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Everything posted by ADK

  1. ADK

    US amps

    I have a Us amps amp and it is supposedly no matter what puts out its rated rms.
  2. ADK

    I cut two fingertips off today

    That looks beautiful
  3. i was messin around with ML91 hes my friend but i got a 15" SSD coming my way just ordered it. I use to have the same subs as him. its not much but when your a senior in high school you cant really be spending too much $ on systems at this point.
  4. get nothing.....pioneer sucks.....Fi all the way
  5. ADK

    2x Q15" Can they handle the power???

    damn thats alot of power your trying to put into those....i believe you'll be safe if your car is 12 volt since you didnt say in your description....you'll be pushing it though if your car is 14.4......
  6. ADK

    box recommendations.

    alright thanks for the feedback.
  7. ADK

    box recommendations.

    i was looking into buying a 15" Fi ssd then i had my eyes on the 18" but i just dont have the trunk space for the recommended 6-10cubes ported. is there anyone out there that has a box under specs and its good or should i just stick with the 15" or what. my trunk is only about 35 inches wheel well to wheel about 16" high and roughly 30 some inches deep....i would have to have the sub facing upwards....so not much room to work with...tell me what you guys think. BTW i know steve meades box for his 18"s is only 20 cubes for 4 18"s so that means he only has about 5 cubes per sub. idk gimme some info and feedback please.
  8. http://www.motorcityreman.com/high-amp-alt...rucks-neon.html for a 150 amp for your car it'll be nearing 300 shipped. I live near this place and this is where i plan on getting mine at. ill look into other sites and let you know.
  9. ADK

    electrical and amp questions

  10. Im soon to be getting 1 15" ssd but i just have a few questions on what i should do to elctrical to make it sound the best it could without spending alot of money at all (under 150$). it will probably be going in a ported box about 3.1 after all displacements at 32-33hz. Now my car is a 1995 saturn sl2. stock alternator and wiring. battery is over a year old. would just replacing all wiring in my car to 0 guage do the trick or would i have to go alot further. 0 guage on big 3 then on power and ground also. I would also like to know if my US amps XT2000D would be good to power it. thanks.
  11. ADK

    box design help

    i was asking about a box too and someone gave me this website.....very helpful. just edit your dimensions into the red numbers. http://www.reaudio.com/speaker_box/LPort_Box_Calc.html
  12. ADK

    electrical and amp questions

    i also have a 5 farad spl cap.
  13. ADK

    Sound Stream XXX

    Hifonics XXV Cyclops Hifonics XXV Goliath
  14. http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/5313/subw...nclosurejt6.png TELL ME WHAT YOU GUYS THINK FOR 15" SSD...SUB FACING UPWARDS
  15. I really need a ported enclosure design for a 15" FI ssd. since it is going into a pretty small trunk the sub will have to face upwards. other than that i have no clue on to which way to face the port, what size the box should be .....................if it helps my trunk is only about 15" tall, so my box really cant exceed like 14" tall, wheel well to wheel well cant exceed 30" and same for the depth. I would greatly appreciate a nice design for it.
  16. <a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href='http://img222.imageshack.us/my.php?image=subwooferenclosurejw1.png'><img src='http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/4874/subwooferenclosurejw1.png' border='0'/></a><br/><a href="http://g.imageshack.us/img222/subwooferenclosurejw1.png/1/"><img src="http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/subwooferenclosurejw1.png/1/w320.png" border="0"></a> Tell me what you guys think..
  17. Thanks alot that was perfect...the only question now is on the design of the box it gives you (L-ported box) i will be putting my enclosure facing up so does it matter on the exact location of where i put it?
  18. I was planning on getting a 15" ssd for my 95 saturn sl2....the problm is my trunk isnt the biggest. I have enough room to make it the recommended 3-4 cubic foot box but i would have to face the sub towards the top of my trunk. If i did this would it still sound as good as if it was facing the back of the trunk, and where would I have my port facing. Can anyone possibly make me a box design that would fit in my trunk for the 15" SSD. the trunk is about 15" tall, wheel well to wheel well is about 35" and back to front im not to sure. I would greatl appreciate some help on this. I was also planning on running my Us amps xt2000D on it.
  19. ADK

    15" / 18" enclosure questions

    so with that being said Duran, how much space would you recommend between the bottom of the magnet and bottom of the box.
  20. ADK

    15" / 18" enclosure questions

    My whole trunk lid is already dynamated. But I don't think if I were to put the 15" facing up it won't be hitting the trunk lid but instead where the speakes are.
  21. ADK

    15" / 18" enclosure questions

    does it really matter how much space you leave under your subwoofer if i were to face it up. since the mounting deph on a ssd 15" is about 8inches, is there any specific amount of space i should leave between the sub and the bottom of the box.
  22. ADK

    10" ssd box help

    I would suggest to stay on the smaller side of the recommendations so yea about .6 would be great, you would really be hitting the lows but your highs will get alot quieter compared to your ported for sure.
  23. ADK

    15" / 18" enclosure questions

    yea thats true but i got a buddy that has 2 12" premiers in his car, he has a 95 sc2 so pretty much same goes for him but my trunk is a little bit bigger and his box is also 3 cubes. So as long as the box's height doesnt exceed probably 13/14" i should be fine. im just concerened on how it'll sound facing the top of the trunk apposed to the back and where im supposed to put the port at. dimensions would help too.