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Everything posted by sq_mgb

  1. Anyone from here going to Hot Springs this weekend? If it's anything at all like Fordyce was, it should be a great time. Todd Crowder and crew put on a great show. Details can be found on soundoff.org under events. See ya there!
  2. sq_mgb

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    How's that midbass going to be again? Just messin' with ya J-Road....build looks great. Can't wait to hear it one day.
  3. sq_mgb

    Happy Birthday

    ^X2 Happy Birthday!
  4. sq_mgb

    4x SA-8s + The CRX = More Fun

    Wow! Nice score! Keep up the good work!
  5. sq_mgb

    Blues Production Sub's. . . . . . . Remember

    Yea thats a 10" iso-kit. We should be able to reproduce those a little later in the year! or you might can talk sq_mgb out of one of the FIFTY hes got! I don't have that many....yet. I do have the drivers to make at least 8 Triso's! And J-Road....if you ever want to try a Stroker, let me know. I have a couple of 12's and a 15 NIB.
  6. Come on warm weather! The "B" is calling!

  7. Come on warm weather! The "B" is calling!

  8. Come on warm weather! The "B" is calling!

  9. sq_mgb

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    Sorry to hear about the snow.....I HATE working in the cold. Progress looks good, be sure to let us know soon as to the effectiveness of the LLP. That's the next step in my truck is to put something like LLP over the back wall, the floor and doors (IF I can squeeze it between the panel and the door skin now). My truck is sort of quiet, but I know there's LOTS of room for improvement. I'm following this closely....... So get back to work and get those midbasses in the doors!
  10. sq_mgb

    Blues Production Sub's. . . . . . . Remember

    Here ya go J-Road....this is one I was going to put in my truck. I didn't use it because it was too tall after I got the thing together and since the new drivers couldn't be used this way we (I) decided to scrap it. The 8's see roughly .66-.70cu. ft. each and the space between the 10 and the 8's is as small as possible. If you look close, you will see that there is only ONE way the drivers will go in the box. Hope that's what you were looking for!
  11. sq_mgb

    Blues Production Sub's. . . . . . . Remember

    Actually, this is what I was referring to....my mind isn't gone after all! Better, Stronger, Faster
  12. sq_mgb

    Blues Production Sub's. . . . . . . Remember

    nah nah nah nah nah nah.....it's been awhile since I saw that show.....thanks for helping an old dog remember Denim!
  13. sq_mgb

    Blues Production Sub's. . . . . . . Remember

    Talk to Mike, he's the one with the crazy idea (like you) of building a tri-so wall. Get a camper shell/snugtop for your truck and a good case of metal mites. Maybe TJ should do that instead of all those 15's he's planning on. Actually Chris Underwood had the idea of an "ISO-TRISO" wall.....basicly instead of using 2 eights and a 10 you would use 4eights and 2 tens with all the speakers in an iso formation!!!!! Fs would be somewhere below 20hz and would only need a cubic foot of air! And yall call me the crazy one! I probably dont need to mention the power handling capabilities(i mean its six motor structures driving one enclosure) Gives a whole new meaning to 6appeal huh johnny! Mike....think we can talk TJ out of 4 cu.ft. of air? We have the technology.....we can rebuild him....better, stronger, faster....
  14. sq_mgb

    My first box build...

    Nice work....I especially like the brace design......
  15. sq_mgb

    Blues Production Sub's. . . . . . . Remember

    I have one of those factory Tri-Sobaric boxes. It will be the sub in another room's small system I'm putting together. A Tri-So's would look really cool if the front is done with some 1" plexi for the box front with some led lighting. Rich and I have talked about doing this. The dual Tri-So will probably stay put in the home theather. Jimmy and I are cooking up some sick ideas for the sub stage in the GN. So, that means the GN is coming out of retirement, but the $6000 estimate for paint has put a crimp in the plans. Working on getting a spare mostly stock motor/trans in it now. You can always send that motor and trans to me and we can put it in the MGB! Of course, the body would probably twist in two from the torque....oh well.....I guess I'll have to be satisfied with my 0-60 time measured by a CALENDAR! On the subject of Triso boxes....how many would you like to build?
  16. sq_mgb

    Blues Production Sub's. . . . . . . Remember

    Be sure to let me know if you do have a breakthrough! And thanks for all YOUR help too in getting my truck ready for the shows.
  17. sq_mgb

    Blues Production Sub's. . . . . . . Remember

    Thanks Mike! I appreciate all the advice you've (along with Ray) given me on how to build this thing, I just wish I lived closer! Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend in Hot Springs, hopefully I can continue to do well. Can't wait to see what you have up your sleeve with some of the builds coming up! Mike Darville gave me some really good advice in Kansas City and did his best to educate me on things to listen for and how to make my truck sound better. I just hope I can convey the gratitude I have for all the help I've received and I hope I haven't left anyone out that's helped me through this install. Thanks everyone for all the help and well wishes, see ya at the shows!
  18. sq_mgb

    Sir-Lancelot's Build Log - Updated July 17th - Page 8

    Dude....that truck is SICK! I'm digging on the new shoes for the ride and that box.......I bet that thing slams like HOLY HELL! Keep up the good work and keep those pics coming!
  19. sq_mgb

    Blues Production Sub's. . . . . . . Remember

    Thanks guys....I appreciate all the positive comments. I was at Fordyce and showed the truck to several people, I just wish I would have had it all dialed in. Due to a pinched wire (my crappy, rushed install) I lost a preamp the Monday before the show. I changed it out for my spare that isn't matched for left/right balance or my head unit output voltage so I wasn't as good as I could have been, but it was ok. I still have to get the speaker angles right, but that's just time spent over many days coming. As M5 said, the dash is not my friend and he's right. Changes in angle that I can't see make a difference in the stage and image. It's just going to take more time to get it right. Thanks again everyone for all the well wishes, it makes all the time and effort worth it.
  20. sq_mgb

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    Excellent work as always.....now more pics!
  21. sq_mgb

    J-Roadtatts Honda Accord Build

    Now that is one sexy speaker! More pics! More pics! Did I say more pics??? Can't wait to see them installed...warn me before you crank those bad boys up, I want earplugs! I'm sure you'll have them installed in no time, looking forward to seeing the finished product. Keep up the great work!
  22. sq_mgb

    Sir-Lancelot's Build Log - Updated July 17th - Page 8

    We've been asking that same thing for years now....nine 18's in an astro van came pretty close...it was loud and musical at the same time, but I can't remember how it staged and imaged. Tonally it was very accurate, and it shook everything around it at the turn of a knob! I'll try to get pics of it from Ray when I go back down again. I think you'll like it.
  23. sq_mgb

    Sir-Lancelot's Build Log - Updated July 17th - Page 8

    Looks good brother! That thing must hammer! I'm looking forward to a trip out your way to hear it. Keep up the good work.
  24. Here is a teaser pic for my new console that's going in my truck. Hopefully the picture will show up since I'm new to posting pics. Looking forward to documenting the process for you guys.