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Everything posted by Jay-C76

  1. I mean it sounds like you need a bigger amp not an EQ and bass boost. If you go turning up bass boost and boost low frequencies on a EQ too, you will smoke your subs quickly. Your friend is giving you bad advice. X2 External EQ will not solve your problem, it'll just create more issues and be a waste of money.
  2. Yes, just shop around and know what you're actually looking at when you read the specs of the H/U. You can find a descent on out there to suite your needs for usually under 300 bucks. They've come a long way as far as design and features in the past 2 or 3 years. I have always been a fan of JVC but, there are many out there to choose from.
  3. Jay-C76

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Very Nice!
  4. Can't wait to sport the new SSA Shirts!!!!!!

    1. emh9009


      Under a month wait. Time is a-flying by!

    2. Sir-Lancelot
    3. Mark LaFountain

      Mark LaFountain

      hell yes! me either.

  5. Now hurry up with that damn video
  6. Jay-C76


    Yes Sir! Thanks for being fast as lightning once again!!! Got one of each color!! Gonna sport these at Slamology in June!!!
  7. Jay-C76


    Been trying to order one of each in a XXL but I can't access my account in the store. Either you or Aaron have usually placed my orders for me I think. I've tried to reset my password twice and the link is either broken or won't work. I keep getting told " either e-mail or password is invalid" ???
  8. Jay-C76

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    Yeah, like when he said it needed to be 59" tall!!! You gotta watch Shizzzon, he's a comedian and will trip you up if you're not really paying attention when he's talking.
  9. Jay-C76

    SSA T-Shirt Designs - look inside!

    #4 is pretty cool! Anything in plans for the TEAM?
  10. Jay-C76


    Great to hear Trevor! I Hope that the schooling shows off financially. I love seeing your builds, and admire your work. VIVA PTS!
  11. Jay-C76

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    With that floor you're gonna need a disco ball! Looking nice so far! Keep chuggin' !
  12. Jay-C76

    TeamSSA member ICON, team members check in

    That's because you have ZCons! It's on the far left under your member name and stuff..
  13. Jay-C76

    TeamSSA member ICON, team members check in

    They look pretty cool Mark! Thanks for the constant improvements to the forums. Your hard, non-stop work really shows!
  14. Jay-C76

    Happy belated Birthday Jason (Jay-C76)

    Thanks guys! I suddenly realize the older you get, Birthdays become more and more lame...LOL I started off the day by going to work, then ended it with a nice steak dinner and a few glasses of Three Olives vodka... I miss being a teenager! LOL
  15. Jay-C76

    TeamSSA member ICON, team members check in

    Don't forget me Mark!!!! Uhhhh, I should've looked! LOL Never the less, checking in!!
  16. Jay-C76

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    nice so far bro!
  17. Jay-C76

    New Woofas

    Well then, Any chance you'll have a free weekend in say........June 18th or 19th, to kinda make a road trip to Indy for some fun!?!?! I'd love to hear this in person.
  18. Geting my ducks in a row to start a few tweeks in the Ranger. Trying to pull better #'s at Slamology!

    1. Sir-Lancelot


      Make it happen Buddy!

    2. mccleery3


      Eager to hear it again at Slamology!

    3. Sir-Lancelot


      Hey, Happy Birthday Buddy!

      You getting close to being an old man like me. HaHa

  19. Jay-C76

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    That poor van will get the crap knocked out of it!
  20. Jay-C76

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    Chuck, How long & what size do you need them? And how many? I maybe able to fab something up if I can get the right material at my work.
  21. Jay-C76

    New Woofas

    That should about sum it up! LOL I am truly green with envy my friend!
  22. Jay-C76

    Hello from NE Ohio

  23. Jay-C76

    Sundown Audio Rebuild - Blowthru to WALKTHRU!!!!!

    Those are some HUGE coasters! LOL