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Everything posted by masteryoda

  1. masteryoda


    lets see it happen!!
  2. masteryoda


    That sounds great!! what kind of car? I am sure that with two NS you should be able to hit a 150db!! If you can try to get on a meter before you get to far ito the build and add all the damping material! you will want to do some before and aftertesting I have sen people add mat and it hurt there score! and I have seen a 150db in a Tahoe with a single 15 and a SAZ 3500 so I am sure with two SAZ2000s it will be there! remeber the best rule of thumb is TEST TEST TEST!
  3. masteryoda

    Nightshade v.2 Teaser Picture

    what is the expected price tag of this interesing new toy? it was posted that the pole pice will have new mesurments? Will this have a 4"coil? (that would be nice) Still waiting on new Neo subs too!! all in all this thing looks great so far cant wait to see how they will perform?
  4. masteryoda

    SAE1200, something wrong?

    I am sure that if it is a warrenty issue Jacob will get you taken care of!!
  5. masteryoda

    SAE1200, something wrong?

    it does sound like some sort of loose connection? just have to start checking all the connections? try removing the gain knob and see if you are having the smae issue? you could just have a short in the gain knob?
  6. masteryoda

    Help me decide

    I would run the 50.4 it is a much better option for future upgrades!! I don't know anyone that dosn't upgrade sooner or later!!
  7. masteryoda

    My new box

    he has two group 31 yellow tops under the box! he also has done some testing and the Kia peaks around 52Hz
  8. masteryoda

    Running 3000D at .25

    I smell smoke at that low of a rise!!
  9. masteryoda

    Running 3000D at .25

    I am sure that is not recomended!! and will void your warrenty
  10. masteryoda

    Team Sundown SBN Housing

    march 13th 2010 in daytona FL
  11. masteryoda

    Team Sundown SBN Housing

    that is a great Idea we aready have a house booked from tuesday to tuesday in Daytona!! hope to see every one there
  12. masteryoda

    Nov. 14th Show

    well there was some good numbers out there!! I didnt get them all but here are a few trunk 0-500 145.8db SSNW 157.2db demo run 153.7db @ 24Hz!!
  13. masteryoda

    Nov. 14th Show

    Here is the link for the Flyer for the Nov. 14th Awards show for Comp. Only. This will also be a Iasca and DB drag Event! hope to see every one there!! http://www.teamolskool.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1433
  14. masteryoda

    Nov. 14th Show

    Bump show is in two days!!
  15. masteryoda

    Nov. 14th Show

    bump show is in a week!!
  16. masteryoda

    Nov. 14th Show

    that sounds great hope to see you at the show!!
  17. masteryoda

    Nov. 14th Show

  18. masteryoda

    Nov. 14th Show

    Due to an unforseen scheduling problem the new show location will be at Shaw Park in Sumter Sc same date and time!! right next to Shaw Airforce Base in Sumter on Broad Street Ext. across from Scooters Lounge. hope to see everyone at the show!!
  19. masteryoda

    Nov. 14th Show

    2 to 2.5 hrs Bump!!!
  20. masteryoda

    Nov. 14th Show

    your not even going to do bass boxing in Iasca? you know Walt iss doing that show!
  21. masteryoda

    Nov. 14th Show

    anyone going to make this show?
  22. masteryoda

    Nov. 14th Show

    Thanks!! I hope that everyone can make the show!! it should be a great show!!!
  23. masteryoda

    Nov. 14th Show

    I posted another Flyer on the link it is in a PDF format try that it should work for you. Sorry for the problems
  24. masteryoda

    Nov. 14th Show

    i tried to do that! for some reason it wasn't working? not sure why? any way the Show is in Sumter, SC Dillion Park show is from 12pm-4pm on Nov 14th. I will try to fix this when I get home from work
  25. masteryoda

    Greg Welch October 24th

    ok show is in 5 days!! anyone else going?