Super nice turn out for the show. I totally agree with Chop about the format, it was kinda lame for the spectator.... Being indoors there was no demo, no engine on at any time, cars were people powered. Nice turn out for the comp. Sad that the fire marshal had to enforce such strict rules due to the indoor nature. Being that the hydraulic show was in the main arena which IMO was stupid since they only run their show for short times, and the Meca event was an all day event, they should switch places. Whomever was the planner for the show had know idea what actually draws a crowd and where to place certain parts of the show to eliminate confusion and hamper to the needs of all the people who pay to enjoy the sights of the show. Other than that, the car show was totally HUGE!!!! Tons of classics brought back to life and if you like Corvettes then you were in luck. (I think there were 50 of them there...ha ha) Thanks ten million time for shiZZZon's work on the custom MP3 disc dealt out to IAK Members. For lack of better words, the work done on the selection is top notch and totally freakin' AWESOME!!!! Now I have to dust off the video camera and make some new vids of the insane flex and output that these new tracks make these Icons hurl out. My poor truck will never be the same. Nice to see the familiar faces again, As well as meet some new members. It was great talking and joking with you all. I had fun and look forward to seeing you all again in Indy for Slamology!!!!!! P.S. HOVE, watch out for stick grabbers!!!