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Everything posted by kirill007

  1. Did you disconnect the subwoofer from the amp while setting gains? Set the gains again with a -6dB test tone, music is dynamic and will never reach 0dB.
  2. So the headunit always outputs around 4v?
  3. kirill007

    Can this be repaired

  4. kirill007

    Singer Alternator Bad Customer Service

    Then get off the phone, no wonder he doesn't have time left to answer other people.
  5. kirill007

    Stainless Steel Bolts for grounds

    Or just get a decent zinc plated bolt and paint/grease/whatever over your connection.(after you have connected it and prepared it properly).
  6. kirill007

    XCON Bottoming out?

    In the video it is clearly bottoming out, but it also sounds as if the gains are set too high. Does it bottom out in the box? (is it a ported box or not?)
  7. kirill007

    Good android tablet <$300?

    Presales shouldn't be encouraged... And I think he wants a Android device since it's going to be a play toy.
  8. kirill007

    Samsung smart phones

    Hopefully in less then a year we will see that.
  9. kirill007

    Samsung smart phones

    That's only if you are tied down to andriod. Windows phones are usually faster at the same pricepoint.
  10. kirill007

    Sa 12 crossover past 50hz

    Yes, the problem is probably in the gain setting. What amp are you using?its a Sundown saz 1500 running @ 2ohm That's quite a bit of amp for that box and subwoofer, try turning down the gain a bit and then turn the crossover up. Though I agree with SSH, crossover above 50-60Hz is too high for my taste, it's a SUBwoofer.
  11. kirill007

    Sa 12 crossover past 50hz

    Yes, the problem is probably in the gain setting. What amp are you using?
  12. kirill007

    Soundqubed Earbuds vs Johnathan Price's Bassbuds

    I would rather spend my money on Sennheiser earbuds..
  13. kirill007

    Car Audio Shop

    No wonder the good shops are closing down/closed down. They pay for the rent, and having things in stock, you ask for their advice and then order it off the internet...
  14. kirill007

    FM radio = more bass than iPhone signal?

    Radio stations do exagerate the bass.
  15. kirill007

    Audiopipe or Massive?

    A dcon is in the same price range. I'm just saying.. It's a solid performer.
  16. kirill007

    HDS212 Port Velocity Tolerance

    20 m/s would be more preferable.Of course. The problem I suspect the OP will run into is the balancing act between port area, port length, and tuning. With a low tuning and large port area the port could end up being a mile long, which creates its own problems. Just about every design is compromised in some way. Having a slightly smaller port area will only have a negative effect at max output, which will only be a limited amount of time. If the OP raises the tuning to try to keep the port length reasonable that will effect output at all volume levels.The OP's goals for their system will have to determine just where compromises should be made. True, but if you just make the enclosure larger that makes up for a better you end you can tune higher (and use a few tricks to lower the tuning without increasing the physical length of the port). I've built a enclosure recently for my two ten inch JL W6v2, and moddeled it to have a peak air velocity of 21.17m/s around 30Hz at peak power and I noticed while testing that it had port noise at peak power.(not audible from the front seat, but audible from the trunk and that means the port won't behave as predicted, and so the frequency response won't be as predicted) No, what you are noticing isn't actually happening, the inertia of the air is negligible.
  17. kirill007

    HDS212 Port Velocity Tolerance

    20 m/s would be more preferable.
  18. JBL makes a quality product The Icons should be a nice upgrade.
  19. How do you even know how to set the HPF at a certain number? The dails on those amps are far from accurate. You don't even have to know the tuning to set the HPF.
  20. kirill007

    sq of the judge

    This thread is like this analogy: Customer: I want a Ferrari FXX, is it a good daily driver? Can I put my kids in it? Answer: Yes, you could but why not try a Nissan GTR or a BMW M6 or a mercedes CLS63? Customer: I don't want any of those brands, I want a Ferrari.
  21. kirill007

    8s vs 12s on prefab enclosure

    Why not go with a 10? :s
  22. ok thanks so then what would kind of numbers would i be looking at for port area for my xcon 10? For the Xcon, I suggest 15.25 sq. inches of port per cube of internal volume. Per Cube?
  23. kirill007

    T/S parameters

    Yes, all the parameters that are connected to any softparts are affected (greatly).
  24. kirill007

    Better O.S.

    I would buy 8, because you will be able to upgrade for free to windows 10 when it comes out around June. Yes you will have to adapt, but if you use it like Microsoft intends you to use it you will love it.
  25. kirill007

    New to SSA

    I'm pretty sure you will like it here (more)