Ok captain douche bag, like you can't comprehend what he's trying to say?Not that its well put or anything. wow PHI didnt know you were a captain! and you are now officially a female cleaning product! CAPTAIN FEMALE CLEANING PRODUCT = PHI I'm actualy tired of reading the "this sub ~vs~ that sub" threads that are posted on this site. People listen and listen good, it depends a lot on the installation!!!!!!!! Stick any sub in a cardboard box and it'll sound like shit. Put any sub with an inferior power application, it'll sound like shit....... For the love of God! Do some research or testing before you post up a question or opinion! A little work goes a long way when making a statement regarding any equipment. Such things need to be included such as, what type of ride, what type of enclosure, power supply, ect....... Square ~vs~ round......? Here's a good question, which would fly farther if thrown with two hands? (I don't care if this cost me a few rep points, just had to get this out there!!! sorry)