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Everything posted by Jay-C76

  1. Selling my Icon 15's and my R/F T1500-1bd. Getting ready to to another rebuild. Working on getting the F/S Thread together for posting.

    1. mccleery3


      Ahh damn!! Everyone will be done before me....LOL!!!

    2. S.DeYoung


      Interested in one 15. Let me know what you are thinking for a price through PM

  2. Jay-C76


    Still waiting on the new birch enclosure!!!! chop-chop get on it mofo!!!!
  3. Mark & Arron come up with yet another way for me to piss off my Ole' Lady! New Icons!!! FTW!!!

    1. Aaron Clinton

      Aaron Clinton

      Sorry, maybe she would like a SSA t-shirt. :)

  4. Jay-C76

    The Brand New 2011 ICON T/S

    Heck the older version I have is only rated to 1000rms, They really love 1750rms a piece! Just don't run them full tilt for too long.
  5. Jay-C76

    The Brand New 2011 ICON T/S

    Once I sell off the 2~15's I have, it's time for a rebuild to really put a hurtin' on my Ranger!
  6. Jay-C76

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Nice, that's the respectable & right thing to do. What it appears he has done on his end is a complete lack of customer service and bad business practice. Not the way to try to release a new product.
  7. Somebody needs to pull the plug on this. If you don't like a question that's asked simply ignore it. Don't move it, or try to delete it. What a freaking FLOP!!!
  8. Jay-C76

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If that's true, I pity him and his lack of acting adult. Something weird happened though and it just don't make any damn sense.
  9. Weird, that's all I gotta say. I'd like to see a pic of the internals.
  10. Jay-C76

    Welcome to the IHoP

    LOL....Yeah I guess so, I just got off work and noticed all the weird shtuff going on. Seems as though somebody is abusing their Mod powers.
  11. Jay-C76

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Why is the whole Test 1,2,3 section filled up with different post of the same topic, just by different people?
  12. They look like a sundown amp in a way. Any pics of the internals?
  13. Jay-C76

    Mac's GTI build

    If ya ask David, he'll say it adds 5db. Actually I was curious myself, maybe an imperfection in the sheet?
  14. Jay-C76

    Mac's GTI build

    Not bad y'all! Now get that puppy on a meter & see what she does!
  15. I've been looking for T/S perams for the FI BTL 18. Searching to no avail I need some help. The reason I need the numbers is to plug them into Termpak so I can design an enclosure for a forum buddy. Any help would be very much appreciated. I need the following: fs (in hz) Qts Vas (in cu.ft.) Xmax (in inches) znom (depends on coil config. I am aware) Pe (rms watts) Spl (in db @ 1w/1m)
  16. Jay-C76

    Are there any T/S perams for any FI subs?

    Good info. I +1 ya on that for the info share!
  17. Jay-C76

    Are there any T/S perams for any FI subs?

    I understand that, this is why I was leery to try to use another drivers specs. I know all subs are different and have their own specs kinda like "DNA" for the sub. It seems like the T/S Parameters are getting harder and harder to find for modeling sub enclosures.
  18. Jay-C76

    Are there any T/S perams for any FI subs?

    What parameters do you have for the XL ? Depending on what parameters you have it might be possible to calculate out the Vas & sensitivity. All I had to work with was on DC's site and what Rusty told Mac N Cheese
  19. Jay-C76

    Are there any T/S perams for any FI subs?

    Or like MJ.....Just beat it!
  20. Jay-C76

    Are there any T/S perams for any FI subs?

    Sean had a good point, he says most spl subs don't have ts parameters because graphing large motor-ed subs gives weird graphs
  21. Jay-C76

    SSA's Evil SS Camaro. 4 Evil 15s and 2 DC 7.5ks

    Hell, I like the build so far Steve, Rock that sh*t!
  22. Jay-C76

    Are there any T/S perams for any FI subs?

    It seems like T/S perams or "specs" are taboo for people to talk about.
  23. Jay-C76

    Are there any T/S perams for any FI subs?

    I tried, was told by "Rusty" the missing numbers I need don't exist. I need the VAS & SPL to fill in the blanks for the actual XL. He told us to use the BTL perams.
  24. Jay-C76

    Are there any T/S perams for any FI subs?

    Well......Actually the design is for 2~18" DC XL Was told to just use the BTL perams because the numbers I need apparently do not exist. Upon searching the FI sites, I can't find anything.
  25. Jay-C76

    IAK needs an "IHOP"

    X2 For Chop & all my IAK bros, (or forum budz) this is my page: http://www.facebook.com/people/Jason-Carlson/100003034955716