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Everything posted by foxvega87

  1. I recently installed my SAZ-3500 with two FI BTL and everything works real good, I then connected the bass knob when I turn the bass knob down to the minmum (no maximum) the amp goes into protect. Help please I really like to have control of the bass. What can I do? And, why does it do that....
  2. foxvega87

    problem with bass knob on SAZ-3500

    I tried it with another telephone cord that's brand new and a new remote gain from another SAZ I have it still does the same thing when I turn it to the min. It enters in protection.
  3. foxvega87

    problem with bass knob on SAZ-3500

    I tried it with another telephone cord that brand new and a new bass knob
  4. foxvega87

    problem with bass knob on SAZ-3500

    I tried it twice and the amp went to protect. I got some what scared that it would go into protect completly but I will try it tommorrow to see if I did it wrong.
  5. foxvega87

    Back from SBN!

    I was there and I seen everyone.... definitely Team Nemesis was the best overall (especially giving demos)
  6. foxvega87

    BTL Lead Time!

    yea i know the build time still applies and all. and i'm willing to wait a little longer instead of getting a product that was rushed out the door. the only thing i see wrong is this - straight from the infamous email Scheduled Delivery: 08-July-2009 haha this is why you have crazy people on your hands. when i saw this i figured oh ok sub on wednesday.. just like every other person that got it. but it's all cool.. i'm posting with the best intentions.. im not trying to bitch but if you read the fine print aboe that statement "This message was sent to you at the request of Fi Car Audio to notify you that the electronic shipment information below has been transmitted to UPS. The physical package(s) may or may not have actually been tendered to UPS for shipment. To verify the actual transit status of your shipment, click on the tracking link below or contact Fi Car Audio directly. people just got confused and shit.. it happens but the only thing i'm curious about is again, if i ordered on May 14, 2009 where would i be on that list? that's all, and sorry for being a pain, thanks i was thinking like you that my subs were going to be in by today . (im a bit anixous bc i order (4) in May 19 th
  7. foxvega87

    BTL Lead Time!

    has there been a update on the btl order??????(i'm not pressuring anyone or anything in that sort.it is just a question)
  8. I have heard about this Web page and the products and they seem to interest me.This would be my first time to use these kind of products. I plan to do a blow through in a 06 ford f-150 super crew. I would like to use this product for now just in the cab of the truck ?? so my question is which kind is best for me?? aproximality how much do i need (just for the Cab)?? any advice will be good.
  9. they came in perferct condition Thanks to mark for great service ...
  10. foxvega87

    New from Louisiana

  11. foxvega87

    look what i got today some saz 3500d !!

    I'm not sure but i think all those 13 AMPS there not olny from one owner thers like 3 or 4 people that own's those amps
  12. foxvega87

    look what i got today some saz 3500d !!

    lol ....
  13. foxvega87

    Got my 22's

    yeap the importar thing that you like them !!!
  14. foxvega87

    I LOVE my 12" BL

    cool man
  15. foxvega87

    watts up from south carolina

    to SSA
  16. foxvega87

    New Sundown 3500D's in hand!

  17. foxvega87

    From: SAZ-3500D Pre-Order v.2

    He means that if you got in the first pre-sale, then you'll get your amps, but he sold the whole lot of them. So now he's doing a "round 2" so to speak. You should be getting your amp though if you got your order in in time. ok thank you for your info Its because I'm a bit excited
  18. foxvega87

    From: SAZ-3500D Pre-Order v.2

    so I'm a bit confussed, the orders from the first presale will be shipped in august also or is this going to be diffrent.??????????? I ordered 4 in the first presale.
  19. foxvega87

    SAZ-3500D Pre-Order

  20. foxvega87

    2 btl 15s

  21. foxvega87


    Your going to need more deadner then you will ever believe......... bigger amps... more alts.... more batteries.... You "rough" estimates are WAY off x2 i was like you and i done mi figures and is more than i was thinking BELIVE IT!!!!
  22. foxvega87

    New from Oregon

    WELCOME !!! to the forum
  23. foxvega87

    (6) Mayhem 15's and (6) 40.1's

    looks good !!!!
  24. foxvega87

    Sundown Sale!!

    Thanks for your business! Also let me know later in the week when you're ready for that fourth one. yea i will probably be saturday