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Everything posted by kirill007

  1. kirill007

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Why isn't the microsoft surface cheaper. (with the i5 and 256gb SSD)
  2. kirill007

    building bandpass for 15, need some advice.

    So because there are thousands of idiots on youtube, doesn't mean you have to follow them. Research bandpass vs ported box. Edit: I saw M5 already explained most of it.
  3. kirill007

    TC Sounds OEMs w/Passive Radiators

    Yes you can do a single chamber, usually it's even better. The Vd(=volume displacement) should be double for the radiators. So generally double the cone area or double the amount of radiators or double the excursion on the radiators. So 3 would be better, but 4 should be ideal.
  4. kirill007

    amp ????

    I never understood why people would answer trough a PM instead of in the thread... Unless they aren't sure and even doubt their answer.
  5. kirill007


    I would pick this any day over a hifonics amp, does rated power and has been proven to be reliable over the years. It barely does... I'd pick the hifonics over this. Reason why:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVvUyesaIok
  6. kirill007

    Quick Question - Sub wire gauge

    You'll be just fine with 14g wire, as long as the wire isn't ridiculously long. Be sure to set the gain and filters properly as to not overpower the subwoofer and/or bottom it out.
  7. kirill007

    JL W7 AE Question

    Say you'll gladly take if of his hands for 200, since he doesn't have the ring.
  8. kirill007

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    :drool Love me some tube amps for guitars. I had a 100W full tube amp, used for gigs, for some reason I thought it could work well at home... (with 4 15" cabinets) I miss that amp.
  9. kirill007

    Pictures of your new equipment

    Just bought this for a steal. 2 JL 10W6V2 and a audison SR1D
  10. kirill007

    octagon and hexagon ports

    I don't need any proof that people have degrees, I need proof that people have the knowledge about the subject they are talking about. I know people that have a electrical engineering degree, but after they got it they barely know the difference between a diode and a transistor. Port volume is related to tuning, since tuning is specified you can't alter it, so the only thing you can change is the port area. You are right, but worded it illogicaly.
  11. kirill007

    octagon and hexagon ports

    Air velocity was more the factor than "cosmetics" and less port noise VIA "more port area" with the octagon ports.. Port area is what you said.
  12. kirill007

    octagon and hexagon ports

    No disrespect brother...But I studied this field for years.. Then give arguments that are based on facts and can be checked. (maybe even provide a source while you're at it.) How are Octogonal ports ever going to give more port area that the same size circle, not to mention a square port. EDIT: yes, I actually made this in paint.
  13. kirill007

    Music recorded at low volume

    Thanks.... and will do. Seems that most music recorded back in the analog days just doesn't have the volume of todays music. I guess that's why a lot of older music gets remastered when it's re-released digitally. Older music usually has a lower (average) volume because it has been recorded properly. (although this doesn't apply to all older music obviously) Today's music has less dynamics.
  14. kirill007

    Music recorded at low volume

    Yes it is safe. (as long that you keep in mind that overpowering can happen at lower volumes too, just always keep a nose on weird smells and listen for distortion)
  15. kirill007

    SP4 Recone... FOAD leads?

    Just looking at your pictures it looks like your subsonic is set too low.
  16. kirill007

    BL 15 Magnet cover?

    They won't give you a new subwoofer, for this type of cosmetic damage. If they would do that expect to pay atleast 20-25% more per subwoofer.
  17. kirill007

    DRACONIA - traces of soldering and spots of flux

    That doesn't look new at all.
  18. kirill007

    SMD DD-1

    It used to be a widely held belief that the world was flat. If a guy walked in to a pub and asked a table of men who happened to be "rounders" if the world was flat, they'd say no it's round. But an individual sitting across the isle from them hears this and leans over to the guy and says "yeah, the guys at that table are just nuts. Walk up to any other table and they'll tell you it's flat ! "The world isn't flat, no matter how many other tables say that it is. Like I said I used it as a starting point see how everything sounds. Like I set it with a 0db tone and it was quiet so I manually turned the gain up, and now its sounds much better, no clipping or smell that I can detect. I have a PAC-LC1 so I can adjust the levels for each song as like we've both said every song and freq is different some may clip while others could go way louder. Why not save over 100$ (don't know the exact price), and just start out at minimum gain?
  19. kirill007

    Box for custom built re destoyer

    need ts parameters. !
  20. Please stop and read up some more before attempting to do anything yourself it will only cause you trouble, sounds like your friend doesn't know that much if he can't easily answer this question.
  21. kirill007

    I'll just leave this here.....

    Cool, I guess I was given incorrect specifics from the guy who recommended it to me. It doesn't change the fact that your buddy shitposted up my thread with his ignorant comment. Now do you have any useful experience or objective data regarding building walls, OSB, Particle board, or epoxy or are you just shitposting as well? Imagine how much more things he said could be wrong I would love to own a JBL6000GTI one day, in my opinion it's one of the best powerful car amps made .
  22. kirill007

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Hope so. I try to learn something new every time I step in the kitchen.As do I. Last time had me become furious with my cheap knives.I will puchase new ones sooner or later.JNot new ones, but new ONE. Start with the one you use the most. Hell even if you were spending $300 I'd spend 70%+ on one knife. 99% of my cuts are with a 10" Chef's knife. The next most important knife is a bread knife, but a $10 works. Can't cut bread with a chef's knife. After that a paring knife, but I do most paring work with my chef's knife...wouldn't recommend starting out that way though.What is your take on santoku knives? J Good for housewives, I dislike it as I use the tip of a knife quite often. They are usually shorter then a regular chef's knife. Chefknivestogo.com is a great website to order a knife from, and you can ask questions on their forum.
  23. kirill007

    My Taramp HD8000 Review

    Shizzon, I'm not only talking about vibrations because of the bass, but also because you are driving around. It's going to be hard to not have any vibrations when you go down some bad roads.
  24. kirill007

    My Taramp HD8000 Review

    Now that actually makes sense instead of what the OP said.("One was becuase the wrong gauge was used for the speaker cable.Use the appropriate size for the output section. 8 gauge min) DC Resistance. That means it's not dynamic. I find it strange that these amps, or other amps for that matter don't pay enough attention to make it physically solid so the vibrations won't kill the amp.