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Everything posted by ludeman

  1. ludeman

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Watching woofer videos on ROE!
  2. ludeman

    Question for IA?

    How much will it be if you made DP or DR 10"?
  3. ludeman

    Introducing Supergauss

  4. ludeman

    Last video of my setup

    I feel you on the weight thing I'm thinking about a 2 cube with aero ports, myself! Nice videos, your videos sold me on IA!!!
  5. ludeman

    ssa xcon 12" vs. 15"

    I got 1 12 in my lude! Sounds like a 15 to me!
  6. Does anyone know the magnet width?
  7. I have narrowed down to 1 12" ported, 2 10" ported or 2 12" sealed for bass racing! The ported box will be tuned to 32hz.
  8. ludeman

    Hello from D.C.

    Take your shoes off for a while, you will learn alot!
  9. ludeman

    Ported vs. Sealed Poll!

    1993 Honda Prelude
  10. ludeman

    Ported vs. Sealed Poll!

    Can't edit post from my home computer on Itouch!
  11. ludeman

    Ported vs. Sealed Poll!

    1 12" Ported will be Fi BTL fully loaded 2 12" Sealed will be SSA Xcons 2 10" Ported will be Fi BL fully loaded Goal is 139 bass race!
  12. ludeman

    Time for upgrade!

    Just got my hands on a SAZ-3000d and I need 1 12" sub that will work with the FC box I have 2.5 cubes at 32hz!
  13. ludeman

    project bass race

    Yeah! I'll be waiting on the Monster too!
  14. ludeman

    IA death row

    Good combo!
  15. ludeman

    RamenNoodle's Accord Wall Build

    Plugged in too!
  16. ludeman

    Time for upgrade!

    I want to get competitive in the 129 or 139 bass race and around 140 and up in the db drag!
  17. ludeman

    Time for upgrade!

    I want to win the mini sub class. 1 sub, 1 amp, 1 battery.
  18. ludeman

    Time for upgrade!

    Will the custom 12" Nightshade work with my 2.5 cubes, I heard they like small boxes?
  19. ludeman

    xcon or dc level 4xl

    I say Xcon, plus I'm gonna get a 12" for father's day!!!
  20. I'll be there late! Don't know if I will make registration deadline!
  21. ludeman

    Graduated today

    Congratulations, now the game of life begins!
  22. ludeman

    New SAE-1200!

    Any information on the new SAE-1200?
  23. ludeman

    Final decision maker

    LI 12's more air!
  24. ludeman

    Underpowering a 15" Death Row

    Got the same amp powering my DR 12, you will need more power as I do too! I'm just waiting for box recomendations for the Warden Series first! Before I by the amp.
  25. ludeman

    Incriminator Shirts

    Any Team Shirts available?