose in the books and practicing whenever I get a chance to strike an arc. I love welding! It's fun! Hot work.......but FUN!! I only have class 2 nights a week. So most of my practice is done at my Dad's on a piece of sh** welder....Ha Ha At school we mainly have Lincoln welders and I like those much better. Miller seems to always have issues in our shops and the local reps always want an arm and a leg to repair them. However these Lincoln's weld like champs!
  9. Jay-C76

    Preasure Ticket Welding thread

    When would you have to go for a re-certification? Mine is every 6 months to run a bead. My cert is good in US, Canada and some parts of Europe. I'd just have to pass the "in house" exam/test
  10. Jay-C76

    Preasure Ticket Welding thread

    I wish ya the best man! I hope you get that Certification. The money for certified welding is sweet! Now when you get the cert and start welding in the field I bet that's gonna be some cold work up there in Canada! Is that all going to be under or above ground? Mine's all either rooftop, shop, or indoors b/c it's for Sheet metal. (mine just has to hold air and low pressure water) Yours can actually go BOOM! I'd love to move up there for work. Our scale tops out at 27.25 an hour..... 200K is way more appealing!!!!! Kick that pipe's ass!!!!!
  11. Jay-C76

    Preasure Ticket Welding thread

    I cut and bend mine this Thursday! As long as I pass the damn cap!! I've been undercutting them lately during practice and it's kinda got me nervous.
  12. Jay-C76

    Preasure Ticket Welding thread

    Does that have to pass X-ray?
  13. Jay-C76

    Preasure Ticket Welding thread

    I learned not to over-think the welds. But just the word TEST makes ya nervous. Next I'll be doing HeliArc (TIG) Trying to get all the certs I can while I'm in school.
  14. Jay-C76

    Preasure Ticket Welding thread

    Nice Trevor!!! And good luck to ya bro! I'm currently going for my 3G & 4G Stick Certification (Vertical & Overhead Arc or Stick) using 7018 That pressure test looks intense!!!!
  15. Son of a !!! LOL Now you really have me worried! This issue started only about 4 or 5 months ago. Now I'm curious as to what exactly is going on under that hood. It's freezing cold outside but I have to investigate with my DMM (it's all I have for a meter) Could an old cable build up resistance that would choke off the power?
  16. Jay-C76

    Yeah thats right.

    That's pretty cool!
  17. While I'm driving the voltage drops from 14.5 to 13.2 or 13.3 when she's banging loud. I only press the volume for about 5-10 seconds and I notice the drop and a "twitch" in the headlights. Since I've noticed this I refuse to put the volume over half. I think I may have a solenoid sitting in a box of spare gear around here somewhere..... After income taxes I plan on getting 2 new batteries for the rear and using the Stinger SP1700 for my boat. I wasn't impressed by these Stinger batteries at all. How much of a difference would there be between AGM and Wet cell deep cycles?
  18. Damn this is good reading material! My secondary battery has had some issues and now I am certain as of why. I let it sit out of my truck for a few months without maintaining a charge. I put it on a 10 amp charge and it seems to float around 12.8 - 12.9 volts while the primary holds at 13.0 - 13.2 I have the same issue at night when the lights are on. After reading this, I believe I'm in need of a new secondary battery since the power supply is only as strong as the weakest link.
  19. Scared to ask.....Can it possibly get any colder outside!! Freezing nuts in OHIO!!!

    1. Sir-Lancelot


      Watch what you ask for. lol

      Supposed to be nasty in SC tomorrow too.

  20. Jay-C76

    curious.. What does it take to "become" a member?

    Oh, and demo these awesome subs for anyone at any time! I've had people ask "what is SSA?" So basic product knowledge is a plus. Then knock their socks off with a demo an watch the reaction on their faces when the first note hits. Most reactions I've had are "Daaaaaaaaaammmmmmmmnnnnnnn!!!!!!" Just be friendly, respectful, & represent SSA to the best of your ability. I'd drive to demo these Icons if I was asked. If the distance is real far just meet me half way (within reason) If I can't do it, I'd do my best to at least find another member who's closer.
  21. Snow Day!!! Job site is a sheet of ice!! Sucks missing a days pay though.

  22. Jay-C76

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    PUSH HARDER!!!!! Hope all goes well with the delivery! Good Luck Samantha!!!
  23. Another piece of metal in the same dang eye! What luck! Safety glasses suck! I need some goggles! Ha Ha!

    1. jcarter1885


      What are you doing that is causing these flying metal objects toward you eyes?

    2. Sir-Lancelot


      Damn bro. Do you have a magnet for a pupil?

    3. Jay-C76


      Cutting metal with a Metabo (wiz wheel)

    4. Show next comments  69 more
  24. Gobble Gobble ! Happy Turkey Day SSA Members!!! Get ready to stuff them faces!!!

  25. Jay-C76

    Props to Team Iak

    That's cool because there's nothing down here around Cincinnati. Asking around at the local shops is like asking for a kidney. After you ask about local comps the attitude changes from helpful store guy to "wanna buy this because what you have is junk" guy....LOL Almost everyone of them treats a local comp like it's the plague or something. Wish I had some extra $$$ so I could just start an annual event here.