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Everything posted by ludeman

  1. ludeman

    Happy Birthday Mr. Aaron Clinton

    Enjoy your special day.
  2. Depends on the judge, I'll be there around 10am.
  3. Getting ready for comp on Sunday!

    1. EPerez


      Let us know how the comp goes!

  4. ludeman

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I gotta start posting here more often you guys having to much fun!
  5. No problem, I'll be driving the black prelude with purple decals.
  6. You should be able to do a fun run. If I was off I would have knocked a basic/econo box for you.
  7. Just a regular store front parking lot most park next door at Burger King! The lanes are in the install bays. **Update this will include a 1x NSPL***
  8. *Registration Opens: 11 *Contest Begins: 1130 *Entry Fee: a new unopened toy *Prizes: certifacates in frames *Other Info: this will be a Db Drag BassRace NSPL IASCA Bass Boxing and concert showdown must buy a new toy for each event you would like to compete in please make toys between 15-20 dollar range
  9. Gonna play with this for a few days on paper. Thanks for your time.
  10. Facing forward drivers side or centered, will endup building both along with an external 6" PSP. Burp box just a tad for music that peaks along with the car!
  11. 4th order, for competition use need to peak around 53hz. Thanks for spending your down time with us!
  12. Yeah! A bandpass for 2 SA-10's with spl coils max dimensions are 25wX12.5hx30d. Power will be from Cactus k5 can set gains accordingly!
  13. ludeman

    Our Products we offer - SPL-LAB USA

    How can I order just a case for the hand held?
  14. ludeman

    DR or DP?

    I'm having a box built by Fisher Customs 2.5 cubes tuned to 32hz! My plans were to get the DR 12 but I found some extra pennies and can step-up to a DP 12. Should I take the step-up? Will order Friday AM.
  15. ludeman

    DR or DP?

    It's been a while, so I decided to dust off my DR 12 and burp it with a Cactus 5k: Sealed up on dash: Hardcore meter in kick drivers door open: Not bad for being put away for over a year!
  16. ludeman

    Group Buy and Leasing available SOON! SPL-Lab USA

    Yep, down this time!
  17. ludeman


    A++ customer service and product (8" port flares) kept informed from production to my door step!