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Everything posted by Jay-C76

  1. Jay-C76

    Slamology 2011

    Oh lord, do a 4th order build!!!
  2. Jay-C76

    The "L" port

    Use the center line measurement and don't 90 degree the bend, use a 45 in the corner. Check my build log in Team SSA section. I believe there's some pics of the layout and building.
  3. Jay-C76

    Step by Step Box Design

  4. Jay-C76

    Slamology 2011

  5. Jay-C76

    Slamology 2011

    It'd be cool if we could find somewhere to plug in battery chargers too!!!
  6. Jay-C76

    Slamology 2011

    Oh hell ya! Sunblock is a must!!!!! And Sean, your main focus should be getting that damn wall done!!!! LOL Oh and I'll bring the whole frame this time for my canopy! LOL Plus I gotta have some good weather to do this enclosure tweak and get my new amp in an play with some tuning. Lord I hope you all are bringing some meters, I may need to do some final adjustments on Saturday morning.
  7. I use Switch Sound File Converter. Works great for me and they have a free version for download also.
  8. Jay-C76

    Step by Step Box Design

    That's odd that you're having that much of a problem with splitting the MDF. I predrill and use 1.625"(1 5/8") coarse thread drywall screws, and I've literally never split the MDF...even when screwing 2" from the corner. I don't ever have an issue either. As long as you're using the correct size bits for the size of the screw shank and you pre-drill deep enough, there shouldn't be any problem. I even use the 2 1/2" gold colored coarse threads when I build enclosures.
  9. Jay-C76

    icon 10s

    A single Icon 10 would surely be an improvement on the sound. It all depends on what your definition of enough is though. Plus space being an issue in a single cab truck set up, a single 10" would not be too hard to fit into that application.
  10. Jay-C76

    stefanhinote's volvo v40 build

    That why when people say it's loud, or crazy flex, I say, these are sq drivers, I don't know what your talking about Amen to that bro!
  11. has a chubby. Shirts will be here soon!!! Hell Ya !!!

    1. Sir-Lancelot


      Should have mine tomorrow! Whoot!

  12. Jay-C76

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    God that looks like fun!!! Love the Plates too!!
  13. Jay-C76

    SSA Xcon 12" Short n Sweet

    Good, simple review!
  14. Jay-C76

    Slamology 2011

    Do Work! LMAO!!! No doubt! Get on the ball Sean!!!
  15. Jay-C76


    Shirt's are in?!?!?!?!? SWEET!!!! Can't wait to climb into one soon! Package my 3 with care! LOL :gift:
  16. Jay-C76


    Happy Birthday!
  17. Jay-C76

    Chop"s 86' Cutlass

    Now the ball's rolling! Keep chuggin' Chop!!!
  18. Jay-C76

    2~15" Icon's Build

    Nope I'm putting the T1500-1bd up for sale. Just got this today & I'm dying to unleash it on my new build! Thanks to Shizzzon for this!!! Now I just have to nail out my new design before I start building another enclosure!!
  19. Jay-C76

    4th order build continued (M5)

    I just wanted to see something besides another can trick video. I'm not taking anyone's side either way until I see physical proof or disproof. Could somebody be the bigger person and post up anything of that nature? If not this topic is struggling like a fart in a windstorm!
  20. Jay-C76

    4th order build continued (M5)

    Video or anything to prove or disprove any of this arguing? Seeing is believing. Since we all can pack up and take a road trip to Florida just to hear somebody or see something, is there a video? Reading all this babble of the he said they said bullshit isn't doing anything but wasting time and is pretty immature. I'm a pretty open minded person when it comes to a lot of things. That being said, is there any video evidence to prove or disprove anyone's "comments" on this matter? Fighting like high school guys over a girl doesn't help anyone learn anything. Who cares what people think. Evidence goes a long way and speaks for itself. If anyone really wants to shut up anyone. Post up a freakin' video!!!!!
  21. Jay-C76

    2~15" Icon's Build

    New amp on the way for these Icons!!! Getting ready to build another enclosure to try to get some better numbers for this year at Slamology too!!!
  22. Jay-C76

    Sir-Lancelot's 18" Zcons

    I bet you could make a nice glass of chocolate milk with them! (shaken, not stirred!!!!LOL)
  23. Jay-C76

    Happy Birthday porkchop

    Dang, I missed it!! Happy Belated Birthday bro!
  24. Jay-C76

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    Oh I'm more than able! Pay my gas and I'll show ya how to build that Aircraft Hangar of an enclosure!!! Get on the ball and GIT ER' DUN !!!
  25. Jay-C76

    2001 Chevy Astro....Custom Install!

    Nice! Can't wait to feel this beast at Slamology!