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Everything posted by HairyD

  1. HairyD

    Kicker solo x

    It was in 11.5 cubes with 300 sq in port tuned to 56hz. Not legal, that was with the door open and the mic in the floorboard. It didn't hit near as hard sealed up.
  2. HairyD

    Kicker solo x

    I had a solo x 18 in my truck on 4500 watts rms and it sounded great. But it sucked as far as putting up numbers on the mic. It would only do around 150.4 on the new meter. I've not heard any of the 12's yet.
  3. HairyD

    Stereo Competition

    I have competed in Meca for about 2 years. Usually 10 or 15 of us that travel together. Not many shows close to where we are so we have to drive around 3 to 4 hours one way.