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Everything posted by kirill007

  1. kirill007

    alternator advice

    First look at a good quality brand, and then get the biggest alternator possible. (I know you mean quality alternator, but some people might think bigger is better disregarding quality)
  2. kirill007

    Don't know what amp to buy for fully loaded fi bl 15

    Also post a video of your problem, it might help. And post enough pictures.
  3. kirill007

    Lab dc Power supply?

    If this one is yours I can assume the numbers displayed on the picture are the maximum values, so it will only work for amps up to 3A*14V=42W. Lab power supplies aren't made to supply a lot of current.
  4. kirill007

    Lab dc Power supply?

    Yes you can, but I wouldn't advice it, although it's a 10x better option then using a xbox power supply or anything like that. The only thing I would use it for is to test if the amps work. As Julian said, home audio amplifiers will work a lot better and won't cost you a lot.
  5. kirill007

    glassing MDF enclosure

    If put a piece of tape on the end of a bound up slinky and then let it go does the tape move?Can you move in a sine wave without any velocity? Can you do a hair trick if the air isn't moving? Does water move when you push your hand through it? Do you need me to go on? The examples you have given arent that great. A better example would be putting a piece of tape on a part of a slinky and move one hand side to side. The energy transfers throug the slinky, making the slinky move to a certain extent, but once the energy dissipates the slinky will be in the same exact resting place as it was before the energy transfer, thus the tape would also be in the same place. Or, you could see it as a rope that is held on both ends, when someone moves one side up and down quickly you will see the rope form a wave of energy that is transfered from one end to the other, the rope itself will go back to the same resting place it was previously. That is how sound waves are transfered through mediums such as air.Maybe you should stop trying to read what isn't there.If you constrain the slinky in the stretch/compress direction it is akin to holding your speaker cone completely still. Perhaps when you move your hand through the water in a lake/bathtub/pool the water doesn't move in your mind, but I bet it is moving. And btw, sound is only transferred when it moves energy. Same with any wave. They are all kinetic. Curious in your example, did your hand 'move' the slinky? Han transfer energy to it, just as with the rope example. But if a sub moved air would it not create a vacuum? If so then how would the sound wave continue to travel past the vacuum? Apparently phsyics is completely incorrect about how sound travels.http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/sound/u11l1c.cfmI already know that. All im trying to say is that air is the medium with which the sound travels and basically, the medium does not move. All the medium does is transfer the energy. Put a speaker in water and you'll see the water move. The medium does move, every molecule moves "forward" and "backwards". Don't you see in the animations that the air moves? And there is no complete vacuum, as in no air at all. We can't create a complete vacuum, the speaker creates a positive and negative pressure.
  6. kirill007

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

    Monkey see monkey do. Even if it's just slinging poop
  7. kirill007

    Coaxial Question

    I'd rather go with a full Kicker install if I really had to instead of soundstream.
  8. kirill007

    Are my speakers barely breathing? Silverado question too.

    figured as much but also figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. it's built with the high qts. had a few other people say that that shouldnt affect their ability in a ported box. but I dont like to experiment and "see what happens" with expensive equipment lol Don't listen to those people.
  9. kirill007

    custom ia death penalty

    But but but it's a "upgrade"
  10. kirill007

    gt mat

    If you have to ask, then usually the answer is no.
  11. kirill007

    Crescendo PWX8 and FT1 Wiring

    Or for what you expect out of them.
  12. kirill007

    Did I miss something? 'SoundQubed'

    Pro audio products should be bought for pro audio companies, they provide you with all kind of specifications to see if they are meant for your application or not.
  13. kirill007

    Single Inputs vs Dual Inputs

    Exactly, he got a increase of 132W eventhough through calculations he should only gain about 55W.
  14. kirill007

    Single Inputs vs Dual Inputs

    I don't see why it would be easier to stuff the wire in the connector instead of in the amp connector. So you gained 132 watts? ( i assume the first number is 3798, third one 3930) Gaining 132W out of 3798W to start with is a increase of +-3%, is that worth it to buy those dual amp inputs for like what, 40-50 dollar for both(including shipping)? Offcourse not including the added wire cost. What is the measuring precision/accuracy of this test? Do you think it's less then 3.5%? I like the commercial at the end of the video.
  15. You are forgetting acoustics my friend.
  16. I'm pretty sure this is the only reason, along with people wanting subwoofers that play much lower,
  17. kirill007

    Polyester Filtering Capacitor Help

    10UF(:microfarad) with a tolerance of 10%.
  18. kirill007

    Opinions on Rockford p3 compared to sundown SA

    Very hard to believe, RF has some serious customer service going on.
  19. kirill007

    what sub is this

    Don't forget that it has a black casted basket, a 4 slug motor, a paper cone and a black dustcap of unknown material but probably paper too. It also has a black surround and black spiders with cooling holes in the basket. I hope this will help narrow your search.
  20. kirill007

    Bad news for the IA80.1

    It's always interesting reading these type of threads, you get to know a few members the way they actually are and how much they actually know. I am happy M5, Impious, Shizzon and other people who actually know what they are talking about stay on here instead of giving up.
  21. kirill007

    12" ZCon D1 4th order box sealed size help

    two subs and port firing in cabin. I know my box is two small and need to rebuild. that is why I am asking these questions. So I am going to only use one sub until it warms to where I can really rebuild. I guess it is called a bandpass box. sealed on one side and ported out the other. wanted to know what determines the sealed size for this type of build. just a thought. just seen alot of cars built with these types of boxes. thought I give it a go. but what do I know nothing obviously. Just because other people are doing it certainly doesn't make it a good idea. (usually the quite opposite is true) You don't need a 4th order bandpass, that's only usefull if the trunk is isolated from the cabin (like in a few BMW's).
  22. Because RF is a company and companies try to make the most profit. Most people want something that looks good, they've never heard anything better, they are the same people that think Bose sounds amazing.
  23. kirill007

    Anyone ever heard of/used Percy's HyperFiber?

    It's no crap, it's just company that didn't want to go trough selling it themselves so they asked him to sell it instead.
  24. kirill007

    Fi BL

    Cap's won't help support a 3kw amplifier, a alternator will help you.(I assume that mitsubishi has a alternator around 120A, so you'll need a bigger one) All a cap does is smooth out the voltage to a certain extent.