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Everything posted by ludeman

  1. ludeman

    Nightshades No More !

    Will enclosure specs be the same as original Nightshades?
  2. ludeman

    Nightshades No More !

    What's this magic box?
  3. Poptronics Electronics,7719 Harford Rd., 21234. This is a 1x event and car show. All classes offered including mini street. reg. begins at 10 ends at 12noon qualifing starts at 11am ends at 1pm the cost is $30 flat fee this show will be done a 5pm it is a Sunday event. Anybody going?
  4. ludeman

    Made another 10" Nightshade

    Always been a fan of 10" subs
  5. ludeman

    New subs, enough power?

    I say go with a 3000d for space reasons, the DP's sounded good with 700 watts didn't hear them with the IA 20 yet!
  6. ludeman


    Any updates?
  7. If you plan on watching the WF on dBTV you will need to download the new and improved version of the dBTV Client.
  8. Got my spare change right and I'm getting ready to get my DC alternator its a 250 Amp large case "hybrid" that does 140 amp at idle. Is this enough with one D2400 under hood (in car now) & a second one (needs to be purchased) in the trunk to give my 3000d the current it needs?
  9. ludeman

    Important Announcement from Fisher Customs

    Glad your back I'll be needing a new box in a month!
  10. ludeman

    update on Alex(chops grandson)

    Wow this is tough to read, I'll keep you and the family in my prayers! Get well soon lil guy!
  11. ludeman

    IA on Facebook!

    My wife told me about facebook, so I got on and look who I found: Incriminator Audio
  12. ludeman

    2 death penalty 12's 1200 w clamped power

    In some testing we've done here they have been able to take 7kw of so for burps. After that I'm not sure, we haven't had a chance to try anything over that yet. Thanks, Nick DP DP2 Was looking through the IA Forum pages and found this! Wonder how much the DR can take for spl?
  13. ludeman

    2 death penalty 12's 1200 w clamped power

    I did yesterday used a my wife's car as the mule. Used different frequences to see which one will set off the alarm 48 sets it off, but something about 46 that's makes the box sound funny, 47 & 49 makes the alarm chirp. 44 & 45 are okay nothing crazy happing!
  14. ludeman

    2 death penalty 12's 1200 w clamped power

    IA's don't need much power to show-off, but when they get it watch-out!
  15. ludeman

    First Time competing Scores!

    This is the 137.5 Run! Okay I got a little cocky with the time! Camera man got to excited.
  16. ludeman

    4 15 wardens walled < in action >

    4 Stetsom 14k2d's
  17. ludeman

    incriminator honda crv

  18. ludeman

    First Time competing Scores!

    I'm playing in the mid 130's which is cool for me, Maybe 3 min. at the most. Unless I'm showing off the equipment!
  19. ludeman

    4 15 wardens walled < in action >

    I got a chance to listen and I'm still speachless!!!!
  20. ludeman

    First Time competing Scores!

    First got more power, played the same 32hz from the first comp. Did a 134db and qulified. Listening to a Vet Ian Cutting "said that my note is to low" ran home burned a 38hz cd. Thank You! Note is still to low. Read that you should use 8hz above box tuning? Don't know but will try next time!
  21. ludeman

    First Time competing Scores!

    New high set today 138db at 38hz, Bassrace was in the 120-129 but ran over in the eliminations!
  22. ludeman

    port placement?

    I thought about that with a 15, I don't think it would 'cause a problem loose the rear deck speakers. I've seen a few trunks with the woofers firing up, crx style boxes.
  23. ludeman

    port placement?

    I'll have to look around and get a list to you. Watcha you need?
  24. ludeman

    port placement?

    towards the cab, port is on passenger side.
  25. ludeman

    port placement?

    I gutted out the backseats, port and woofer firing forward! Box and tunning is right on point! Push box 3-4 inches from back have port behind fold down seat. start from there! You got a pm!