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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. thats what i thought i tried doing that last night but i blew two fuses doing it idk why it does that but when i put the sub back in and connect it it blows them but i know why the second one blew so its all good for it but ill try again i guess later. thanks tho. just curious whats series wiring.
  2. im gonna try to do that tonight and see what he says depending on what the shop does for the sub he has thats messed up
  3. ill do the best i can to explain. my buddy just got some memphis subs the mclass 12s he has about 400 watts going to each the day after he got them one started smoking and then quit it still works but makes a clicking noise i took it out and took a look at it but didnt see anything wrong does anyone know what this could be?
  4. lol thats what i figured i told him he needed to step up a lil but the amp was actually putting around 500 to each sub i told him to step up to m3s what yall think?
  5. thats what i told him i checked his gains they werent set overly high but the amp was doing alot more than the subs could handle after i did some research
  6. has anyone ever used it and is it a good headunit?
  7. has anybody in here used rainbow audio or have some info about them?
  8. bump on this just kinda looking to see what the low line is and what top line is so i can kinda get a direction on what i need to be looking at in my price range
  9. thats the one its just kinda confusing cause of them being german do u know about them im thinking about getting some but idk whats what on there site could u help me out i dont wanna spend alot maybe 250 on a set of components
  10. im looking to get a new component speaker set to go in my s-10 they will be the only speakers i have in there so im looking for the best bang for the buck i dont wanna spend more than 230ish so i was just gonna see what u guys think i should get or look into any help would be greatly appriciated
  11. does anybody know of any schools near georgia that offer this
  12. uti and nti are the same school or atleast its on uti website
  13. ya i saw that one i was just wondering if there was any besides wyotech and uti those are the only two i really know off.
  14. i have a 2002 s-10 xtreme with a 4.3l. does anybody know if any company makes a turbo kit for my truck. id like to do intercooler and all if i could just let me know please
  15. i have a 2002 s-10 xtreme with a 4.3l. does anybody know if any company makes a turbo kit for my truck. id like to do intercooler and all if i could just let me know please
  16. just curious what is retro fitted hids and is this offer still going?
  17. my friend is wanting to get a new sub and doesnt wanna spend alot of money probably no more than 150 on the sub and it needs to be around 600 watts rms. the sub will be more for sq than anything i found this one but not sure about it. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_13201_...dio+KMX-10.html if yall have any ideas to throw out there go ahead let me know and it needs to be a ten inch. thanks
  18. my friend is a stubborn arseho when it comes to subs and wont listen to me so if its not on that website or onlinecarstereo.com he wont like it i much rather him get a ssa or ia or even fi but he dont believe me when i say they are ten times better.
  19. is there a way to buy other than pay pal im not sure if he has one
  20. i need some help with mine or anyone who knows how to work a smart phone with windows mobile
  21. looking for a new amp that does atleast 1000 watts at 2ohms and would like it to be under 300 any ideas?
  22. bump on this doesnt have to be a new amp just new to me
  23. dragonboy412002@yahoo.com

    Which subs/Amp

    i have one ten sx off a md1d and it gets plenty loud for me in an s-10 so two tens in a honda fit would be loud enough im sure
  24. i have a md1d and it makes the same clicking noise when the radio turns on and off so i think its just a thing to let u know the amp is on. i could be wrong tho. as far as the other question im not sure