Currently have 2 x 12" KFC-xw1225db in a 80 lt box tuned to 25 hz in a Custom VY commodore. I wanted to take away the box and turn in into an IB setup? Spec's for Sub are as follow... Z. 4+4 ohms Re. 3.1+3.1 Levc. 4.7 Sd. 0.0312 BL. 17.9 Vas. 113lt Mms. 126 ?? (12.6) Fs. 24 Hz Qms. 6.06 Qes. 0.37 Qts. 0.35 Xmas 9mm Peak Power. 1200 w RMS Power 300 w Sensitivity 93 db Displacement 0.15 cu-ft Currently have a mono block amp running the Sub's. Kenwood Excelon KAC-X811D ( Im sure its set to 1 ohm ) The current setup was done by Autobarn and its no good!, will the IB setup work well or any idea's on a new box?. I spend a huge amount of money for this setup 3 yrs ago and no good. Any help would be great. I modeled the sub's in win isd and it came up with 120 lt for 1 sub?. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance.