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Everything posted by foolioGrimz

  1. foolioGrimz

    Personal Banners for SSAudio

    how bout this? not as good lookin as the others but...
  2. disturbed- a welcome burden off dracula 2000 soundtrack humble brothers-brakestand off of NFS HP2 audio slave-show me how to live I dont listen to rap much, but anyone some with good songs with bass?
  3. foolioGrimz

    too little power on your subs?

    it is from the basic car audio knowlege site made by Perry Babin--I have purchased the CD(better than the site IMO) but if you want to dig through all of it be my guest http://www.eatel.net/~amptech/elecdisc/caraudio.htm its the cut and paste man back in action! :boxin: lol, JK