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Everything posted by wink757

  1. wink757

    Upgrade from a W6

    You should try to find a used Sundown 1500 and a Xcon
  2. wink757

    New Site is Live !

    New site looks great. I no the site is not finished but I was looking for the subs and all you had was the SA line. Are you going to have all the new subs on the site?
  3. Welcome to the forum. Have you thought about getting a single Xcon 12 put into a custom ported enclosure and a nice size amp to push it. You would get great sound and it will get loud.
  4. What happen to ur sub from undergroundrobot? You can't go wrong with the icon. It gets loud and sounds good with deep bass all around solid sub/
  5. wink757

    What sub...

    What does your electrical look like? Are you planning on going with more power or are you going to stick with the sae 1200? The Xcon is a great sub that gets loud and still sounds good. If you are going to go with the BTL that is more SPL then the Xcon. Why not go with 2-12" Sundown SA12's they are getting good reviews and can handle that power and more I have seen guys running a SAZ2000 to 2 SA12's and are real happy.
  6. wink757

    Audibel Customs is closing shop

    good luck and wish I could get one last box
  7. wink757

    Temporary Production Shutdown

    Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest.
  8. why don't you get another 1500 and strap them you will have enough power then
  9. wink757

    Xcon or Icon for my ED Nine.1 ?

    2-12's have more cone area so yes they will be louder.
  10. wink757

    ohm reading after wired up.

    I no you said you have it ran in parallel but are you by any chance still checking one coil or are you checking bot coils together. If you are checking both coils together you have d4 subs but make sure you have both coils together no wires that are not connected
  11. wink757


    why not get 2 Dcons or the Sundown SA series subs for that 1000 watts. You can add another 1000 slash amp and go bigger. It's all in your budget but if you want to keep it down those 2 brands will give you all they got and sound good doing it.
  12. Look into the Sundown 8's they have a good price and a overall good speaker
  13. wink757


    I just got my 2000 and let me tell you that amp was worth the wait. I had the 1500 and you can tell the difference in the power. when I had the 1500 hooked up to 2 RF T112d2 subs I could run it at 1/2ohm and it would rumble the car hard but with he 2000 I have it at 2ohms and those subs are hitting harder now than at the 1/2ohm of the1500 I would not dare put them at 1/2ohm or turn it up at the 2ohm's with this 2000. This amp is a beast I have played alot of amps and this thing is strong. If your sub can't handle over 2000 rms don't do it if you want them!!!!!
  14. wink757

    Has anyone had this sub.

    did you see the midbass that's got to be the funniest thing out
  15. wink757

    what subs should i get?

    Why not get you a DC level 4. You could get a 10 or 12 and have a good loud sub that sounds good.
  16. wink757

    new subs coming soon

    why not the new sundown sa-12's they will do the job and at a good price.
  17. wink757

    Just got my SAX-125.2

    Sundown ill make you a believer one way or another. There amps do rated and above all the time nobody can say they don't get the power out of Sundown that's why you see people changing from there major brand amps to Sundown because they do better job all the way around. From SQ to SPL low ohm's to high ohm's you can't beat Sundown and CS out of the WORLD!!! Thanks Jacob for such a great product .
  18. wink757

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    We haven't heard much from you on this monster van have you put the power cables in and got it cranking on the meter yet? I no it takes time and you building all those enclosures but can you give us another treat of the van more vids please
  19. wink757

    My new system build

    That system looks great! What are they level 4 D2's? If you what to gain do like I did trade the Sundown 1500's to the Sundown 2000's you will get some more DB's then, they are .7 DB louder than the 1500's and what ohm load are you running the DC's? Everything looks good and one more thing what type of alternator do you have and do you have a external voltage regulator?
  20. wink757

    trying to fit.....

    That 15 in the proper enclosure will out play that 18 in the wrong size box, but I have seen IS300's with 2-12's and that Sundown 1500 slam if you can get the proper enclosure that would hit harder than that single 15 and 18
  21. wink757

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    Trevor did u do anything to the van this weekend? I have been tuned in from the beginning looking forward to Sunday night ,Monday morning to see updates on that monster low end van of yours. I no you are trying to get the electrical right I was just wondering what is going on. Loved the first vid now ready to see more and some numbers.
  22. wink757

    Connecting 2 triple Voice Coils subs

    what type of speakers are you running but if you hook all of the leads in parallel you will get a 1.34ohm load are these subs or speakers i would be the same load.
  23. wink757

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    Come on add the vids
  24. wink757

    Thumppers Ford Windstar Ground Pounder

    you say that amp bench at 6500 at what ohm load and voltage was that that is over double rated power I did not n tat amp did that much power that's got to be the most underrated amp out there but it is the highest i no that either way that van is going to be sick 20hertz 150 what you think
  25. wink757

    look what i got today some saz 3500d !!

    I see alot of 3500's coming out they look good when are the 2000's coming I can't wait to do some damage of myself come on Jacob with the 2000s we want to play 2