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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. i like the idea of doing one amp to each sub think i might go that way weather it be two subs or one 15 i think i might actually do 2 15s or 2 twelves depending on space. ill check on that alt. the only one i could find was 500 and it wasnt 200 amps i dont think. i couldnt find that cadence omega u were talking about.
  2. well battery wise i was gonna add as i needed. alt wise im thinking about swapping out for a sliverado alt, some guys on the s-10 forum have done that gonna look into that . im looking to do about 2000 to 3000, maybe could be more but would like to stay in that range install and all if i can. lol
  3. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/compare_items.php?sort_order=%2Fviewcat.php%3Fcategory_id%3D29%26price_min%3D101%26price_max%3D250%26items_per_page%3D100%26sort_order%3Dbest_match&product_id%5B%5D=4284&product_id%5B%5D=13969&product_id%5B%5D=19852&product_id%5B%5D=2742&product_id%5B%5D=19564&product_id%5B%5D=19750&product_id%5B%5D=10493&product_id%5B%5D=5884&product_id%5B%5D=7755&product_id%5B%5D=10491 thats a site with ten of the speakers im thinking of getting anymore help?
  4. i can but id have to wait till all the roads arent flooded in ga ha. but even then i dont think the shop thats close to me sells speakers like that but who knows i could be wrong its been awhile since ive been out there. are those infinity speakers ok? ive heard mixed feelings about infinity. and if i buy a set of passive components and i dont like say the tweeters can i change them out for different ones and still use the mid and the crossover from the set?
  5. and can a regular set of components be run as active? and im thinking about getting these components infinity kappa 60.9 http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_13969_Infinity+Kappa+60.9cs.html
  6. im thinking maybe about changing my mind and doing an active set up but ill need a new amp cause the one i have doesnt have a crossover. am i correct on this? and will active be better than passive?
  7. has anyone ever used this set of focal speakers..... http://www.woofersetc.com/p3111/165V1--Focal-165V1-Polyglass-65"-2-Way-Component-Speakers.htm
  8. what is exactly would make it active or passive can you explain that too me please
  9. well can anyone tell me about the line of rainbow and focal that are about 250 ill go up to about 300 or 350 just depending.
  10. thats what everyone says is personal taste. lol. umm closest shop is about an hours drive so thats kinda out of the question the other shop doesnt have any really set up at the shop. sound offs dont really have any down here nopi had a few but its out of question till they start back up. ive seen those kick panels dont really wanna do it unless id have to id rather cut out the hole in the door panel for a custom feel in it and then later add something like that if i wanted too. not sure about that horn thing do u have any sites or anything i could take alook at those?
  11. i got a md1d amp from usamps it has a bass knob with a little led light in it does anyone know where they sell a led bulb that small so i could change it to a different color?
  12. ok once i get my led light out will it tell me what model it is or something to go by to get the right one?
  13. ok so i have a ten inch re audio sx sub d2 and an usamps md1d at one ohm the amp will do 1200 watts just exactly how do i get it to do one ohm do i just wire the sub up differently cause in the manual for the sub it shows how to wire it up parrallel is that it or what?
  14. o damn well thanks for all ur help ill change that asap
  15. well how come my sub still works hooked up like that just one positive and one negative both on the same side
  16. and one last question if i just hook the wires to one of the positive and negative what load am i getting just a 4 ohm?
  17. yes one hundred percent they dont make that sub in d1 and just checked its a d2 so ill be getting a load of 1 ohm correct? when i wire it parallel
  18. ok according to the book for parallel wiring it says impedance per coil 1 ohm 2 ohm 4 ohm then under it it says resulting impedance .5 ohm one ohm and 2 ohm if i still wire it like that will it do one ohm or .5 ohm?
  19. thats what i thought i tried doing that last night but i blew two fuses doing it idk why it does that but when i put the sub back in and connect it it blows them but i know why the second one blew so its all good for it but ill try again i guess later. thanks tho. just curious whats series wiring.