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Everything posted by foxvega87

  1. foxvega87

    f 250

    i have something similar in a F 150
  2. foxvega87

    Sundown Sale!!

    yeap I ordered 3 SUNDOWN 3500D
  3. I know that the 3500d is on presale, how does the presale work? Were can I order them and how long does it take before I would receive them.
  4. I want to do a blow through in a 2006 f-150.I want to get 4 15" BTL fully loaded for daily at one ohm.( still dont have them) I plan to run them at 2500 rms each one to uptain 10,000 rms all toghther. I would like to know what amps would be good for these subs. I have read about Sundowm and US amps. They seem like good amps. I would like to know if there is any other kind to uptain all the best in all the aspets power,price,and warranty.
  5. but isnt 4 2000d a total of 8k How long does the preorder take so I could have the amps???
  6. I plan to spend about $2000 to $3000 I saw that sundown SAZ3500D in preorder special is at $850what do you think about that deal.
  7. these are the measurement of the cargo space. Length-66 inches Width- 62 inches height- 22 inches Is there another way that I can take the measurements. They have told me that the 15" would fit better than the 18". I perferr the 18" if they would fit.
  8. I have a 2006 F-150 super crew. I'm planning in running 10000 rms in 4 subs. I plan to install them in the bed of the truck but I dont know what size is better for a blow through. I would like to have 4 18'' but I dont know if they would have the space that they would need.
  9. the heigth of the rails are 1/5 inch so i have 21.5 inches
  10. the measurements that i gave are from the inside of the bed.
  11. I have the measurement of the cargo space they are:: INSIDE LENGHT-66 inches WIDTH- 62 inches HEIGHT-22 inches cargo box volume about 55 cu.ft.
  12. ok i will do it !!!!! but i want to use the whole bed of the truck only for exemple...
  13. any opinions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Help be decide which sub's is better for my project. I want to do a blow through in a 2006 ford f-150 super crew. This past weekend I heard two addictive audio aa15v3 in a ford ranger, it sounded really good.But, I have never heard a Fi BTL. What do you guys think? What is a better sub? Has anyone heard both sub's? The only think that draws my attention of the addicive audio is that it has a warranty for three years, and I don't know if Fi has any warranty or not.
  15. foxvega87

    Again Fi BTL or Addictive Audio????

    i found the prices. what options do u recommend i want around 2500 rms.what is the INNER HEAT SINK?
  16. foxvega87

    Again Fi BTL or Addictive Audio????

    yeah i know i did some figures and when i saw how much i am going to spend i got freaked out. what can i do if i am addictide to this
  17. foxvega87

    Again Fi BTL or Addictive Audio????

    I don't see any prices !!!!!!!
  18. foxvega87

    Again Fi BTL or Addictive Audio????

    to be honest i would like the btl's. because its not just going to be one it will be 4 15 or 18 (it depends on the price) that is why i want to be sure.
  19. I want to buy 2 Fi BTL 18'' with 4000 to 5000 rms each. they will be in a 2006 ford F-150 in a "blow through" i still dont have any amps, i normally listen to music with low notes. some guy told me that if i order a sub with 5k i could not play it for more than 30 sec cause it would burn. would that be true. how much would a sub run of this type?
  20. foxvega87

    what opitions would be good for 2 Fi BTL 18''?

    what electrial do you recommend? you think that 3500k is a better option then 4k per sub daily??????
  21. I want to buy 2 Fi BTL 18" but the place where I would be getting it installed at want to sell me 2 Addictive Audio 18", but they only have 2000 watts RMS each and I want 4000 to 5000 watts RMS. you guys think that i can get a Fi BTL with that kind of power. I still dont have any amps. For 2 Addictive audio they want to sell it to me for $1000. I need all you guys opinon.
  22. foxvega87

    what opitions would be good for 2 Fi BTL 18''?

    because i want to be the loudest of my county i might not have the expirence that is needed but thats why i'm doing this with the help of profesionals because i want to do a blow through :clap:
  23. foxvega87

    what opitions would be good for 2 Fi BTL 18''?

    quote name='rumproast789' date='Mar 4 2009, 10:23 PM' post='485376'] hey sorry to go off topic, what does your friends 6000 watt system consist of? But yeah, idk all I know is that you would have to be VERY careful powering doulbe the rated power to each sub. I know it can be done but you better have a perfectly clean signal, and a pretty thoughout sized enclosure. he has everything of rockford fosgate amps, wires, mids,highs,power master batterys, would it be good to use the wires of RF????