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Everything posted by knightwhosaysni

  1. knightwhosaysni

    SSA Black Friday | 4 Day Event

    SCHWEET! Is Sundown going to be included as well?????
  2. knightwhosaysni

    Sub Upgrade Question

    Hey everybody, Currently Ive got a Image Dynamics ID12v.3 in a 1cuft sealed enclosure powered by and Alpine M500 in my Subaru Impreza. I find myself wanting just bit more impact. Im curious about an IXL 10 in a sealed enclosure... What do you guys think? Could it do it? What kind of power would be needed? 1000watts? Will more power but less cone and less XMAX be able to do it? Anyway just looking for experience and opinions on this. Thanks!
  3. knightwhosaysni


    Is that a CVR 15? How does it sound? must hit pretty good with a 600.1 on it... Any pics of the enclosure build? Any idea of the size? Looks sharp!
  4. knightwhosaysni

    E30 BMW Sub Install

    Nice! Looks good with the beauty board up! Good work on a tiny budget!