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Everything posted by Jay-C76

  1. Already starting to get ready for Slamology 2011!

    1. Mac N Cheese

      Mac N Cheese

      im praying i can get my build done by then

    2. mccleery3


      2 1/2 months...get on it!!!

    3. Sir-Lancelot


      Make it happen Bro.

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  2. Jay-C76

    Request custom songs HERE

    Tone Loc ~ Wild Thing
  3. Jay-C76

    Sundown Audio Rebuild - Blowthru to WALKTHRU!!!!!

    Hooooooollllly shit Batman!!!! Now that's solid!
  4. Jay-C76

    Steve Meade's Clipping Tool

    It's like watching a debate on t.v. Cutting through all the mud slinging and you actually find some good info and ideas. I'm interested in learning more about what this product actually does, yet some of y'all feel the need to fill this thread with unrelated bullshit! Feeling the need to say my 2 cents, keep your egos and hurt feeling to yourselves so some of us can try to learn some things that might or might not actually work to further the advancement of this fun hobby. Please give the respect that you yourselves would want to receive when introducing new ideas. Steve has built a name for himself that is well earned. That being said, so have many of the people on this forum. It's ok to agree to disagree, as long as opinions are based on facts. Just keep the childish comments out of the thread.
  5. Jay-C76

    Steve Meade's Clipping Tool

    Whoa, just read this whole thread. How, could anyone bash and say it doesn't work unless they've tried it? So far all I've seen is a bunch of opinions..... Opinions are just that, opinions. Not worth shit unless backed up by facts. Somebody try it out, post up their findings, and then the evidence will speak for itself. No need for bashing and name calling, it makes people like ignorant and or stupid. Nobody learns anything from a pissing match!
  6. Jay-C76

    Happy Birthday Regina!!

    Happy Birthday!!! 25 again right?!?!?!?! :woot:
  7. Jay-C76

    New Member

    I believe it's June 18th & 19th at the Marion County Fairgrounds.
  8. Jay-C76

    New Member

    Yep in Indy, If you know Hove, he was there last year and I think he's going again this year too.
  9. Jay-C76

    New Member

    And hopefully Shizzzon won't just be a spectator this year either!
  10. Jay-C76

    New Member

    Welcome Bro!
  11. Come on Spring!! I know you can whip Winters ass, get on with it already!!!

    1. stevemead08


      Its been in the 80s here. trees are bloomin, flowers are sproutin, birds are chirping!

    2. mccleery3


      I'm ready too bro!.....gotta get started on this build but no garage :( FTL!

  12. Jay-C76

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Amen to that brother! And down with the ignorant government officials who refuse to point the finger at themselves for wasteful spending by giving huge corporations insane tax breaks, and telling the lower middle class citizens that we should have no rights to a decent life. Their state bills are violating our rights to free assembly and liberty and justice for all. My Union was established in 1888....... If there is a problem with wasteful spending I highly doubt it's us, the actual working class citizens. The government pisses away money like it's nothing on the most unjustified things. We have no say in any of it. We'll see who's still in office come the next election... I know I'm not voting for the republican idiot running Ohio! That bastard's gotta go! I don't know where he gets his head up the ass ideas of a balanced budget, but to me it seems like one step closer to acting like a Dictator. I for one will stand up for my rights that so many have fought and died for, Freedom!
  13. Rocked out the parking lot @ Carl Casper...To the guy in the red truck two rows over, sorry for setting off you car alarm with my Icons!!! ROFL!!!

    1. porkchop


      his battery is dead by now!

    2. shizzzon


      omg.. his alarm was going off for over an hour! No lie.. it was annoying but luckily the bass drowned it out.

    3. ssh


      Kinda dumb setting your alarm when you know it's gonna be tripped all day...

    4. Show next comments  66 more
  14. Jay-C76

    A Team IAK CD Surprise at Carl Casper...

    Super nice turn out for the show. I totally agree with Chop about the format, it was kinda lame for the spectator.... Being indoors there was no demo, no engine on at any time, cars were people powered. Nice turn out for the comp. Sad that the fire marshal had to enforce such strict rules due to the indoor nature. Being that the hydraulic show was in the main arena which IMO was stupid since they only run their show for short times, and the Meca event was an all day event, they should switch places. Whomever was the planner for the show had know idea what actually draws a crowd and where to place certain parts of the show to eliminate confusion and hamper to the needs of all the people who pay to enjoy the sights of the show. Other than that, the car show was totally HUGE!!!! Tons of classics brought back to life and if you like Corvettes then you were in luck. (I think there were 50 of them there...ha ha) Thanks ten million time for shiZZZon's work on the custom MP3 disc dealt out to IAK Members. For lack of better words, the work done on the selection is top notch and totally freakin' AWESOME!!!! Now I have to dust off the video camera and make some new vids of the insane flex and output that these new tracks make these Icons hurl out. My poor truck will never be the same. Nice to see the familiar faces again, As well as meet some new members. It was great talking and joking with you all. I had fun and look forward to seeing you all again in Indy for Slamology!!!!!! P.S. HOVE, watch out for stick grabbers!!!
  15. Not in the show but still gonna rock these Icon's for Carl Casper on Saturday. Can't wait to demo shizzzon's new tunes!!! Shakin' them fenders!!!!

    1. porkchop


      hell yeah...you and hove can give demos while we use shizzzons new cd and the meters will be there too! iak taking over the parking lot!!! lol

  16. Jay-C76

    MEETUP SITE 8AM 2-26-2011 prior to Carl Casper

    I'll be there too. Driving down that morning from Cincy. Leaving the house at 6 a.m.
  17. New computer is build and running rock solid!! Asus mother boards FTW!!!

    1. mccleery3


      Welcome back bro!

  18. Jay-C76

    A Team IAK CD Surprise at Carl Casper...

    New tunes!!!
  19. Jay-C76

    A Team IAK CD Surprise at Carl Casper...

    I plan on being there for Saturday. Still need to work out the meet up location before the show. Plus I have a few folding chairs to load up so the legs don't get tired! shizzzon- gimme a call this weekend or something. I have welding class Tuesdays & thursdays until 9pm just an fyi
  20. I'm about to trade my Wii in for a PS3... Getting tired of the crappy controlling on the Wii and the games can all be beat in no time. All the good titles get butchered to death when put on Wii platforms. I did like the Mario Kart though!
  21. Jay-C76

    nitto 1320 legends

    ha ha, and you thought car audio was an expensive hobby! I have two buds with drag cars, they drop some serious coin on parts, repairs, and fuel!
  22. Jay-C76

    09 silverado crewcab LT IAK worktruck THE REMIX

    I'm leaning toward the handheld one myself. Since I plan on tweeking my build again this year to try for better numbers.
  23. FTL!!! Motherboard crapped out now! Ordering a new one next weekend... Sucks having to travel to my parents for internet access! Gotta love the bad luck! :-/

    1. porkchop


      we tend to swap luck bro...what ya think about just getting rid of this bad luck thing! lol

    2. mccleery3


      I had to go ahead and pick up a new pc recently myself. Using the library and my phone for internet SUCKED! Good luck bro :)

    3. ulrisa


      I just read this after I posted my status, I guess you have worse luck lol. Computers suck.

  24. Jay-C76

    09 silverado crewcab LT IAK worktruck THE REMIX

    Cool, I've chatted with shiZZZon about them a few times and I'm still not sure which one I want. Any two ways about it, it's always nice to have a good, dependable meter to test new designs out!
  25. Jay-C76

    09 silverado crewcab LT IAK worktruck THE REMIX

    And I plan on doing the same in a couple weeks! Which one did you get?