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Everything posted by A.SMALL

  1. The title should have 3 NS1's not 2 Seen this on FB, thought i'd share it on here... http://youtu.be/6wAalrgVOkc This is the same guy that had the Regal with 8 DP 12's and 8 AP1800...think I seen a video of him doing 60's then. http://youtu.be/2gaC0OYQDno
  2. A.SMALL

    I think I broke it....please advise

    Understood , thanks for the clarification
  3. A.SMALL

    I think I broke it....please advise

    No. You need to understand the rest of ohms law. When you factor in impedance (E^2/R) you realize that 9V battery isn't putting out as little as you think. Since my understanding isn't as good as yours what resistance would you use for that formula? Internal resistance of the battery? Wax on... Wax Off...Wax On...Wax.....
  4. A.SMALL

    I think I broke it....please advise

    Current! Voltage is only part of the equation (Power = Voltage * Current) Most small 9v batteries put out current that's rated in milliamps I believe so it's not fair to compare a little 9v battery to a 1500 watt amp. Just an estimate but.... 9v @ .005A = a staggering 0.045 watts VS. 20v @ 40 amps = 800 watts Big difference there...lol
  5. A.SMALL

    a memeber has questions....

    LOL ....the heck
  6. A.SMALL


    He definitely has some songs that get low in the 20's & low 30's. And putting the peak frequencies in the title is nice too unless you have a headunit that runs out of character space to display the titles smh ---> Pioneer AVH 4300. In my experience XCON + Decaf = WTF face & "I never heard lows like that before" from people that have sat in my car lol.
  7. A.SMALL


    Without getting too technical (because I can't lol) the zip file is just a file that contains the actual folders that hold the music. So playing them is just like playing any other mp3 file but first you need a program to extract the folders from the downloaded file I use Win RAR and it's pretty simple to use.
  8. A.SMALL


    No prob man! I would just say be careful with it, i'm not sure how clean the music is in regards to clipping maybe others can comment on that.
  9. A.SMALL


    It's a different mix of regular and slowed songs plus instrumentals, some with added bass lines some with just boosted bass lines. A lot of loud songs but the overall quality is lacking in most of what I heard. I know there were issue in the past on other forums with the posting of links to the files because of copyrights so I won't post a link here but if you google decaf music/decaf zips his facebook profile should pop up and you'll find out what you need from there.
  10. A.SMALL

    FI Sp4 On Fire.. Warranty?

    Anybody have a link to where the issues with the Sundown amps have been discussed or know which model amps have had these issues?
  11. A.SMALL


    You'll definitely should be able to hear a difference in output going from a 1500 to a 3500 as long as you're able to support it with a good electrical system. I've always been able to tell the difference in doubling power. From what I understand doubling power becomes less noticeable once you go up in greater magnitudes of power and start to surpass the thermal handling of a driver. Maybe my ears are just that sensitive but I wish I couldn't tell that difference so I would be satisfied with running a much smaller/cheaper amp.
  12. A.SMALL

    95 Honda Accord Build Crossfire XS-V2 18"

    Feeling the whole build but the what you did with the tablet and EQ looks so clean man, good stuff!
  13. A.SMALL

    Old School Cerwin Vega Stroker 18's

    Okay thanks for the info. The guy that he traded his box to for these was asking for $250 on top of the box that he traded. Hopefully we'll be able to get a box built for at least one of them soon so we can see if they're worth anything at all.
  14. My cousin just got these in a trade for his box that I built for his 2 cvx 15's. We hooked them up free-air and they sound find but we won't know for sure until we put them in an enclosure. I've seen them sale for $300+ on other forums. Anybody have any idea on how much they are worth? Guy wants him to add cash and we're just trying to see what's a fair asking price for these. Old School Cerwin Vega Stroker 18D2's
  15. I'm pretty sure it'll be easier to return/exchange the amp for something smaller than it would be to get your order with SSA changed..
  16. A.SMALL

    Mazda 8x Sa-12s on 10k

    Sa's definitely getting down with the new power man. Was this show local?
  17. A.SMALL

    Mazda 8x Sa-12s on 10k

    Dang, didn't even know there was a video in the original post Lol. I'm on mobile and for some reason can't see videos anymore...FTL
  18. A.SMALL

    Mazda 8x Sa-12s on 10k

    Im no expert on #s but sounds like a low end monster to me, 55's in the 30's Damn. Still want to hear this in person.
  19. A.SMALL

    S. DeYoung

    Ordered a XCON 15 Tuesday, transaction went smooth and it arrived safe and sound today (Thursday) . Hell of a deal and fast shipping. Thanks S.DeYoung/W140!
  20. A.SMALL

    15" SSA XCON D2

  21. A.SMALL

    First Week of Owning the SSA Evil

    The SSA Evil...word.....nice man.
  22. Have you bought any of this equipment yet? If not i would recommend you step back and re-evaluate. After looking at the specs on those 4x6's you'll be over powering them by a good bit. If you already have the equipment or you still want to buy it be careful with the gain and EQ.
  23. If you wire the 4x6's to one channel and the tweets to another you wont have any channel seperation between the speakers. Wire one 4x6 and one tweeter in parallel to each channel.
  24. Isn't there a volume control on your ipod? lol That's how you can control the volume, also the gain on your amp can be adjusted.
  25. So there is one wire running from your box to the amp? If so you should get the same reading by touching the positive and negative speaker wire to the leads on your dmm. If your're getting that high of an ohm reading then that indicates an open circuit. Meaning you have a wire loose somewhere. When you measure resistance you're measuring with the meter in series with the circuit, if the circuit is not complete (reading 2ohms in your case) you get infinite or very high resistance reading like you're getting. Check your wire connections to the sub again. If you have extra wire laying around unhook the speaker wire from your amp. Run the new wire from your amp to your sub box, or to the other sub that you know works and see if you get any sound.