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Everything posted by Jay-C76

  1. Jay-C76

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    How do you even notice? Perhaps I have that shit turned off....but that is preferred. Just happened to click on my profile..lol How do you turn off?The spammer negged you probably.I reported it too and I didn't get a neg. Seems they love Lotus lately too! Lol
  2. Jay-C76

    Dayton Um18

    Spam always list interest as a number...lol
  3. Jay-C76

    Desperate need of some help

    Well voltage is one thing...Amperage is the rate of flow. You can have low amperage flowing into the amp causing less output. Like an alternator or battery gone bad maybe?
  4. Jay-C76

    12" SSA Icon Dodge Magnum Project

    Dang you got a big fist! King Kong hands!
  5. Jay-C76

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    nah just wet a finger and shove it back in! Lmao
  6. Jay-C76

    Desperate need of some help

    Did you test the amperage?
  7. Jay-C76

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    You couldn't be more wrong about that statement.....The equipment is only one factor, the application and quality of the build yield your results. I see people with boxes that look like blind people build them, installed with jacked up crap, and no common sense applied what so ever. If your statement were true, anyone could tell you the exact results on any combination.
  8. Jay-C76

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Holy crap that's still a stout looking amp!
  9. Jay-C76

    Happy Birthday Jordan!! (Godsmack)

    Happy Birthday!
  10. Jay-C76

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Lol i don't either. I get regular randoms so i don't smoke, too old and smart for a dwi. I drink at home and don't drive afterwards. The fines and repercussions of doing so i can't afford. I had a family member die from a drunk driver.
  11. Jay-C76

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    That's the argument of legislators here in ohio. They're worried about testing for DWI. IMO the only issue between pot and alcohol all boils down to tax dollars. Who gets what and how much. Banks won't even touch the legal weed money because of the federal gov. and the tax issues.
  12. Helps to not be tone deaf when selecting a good driver and tweets. Idiots play with settings all the time at local shops. So if you know what is correct, you can get a real experience for what each product is actually capable of. Clean, crisp sound over lound and garbled distorted garbage. Listen to M5 he really is trying to help. His methods may seem a little harsh, but there's a lot of idiots out there who love to mislead people.
  13. Jay-C76

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    They have a hard time fining you for a DWI on it. Not really a breathalyzer for weed.
  14. Jay-C76

    2 12" zcons 4-6k trunk wall

    Dude yer right up SR 128 from me. Lol Ya need some help? PM me, I can plug some numbers into Termpak if ya need it.
  15. Jay-C76

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Saw it on the news tonight here. Really doesn't make sense to me. Not sure exactly how it works other than as an additive. New fad I guess....lol
  16. Jay-C76

    Big Germ's Build Log.

    Get a new saw blade and use a edge guide to cut straight. Doing it right the first time takes less effort than fixing a disaster.
  17. Jay-C76

    12" SSA Icon Dodge Magnum Project

    I know the exact look you got from the wife! Get the same one when I start talking about anything with car audio.
  18. Jay-C76

    4-18s DSS ethos on 12k

    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/38612-215-icons-build/ You were looking for kerf help. Here's what I did, post #14
  19. Jay-C76

    Feedback for Sound Off Audio

    Lol okay....I was really confused by this too.
  20. Jay-C76

    12" SSA Icon Dodge Magnum Project

    Dang, labyrinth! I gotta try that sometime.You got skills bro!
  21. Jay-C76

    12" SSA Icon Dodge Magnum Project

    I use 3/8" spacing & and cut 11/16" deep on 3/4" material.
  22. Jay-C76

    6 sp4 18s, 6th order, lots of glass and plexi

    Love the custom look you put on them subs! Super nice bro!
  23. Jay-C76

    sq of the judge

    All we were trying to do is help you understand the difference between a SQ sub & and an SPL subs output. You wouldn't use a washer to try to dry clothes would you? This is why you really can't use an spl sub to play a wide variety of notes equally as loud across a wide range. Nevertheless it's you're money do whatever you want. IA makes quality equipment, your question that you originally asked was misleading to the actual answer you were looking for.
  24. Jay-C76

    sq of the judge

    Then buy an Icon.If you want a loud sq sub. Spl subs have a very peakish response curve.